apk-audit(8) # NAME apk audit - audit directories for changes # SYNOPSIS *apk audit* [<_options_>...] _directories_... # DESCRIPTION *apk audit* audits the specified directories for changes from the package database. By default, the output format is one file per line, for each affected file. A character is printed indicating the change detected, followed by a space, then the affected path. The changes detected are: |[ A :< File added | d : Directory added | D : Directory added (with non-listed files/subdirs) | M : File metadata changed (uid, gid, or mode) | m : Directory metadata changed | U : File contents modified | X : File deleted | x : xattrs changed # OPTIONS *--check-permissions* In addition to checking file contents, check the uid, gid, and file mode as well. *--packages* Instead of printing each modified file, print the names and versions of the packages which own the affected files. *--system* List all modified configuration files (in protected_paths.d) that need to be backed up. *-r, --recursive* Descend into directories and audit them as well. # AUTHORS Natanael Copa ++ Timo Teräs