apk-upgrade(8) # NAME apk upgrade - upgrade installed packages # SYNOPSIS *apk upgrade* [<_options_>...] # DESCRIPTION *apk upgrade* upgrades installed packages to the latest version available from configured package repositories (see *apk-repositories*(5)). # OPTIONS *apk upgrade* supports the commit options described in *apk*(8), as well as the following options: *-a, --available* Resets version constraints in _world_ (see *apk-world*(5)) and prefers replacing or downgrading packages if the currently installed package is no longer available from any repository (instead of holding them). *-l, --latest* Disables normal heuristics for choosing which repository to install a package from, preferring only repositories from which the latest version is available. This has no effect on pinned packages. *--no-self-upgrade* Do not do an early upgrade of the 'apk-tools' package. *--self-upgrade-only* Only perform a self-upgrade of the 'apk-tools' package. # AUTHORS Natanael Copa ++ Timo Teräs