apk(8) # NAME apk - Alpine Package Keeper # SYNOPSIS *apk* [<_options_>...] _command_ [<_arguments_>...] # DESCRIPTION *apk* manages packages installed on the system. The set of top level packages to install is called the _world_ (see *apk-world*(5)). *apk* supports various sub-commands to query and manipulate _world_ and local & remote package repositories. # COMMANDS Each command is documented in detail on its manual page. ## PACKAGE INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL |[ *apk-add*(8) :< Add packages to _world_ and commit changes | *apk-del*(8) : Remove packages from _world_ and commit changes ## SYSTEM MAINTENANCE |[ *apk-fix*(8) :< Fix, reinstall or upgrade packages without modifying _world_ | *apk-update*(8) : Update repository indexes | *apk-upgrade*(8) : Install upgrades available from repositories | *apk-cache*(8) : Manage the local package cache ## QUERYING PACKAGE INFORMATION |[ *apk-info*(8) :< Give detailed information about packages or repositories | *apk-list*(8) : List packages matching a pattern or other criteria | *apk-dot*(8) : Render dependencies as graphviz graphs | *apk-policy*(8) : Show repository policy for packages ## REPOSITORY MAINTENANCE |[ *apk-index*(8) :< Create repository index file from packages | *apk-fetch*(8) : Download packages from global repositories to a local directory | *apk-manifest*(8) : Show checksums of package contents | *apk-verify*(8) : Verify package integrity and signature ## MISCELLANEOUS |[ *apk-audit*(8) :< Audit system for changes | *apk-stats*(8) : Show statistics about repositories and installations | *apk-version*(8) : Compare package versions or perform tests on version strings # GLOBAL OPTIONS The following options are available for all commands. *-f, --force* Enable selected --force-\* options (deprecated). *-i, --interactive* Ask confirmation before performing certain operations. *-p, --root* <_ROOT_> Manage file system at _ROOT_. *-q, --quiet* Print less information. *-U, --update-cache* Alias for '--cache-max-age 1'. *-v, --verbose* Print more information (can be specified twice). *-V, --version* Print program version and exit. *-X, --repository* <_REPO_> Specify additional package repository. This option can be specified multiple times. *--allow-untrusted* Install packages with untrusted signature or no signature. *--arch* _ARCH_ Temporarily override architecture, to be combined with --root. *--cache-dir* _CACHEDIR_ Temporarily override the cache directory. _CACHEDIR_ is treated relative to the _ROOT_. *--cache-max-age* _AGE_ Maximum AGE (in minutes) for index in cache before it's refreshed. *--force-binary-stdout* Continue even if binary data will be printed to the terminal. *--force-broken-world* Continue even if _world_ cannot be satisfied. *--force-non-repository* Continue even if packages may be lost on reboot. This can happen when running in run-from-tmpfs mode, and installing non-repository package. *--force-old-apk* Continue even if packages use unsupported features. *--force-overwrite* Overwrite files in other packages. *--force-refresh* Do not use cached files (local or from proxy). *--keys-dir* _KEYSDIR_ Override directory of trusted keys. This is treated relative to _ROOT_. *--no-cache* Do not use any local cache path. *--no-network* Do not use the network. The cache is still used when possible. *--no-progress* Disable progress bar even for TTYs. *--print-arch* Print default arch and exit. *--progress* Show progress. *--progress-fd* _FD_ Write progress to the specified file descriptor. *--purge* Delete modified configuration files on package removal and uninstalled packages from cache on cache clean. *--repositories-file* _REPOFILE_ Override system repositories, see *apk-repositories*(8). Specifying this option overrides the normal repositories file and repositories.d directory processing. The given _REPOFILE_ is relative to the startup directory since apk 2.12.0_rc2. *--wait* _TIME_ Wait for TIME seconds to get an exclusive repository lock before failing. # COMMIT OPTIONS The following options are available for all commands which commit the database. *-s, --simulate* Simulate the requested operation without making any changes. *--clean-protected* Do not create .apk-new files in configuration directories. *--overlay-from-stdin* Read list of overlay files from stdin. Normally this is used only during initramfs when booting run-from-tmpfs installation. *--no-scripts* Do not execute any scripts. Useful for extracting a system image for different architecture on alternative _ROOT_. *--no-commit-hooks* Skip pre/post hook scripts (but not other scripts). *--initramfs-diskless-boot* Used by initramfs when it's recreating root tmpfs. This enables selected force options to minimize failure, and disables commit hooks, among other features. # NOTES This apk has coffee making abilities. # AUTHORS Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>++ Timo Teräs <timo.teras@iki.fi>