#!/bin/sh # checkapk - find ABI breakages in package upgrades # Copyright (c) 2012 Natanael Copa <natanael.copa@gmail.com> # # Distributed under GPL-2 # abuild_ver=@VERSION@ datadir=@datadir@ if ! [ -f "$datadir/functions.sh" ]; then echo "$datadir/functions.sh: not found" >&2 exit 1 fi . "$datadir/functions.sh" usage() { cat >&2 <<__EOF__ $prog $abuild_ver - find ABI breakages in package upgrades Usage: $prog Run in the directory of a built package. __EOF__ } if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then usage exit 2 fi if ! [ -f "$abuild_conf" ] && ! [ -f "$abuild_userconf" ]; then die "no abuild.conf found" fi if ! [ -f APKBUILD ]; then die 'This must be run in the directory of a built package.' fi . ./APKBUILD startdir="$PWD" tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t checkpkg-script.XXXXXX) cd "$tmpdir" || die "Failed to create temp dir" for i in $pkgname $subpackages; do _pkgname=${i%:*} pkg=${_pkgname}-$pkgver-r$pkgrel pkgfile=${pkg}.apk repodir=${startdir%/*} repo=${repodir##*/} for filepath in "$PKGDEST"/$pkgfile "$REPODEST"/$repo/$CARCH/$pkgfile "$startdir"/$pkgfile; do if [ -f "$filepath" ]; then break fi done [ -f "$filepath" ] || die "could not find $pkgfile" # generate a temp repositories file with only the http repos grep ^http: /etc/apk/repositories > $tmpdir/repositories oldpkg=$(apk fetch --repositories-file $tmpdir/repositories --simulate 2>&1 | sed 's/^Downloading //') if [ "${oldpkg}" = "${pkg}" ]; then die "The built package ($_pkgname) is the one in the repo right now!" fi apk fetch --repositories-file $tmpdir/repositories --stdout $_pkgname \ | tar -zt | grep -v '^\.SIGN\.' | sort > filelist-$_pkgname-old \ || die "Failed to download old pkg. Maybe run 'apk update'?" tar -ztf "$filepath" | grep -v '^\.SIGN\.' | sort > "filelist-$_pkgname" diff -u "filelist-$_pkgname-old" "filelist-$_pkgname" if diff "filelist-$_pkgname-old" "filelist-$_pkgname" | grep '\.so' > /dev/null 2>&1; then mkdir -p pkg cd pkg tar -zxf "$filepath" > /dev/null diff "../filelist-$_pkgname-old" "../filelist-$_pkgname" | awk '/>.*\.so/{$1 = ""; print $0}' | while read i; do echo "${i}: " "$(objdump -p "$i" | grep SONAME)" done cd .. else msg "No soname differences for $_pkgname." fi done msg "Files saved to $tmpdir"