- confirm whether to act (show changeset-size, installed, removed) if
  other packages affected then the ones explicitly specified

- Index/pkginfo reader: same field multiple times -> memleak

- Compress 'installed' and 'scripts'
- Repository support:
	- always keep local copy of index
	- cache .apks on USB stick when using network repo for reboot

- Error handling and rollback

- New user/group creation

- Non-trivial solution finding
- Provides

- Remember counts for hash table creation

- Possibly create a token hash for package names, versions and licenses, etc.
- Option to not read fs entry cache

- Special packages?:
	- alpine-core: refuse to remove, installed at reboot?
	- alpine-sdk: to setup sdk environment

- Oldies:
  add, delete: read (pkgs+fs), modify DEPs, recalc+commit+write (pkgs+fs)
  fetch: read (pkgs), download remote packages
  fetch -u: read (pkgs), download indexes, write (pkgs)
  glob: read (pkgs), operate on package db
  info: read (pkgs+fs), mostly on package db, might need .apks
  version: read (pkgs), compare all installed pkg versions

- New:
  deps: show master dependencies
  index: new TARGET, scan packages, write INDEX (pkgs)
  upgrade: read TARGET, mark upgrade flags, recalculate, commit (pkgs+fs)