#!/usr/bin/lua require("aports") require("lfs") local db local function build_is_outdated(pkg) local apk_attr = lfs.attributes(aports.get_apk_file_path(pkg)) local apkbuild_attr = lfs.attributes(pkg.dir.."/APKBUILD") if apk_attr == nil then return true end return os.difftime(apk_attr.modification, apkbuild_attr.modification) < 0 end local function build_is_missing(pkg) return lfs.attributes(aports.get_apk_file_path(pkg)) == nil end -- subcommands ----------------------- subcmd = {} subcmd.revdep = { desc = "Print reverse dependencies", usage = "PKG...", run = function(opts) local i for i = 1, #opts do db:foreach_revdep(opts[i], function (k,p) print(p.pkgname) end) end end } subcmd.list = { desc = "Print all packages built from aports tree", usage = "", run = function() db:foreach(function (k) print(k) end) end } subcmd.recursdeps = { desc = "Recursively print all make dependencies for given packages", usage = "PKG...", run = function (opts) for i = 1, #opts do db:recurs_until(opts[i], function(pn) print(pn) end) end end } subcmd.builddirs = { desc = "Print the build dirs for given packages in build order", usage = "PKG...", run = function(opts) local i, p, _ local visited = {} local to_print = {} for i = 1, #opts do db:foreach_pkg(opts[i], function(_, p) to_print[p.dir] = true end) end for i = 1, #opts do db:recurs_until(opts[i], function(pn) local j,p db:foreach_pkg(pn, function(j, p) if to_print[p.dir] then print(p.dir) to_print[p.dir] = nil end end) end) end end } subcmd.sources = { desc = "List sources", usage = "PKG...", run = function(opts) local i, p, _ for i = 1, #opts do db:foreach_pkg(opts[i], function(_, p) aports.foreach_remote_source(p, function(url) print(p.pkgname, p.pkgver, string.gsub(url, p.pkgver, "$VERSION")) end) end) end end } subcmd["rebuild-list"] = { desc = "List packages that can/should be rebuilt", usage = "", run = function() local outdated = {} db:foreach(function(k) db:foreach_pkg(k, function(_, p) if build_is_outdated(p) then table.insert(outdated, p.pkgname) end end) end) -- print build dirs in build sort order subcmd.builddirs.run(outdated) end } subcmd["build-list"] = { desc = "List packages that is not built", usage = "", run = function() local missing = {} db:foreach(function(k) db:foreach_pkg(k, function(_, p) if build_is_missing(p) then table.insert(missing, p.pkgname) end end) end) -- print build dirs in build sort order subcmd.builddirs.run(missing) end } function print_usage() io.write("usage: ap -d <DIR> SUBCOMMAND [options]\n\nSubcommands are:\n") local k,v for k in pairs(subcmd) do print(" "..k) end end -- those should be read from some config file repodirs = {} -- parse args i = 1 opts = {} help = false while i <= #arg do if arg[i] == "-d" then i = i + 1 repodirs[#repodirs + 1] = arg[i] elseif arg[i] == "-h" then help = true else opts[#opts + 1] = arg[i] end i = i + 1 end cmd = table.remove(opts, 1) if cmd == nil then print_usage() -- usage return end if #repodirs == 0 then if lfs.attributes("APKBUILD") then repodirs[1] = string.gsub(lfs.currentdir(), "(.*)/.*", "%1") else repodirs[1] = lfs.currentdir() end end if subcmd[cmd] and type(subcmd[cmd].run) == "function" then db = aports.new(repodirs) loadtime = os.clock() subcmd[cmd].run(opts) runtime = os.clock() - loadtime -- io.stderr:write("db load time = "..tostring(loadtime).."\n") -- io.stderr:write("cmd run time = "..tostring(runtime).."\n") else io.stderr:write(cmd..": invalid subcommand\n") end