apk-info(8) # NAME apk info - print detailed information about packages # SYNOPSIS *apk info* [<_options_>...] _packages_... *apk info* -W _file_ # DESCRIPTION *apk info* prints information known about the listed packages. By default, it prints the description, webpage, and installed size of the package (equivalent to *apk info -dws*). Each field printed is prefaced by the name of the package and its package version, then the field to be displayed, and a newline. The following lines display the appropriate information, then an empty line terminates that field. *apk info -W* _file_ prints the package which owns the specified file. # OPTIONS *-a, --all* List all information known about the package. *-d, --description* Print the package description. *-e, --installed* Check if the package is installed, printing its name and exiting with status code zero if so, or exiting with a nonzero status code otherwise. *-L, --contents* List files included in the package. *-i, --install-if* List the package's install_if rule, if configured (i.e. the conditions under which this package will be installed automatically). *-I, --rinstall-if* List other packages whose install_if rules refer to this package. *-r, --rdepends* List reverse dependencies of the package (all other packages which depend on the package). *-R, --depends* List the dependencies of the package. *-s, --size* Print the package's installed size. *-w, --webpage* Print the URL for the package's upstream webpage. *-W, --who-owns* Print the package which owns the specified file. *--license* Print the package SPDX license identifier. *--replaces* List the other packages for which this package is marked as a replacement. *--triggers* Print active triggers for the package. # AUTHORS Natanael Copa ++ Timo Teräs