apk-cache(8) # NAME apk cache - manage a local cache of package files # SYNOPSIS *apk cache* [<_options_>...] clean *apk cache* [<_options_>...] download *apk cache* [<_options_>...] sync # DESCRIPTION *apk cache download* will fetch package files from the repositories and store them in the cache, which must be enabled upfront (see *apk-cache*(5)). *apk cache clean* will remove package files which are no longer necessary, having been made obsolete by new versions or no longer being transitively depended on by packages in _world_. *apk cache sync* performs both operations. # OPTIONS *-l, --latest* Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a package from, preferring only repositories from which the latest version is available. This has no effect on pinned packages. *-u, --upgrade* When caching packages which are already installed, prefer their upgrades rather than considering the requirement fulfilled by the current installation. # AUTHORS Natanael Copa ++ Timo Teräs