#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "adb.h" #include "apk_blob.h" /* Block enumeration */ static inline struct adb_block *adb_block_validate(struct adb_block *blk, apk_blob_t b) { size_t pos = (char *)blk - b.ptr; if (pos == b.len) return NULL; pos += sizeof(struct adb_block); if (pos > b.len || ADB_BLOCK_SIZE(blk) > b.len - pos) return ERR_PTR(-EBADMSG); return blk; } struct adb_block *adb_block_first(apk_blob_t b) { return adb_block_validate((struct adb_block*)b.ptr, b); } struct adb_block *adb_block_next(struct adb_block *cur, apk_blob_t b) { return adb_block_validate((struct adb_block*)((char*)cur + sizeof(struct adb_block) + ADB_BLOCK_SIZE(cur)), b); } /* Init stuff */ int adb_free(struct adb *db) { if (db->mmap.ptr) { munmap(db->mmap.ptr, db->mmap.len); } else { struct adb_w_bucket *bucket, *nxt; int i; for (i = 0; i < db->num_buckets; i++) list_for_each_entry_safe(bucket, nxt, &db->bucket[i], node) free(bucket); free(db->adb.ptr); } return 0; } void adb_reset(struct adb *db) { struct adb_w_bucket *bucket, *nxt; int i; for (i = 0; i < db->num_buckets; i++) { list_for_each_entry_safe(bucket, nxt, &db->bucket[i], node) free(bucket); list_init(&db->bucket[i]); } db->adb.len = 0; } int adb_m_map(struct adb *db, int fd, uint32_t expected_schema, struct adb_trust *t) { struct stat st; struct adb_header *hdr; struct adb_block *blk; struct adb_verify_ctx vfy = {}; int trusted = t ? 0 : 1; if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) return -errno; if (st.st_size < sizeof *hdr) return -EIO; memset(db, 0, sizeof *db); db->mmap.ptr = mmap(NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); db->mmap.len = st.st_size; if (db->mmap.ptr == MAP_FAILED) return -errno; hdr = (struct adb_header *) db->mmap.ptr; if (hdr->magic != htole32(ADB_FORMAT_MAGIC)) goto bad_msg; if (expected_schema && expected_schema != le32toh(hdr->schema)) goto bad_msg; db->hdr = *hdr; db->data = APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(db->mmap.ptr + sizeof *hdr, db->mmap.len - sizeof *hdr); adb_foreach_block(blk, db->data) { apk_blob_t b = APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN((char*)(blk+1), ADB_BLOCK_SIZE(blk)); switch (ADB_BLOCK_TYPE(blk)) { case ADB_BLOCK_ADB: if (!APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(db->adb)) goto bad_msg; db->adb = b; break; case ADB_BLOCK_SIG: if (APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(db->adb)) goto bad_msg; if (!trusted && adb_trust_verify_signature(t, db, &vfy, b) == 0) trusted = 1; break; default: if (APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(db->adb)) goto bad_msg; break; } } if (!trusted) blk = ERR_PTR(-ENOKEY); if (IS_ERR(blk)) goto err; return 0; bad_msg: blk = ERR_PTR(-EBADMSG); err: adb_free(db); return PTR_ERR(blk); } int adb_w_init_dynamic(struct adb *db, uint32_t schema, void *buckets, size_t num_buckets) { size_t i; *db = (struct adb) { .hdr.magic = htole32(ADB_FORMAT_MAGIC), .hdr.schema = htole32(schema), .num_buckets = num_buckets, .bucket = buckets, }; if (num_buckets) { for (i = 0; i < db->num_buckets; i++) list_init(&db->bucket[i]); } return 0; } int adb_w_init_static(struct adb *db, void *buf, size_t bufsz) { *db = (struct adb) { .hdr.magic = htole32(ADB_FORMAT_MAGIC), .adb.ptr = buf, .mmap.len = bufsz, }; return 0; } /* Read interface */ static inline void *adb_r_deref(const struct adb *db, adb_val_t v, size_t offs, size_t s) { offs += ADB_VAL_VALUE(v); if (offs + s > db->adb.len) return NULL; return db->adb.ptr + offs; } adb_val_t adb_r_root(const struct adb *db) { if (db->adb.len < sizeof(adb_val_t)) return ADB_NULL; return *(adb_val_t *)(db->adb.ptr + db->adb.len - sizeof(adb_val_t)); } uint32_t adb_r_int(const struct adb *db, adb_val_t v) { uint32_t *int4; switch (ADB_VAL_TYPE(v)) { case ADB_TYPE_INT: return ADB_VAL_VALUE(v); case ADB_TYPE_INT_32: int4 = adb_r_deref(db, v, 0, sizeof int4); if (!int4) return 0; return le32toh(*int4); default: return 0; } } apk_blob_t adb_r_blob(const struct adb *db, adb_val_t v) { void *blob; size_t len; switch (ADB_VAL_TYPE(v)) { case ADB_TYPE_BLOB_8: blob = adb_r_deref(db, v, 0, 1); len = *(uint8_t*) blob; return APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(adb_r_deref(db, v, 1, len), len); case ADB_TYPE_BLOB_16: blob = adb_r_deref(db, v, 0, 2); len = le16toh(*(uint16_t*) blob); return APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(adb_r_deref(db, v, 2, len), len); case ADB_TYPE_BLOB_32: blob = adb_r_deref(db, v, 0, 4); len = le32toh(*(uint32_t*) blob); return APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(adb_r_deref(db, v, 4, len), len); default: return APK_BLOB_NULL; } } struct adb_obj *adb_r_obj(struct adb *db, adb_val_t v, struct adb_obj *obj, const struct adb_object_schema *schema) { adb_val_t *o; uint32_t num; if (ADB_VAL_TYPE(v) != ADB_TYPE_ARRAY && ADB_VAL_TYPE(v) != ADB_TYPE_OBJECT) goto err; o = adb_r_deref(db, v, 0, sizeof(adb_val_t[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES])); if (!o) goto err; num = le32toh(o[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES]); o = adb_r_deref(db, v, 0, sizeof(adb_val_t[num])); if (!o) goto err; *obj = (struct adb_obj) { .schema = schema, .db = db, .num = num, .obj = o, }; return obj; err: *obj = (struct adb_obj) { .schema = schema, .db = db, .num = 1, .obj = 0, }; return obj; } struct adb_obj *adb_r_rootobj(struct adb *db, struct adb_obj *obj, const struct adb_object_schema *schema) { return adb_r_obj(db, adb_r_root(db), obj, schema); } adb_val_t adb_ro_val(const struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i) { if (i >= o->num) return ADB_NULL; return o->obj[i]; } uint32_t adb_ro_int(const struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i) { adb_val_t val = adb_ro_val(o, i); if (val == ADB_NULL && o->schema && o->schema->get_default_int) return o->schema->get_default_int(i); return adb_r_int(o->db, val); } apk_blob_t adb_ro_blob(const struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i) { return adb_r_blob(o->db, adb_ro_val(o, i)); } struct adb_obj *adb_ro_obj(const struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i, struct adb_obj *no) { const struct adb_object_schema *schema = NULL; if (o->schema) { if (o->schema->kind == ADB_KIND_ARRAY) schema = container_of(o->schema->fields[0].kind, struct adb_object_schema, kind); else if (i > 0 && i < o->schema->num_fields) schema = container_of(o->schema->fields[i-1].kind, struct adb_object_schema, kind); assert(schema->kind == ADB_KIND_OBJECT || schema->kind == ADB_KIND_ARRAY); } return adb_r_obj(o->db, adb_ro_val(o, i), no, schema); } static struct adb *__db1, *__db2; static const struct adb_object_schema *__schema; static int wacmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { struct adb_obj o1, o2; adb_r_obj(__db1, *(adb_val_t *)p1, &o1, __schema); adb_r_obj(__db2, *(adb_val_t *)p2, &o2, __schema); return o1.schema->compare(&o1, &o2); } int adb_ra_find(struct adb_obj *arr, int cur, struct adb *db, adb_val_t val) { adb_val_t *ndx; __db1 = db; __db2 = arr->db; __schema = arr->schema; assert(__schema->kind == ADB_KIND_ARRAY); __schema = container_of(__schema->fields[0].kind, struct adb_object_schema, kind); if (cur == 0) { ndx = bsearch(&val, &arr->obj[ADBI_FIRST], adb_ra_num(arr), sizeof(arr->obj[0]), wacmp); if (!ndx) return -1; cur = ndx - arr->obj; while (cur > 1 && wacmp(&val, &arr->obj[cur-1]) == 0) cur--; } else { cur++; if (wacmp(&val, &arr->obj[cur]) != 0) return -1; } return cur; } /* Write interface */ static inline size_t iovec_len(struct iovec *vec, size_t nvec) { size_t i, l = 0; for (i = 0; i < nvec; i++) l += vec[i].iov_len; return l; } static unsigned iovec_hash(struct iovec *vec, size_t nvec, size_t *len) { size_t i, l = 0; unsigned hash = 5381; for (i = 0; i < nvec; i++) { hash = apk_blob_hash_seed(APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(vec[i].iov_base, vec[i].iov_len), hash); l += vec[i].iov_len; } *len = l; return hash; } static unsigned iovec_memcmp(struct iovec *vec, size_t nvec, void *base) { uint8_t *b = (uint8_t *) base; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < nvec; i++) { if (memcmp(b, vec[i].iov_base, vec[i].iov_len) != 0) return 1; b += vec[i].iov_len; } return 0; } static adb_val_t adb_w_error(struct adb *db, int rc) { assert(0); db->hdr.magic = 0; return ADB_ERROR(rc); } static size_t adb_w_raw(struct adb *db, struct iovec *vec, size_t n, size_t len, size_t alignment) { void *ptr; size_t offs, i; if ((i = ROUND_UP(db->adb.len, alignment) - db->adb.len) != 0) { memset(&db->adb.ptr[db->adb.len], 0, i); db->adb.len += i; } if (db->adb.len + len > db->mmap.len) { assert(db->num_buckets); if (!db->mmap.len) db->mmap.len = 8192; while (db->adb.len + len > db->mmap.len) db->mmap.len *= 2; ptr = realloc(db->adb.ptr, db->mmap.len); assert(ptr); db->adb.ptr = ptr; } offs = db->adb.len; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { memcpy(&db->adb.ptr[db->adb.len], vec[i].iov_base, vec[i].iov_len); db->adb.len += vec[i].iov_len; } return offs; } static size_t adb_w_data(struct adb *db, struct iovec *vec, size_t nvec, size_t alignment) { size_t len, i; unsigned hash, bucketno; struct adb_w_bucket *bucket; struct adb_w_bucket_entry *entry = 0; if (!db->num_buckets) return adb_w_raw(db, vec, nvec, iovec_len(vec, nvec), alignment); hash = iovec_hash(vec, nvec, &len); bucketno = hash % db->num_buckets; list_for_each_entry(bucket, &db->bucket[bucketno], node) { for (i = 0, entry = bucket->entries; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bucket->entries); i++, entry++) { if (entry->len == 0) goto add; if (entry->hash != hash) continue; if (entry->len == len && iovec_memcmp(vec, nvec, &((uint8_t*)db->adb.ptr)[entry->offs]) == 0) { if ((entry->offs & alignment) != 0) goto add; return entry->offs; } } entry = 0; } bucket = calloc(1, sizeof *bucket); list_init(&bucket->node); list_add_tail(&bucket->node, &db->bucket[bucketno]); entry = &bucket->entries[0]; add: entry->hash = hash; entry->len = len; entry->offs = adb_w_raw(db, vec, nvec, len, alignment); return entry->offs; } static size_t adb_w_data1(struct adb *db, void *ptr, size_t len, size_t alignment) { struct iovec vec[] = { { .iov_base = ptr, .iov_len = len }, }; if (!ptr) return ADB_NULL; return adb_w_data(db, vec, ARRAY_SIZE(vec), alignment); } void adb_w_root(struct adb *db, adb_val_t root_val) { struct iovec vec = { .iov_base = &root_val, .iov_len = sizeof(adb_val_t), }; adb_w_raw(db, &vec, 1, vec.iov_len, sizeof root_val); } void adb_w_rootobj(struct adb_obj *obj) { adb_w_root(obj->db, adb_w_obj(obj)); } adb_val_t adb_w_blob(struct adb *db, apk_blob_t b) { union { uint32_t u32; uint16_t u16; uint8_t u8; } val; uint32_t n = b.len; struct iovec vec[2] = { { .iov_base = &val, .iov_len = sizeof val }, { .iov_base = (void *) b.ptr, .iov_len = n }, }; adb_val_t o; if (n > 0xffff) { val.u32 = htole32(n); vec[0].iov_len = sizeof val.u32; o = ADB_TYPE_BLOB_32; } else if (n > 0xff) { val.u16 = htole16(n); vec[0].iov_len = sizeof val.u16; o = ADB_TYPE_BLOB_16; } else { val.u8 = n; vec[0].iov_len = sizeof val.u8; o = ADB_TYPE_BLOB_8; } return ADB_VAL(o, adb_w_data(db, vec, ARRAY_SIZE(vec), vec[0].iov_len)); } adb_val_t adb_w_int(struct adb *db, uint32_t val) { if (val >= 0x10000000) return ADB_VAL(ADB_TYPE_INT_32, adb_w_data1(db, &val, sizeof val, sizeof val)); return ADB_VAL(ADB_TYPE_INT, val); } adb_val_t adb_w_copy(struct adb *db, struct adb *srcdb, adb_val_t v) { void *ptr; size_t sz, align = 1; if (db == srcdb) return v; switch (ADB_VAL_TYPE(v)) { case ADB_TYPE_SPECIAL: case ADB_TYPE_INT: return v; case ADB_TYPE_INT_32: sz = align = sizeof(uint32_t); goto copy; case ADB_TYPE_BLOB_8: ptr = adb_r_deref(srcdb, v, 0, 1); sz = 1UL + *(uint8_t*) ptr; goto copy; case ADB_TYPE_BLOB_16: ptr = adb_r_deref(srcdb, v, 0, 2); sz = 1UL + *(uint16_t*) ptr; goto copy; case ADB_TYPE_OBJECT: case ADB_TYPE_ARRAY: { adb_val_t cpy[512]; struct adb_obj obj; adb_r_obj(srcdb, v, &obj, NULL); sz = adb_ro_num(&obj); if (sz > ARRAY_SIZE(cpy)) return adb_w_error(db, E2BIG); cpy[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES] = obj.obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES]; for (int i = ADBI_FIRST; i < sz; i++) cpy[i] = adb_w_copy(db, srcdb, adb_ro_val(&obj, i)); return ADB_VAL(ADB_VAL_TYPE(v), adb_w_data1(db, cpy, sizeof(adb_val_t[sz]), sizeof(adb_val_t))); } case ADB_TYPE_INT_64: case ADB_TYPE_BLOB_32: default: return adb_w_error(db, ENOSYS); } copy: ptr = adb_r_deref(srcdb, v, 0, sz); return ADB_VAL(ADB_VAL_TYPE(v), adb_w_data1(db, ptr, sz, align)); } adb_val_t adb_w_adb(struct adb *db, struct adb *valdb) { uint32_t bsz; struct adb_block blk = { .type_size = htole32((ADB_BLOCK_ADB << 30) + valdb->adb.len) }; struct iovec vec[] = { { .iov_base = &bsz, .iov_len = sizeof bsz }, { .iov_base = &blk, .iov_len = sizeof blk }, { .iov_base = valdb->adb.ptr, .iov_len = valdb->adb.len }, }; if (valdb->adb.len <= 4) return ADB_NULL; bsz = htole32(iovec_len(vec, ARRAY_SIZE(vec)) - sizeof bsz); return ADB_VAL(ADB_TYPE_BLOB_32, adb_w_raw(db, vec, ARRAY_SIZE(vec), iovec_len(vec, ARRAY_SIZE(vec)), sizeof(uint32_t))); } adb_val_t adb_w_fromstring(struct adb *db, const uint8_t *kind, apk_blob_t val) { int r; switch (*kind) { case ADB_KIND_BLOB: case ADB_KIND_INT: return container_of(kind, struct adb_scalar_schema, kind)->fromstring(db, val); case ADB_KIND_OBJECT: case ADB_KIND_ARRAY:; { struct adb_obj obj; struct adb_object_schema *schema = container_of(kind, struct adb_object_schema, kind); adb_wo_alloca(&obj, schema, db); r = schema->fromstring(&obj, val); if (r) return ADB_ERROR(r); return adb_w_obj(&obj); } default: return ADB_ERROR(ENOSYS); } } struct adb_obj *adb_wo_init(struct adb_obj *o, adb_val_t *p, const struct adb_object_schema *schema, struct adb *db) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(adb_val_t[schema->num_fields])); /* Use the backing num entries index as the 'maximum' allocated space * information while building the object/array. */ p[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES] = schema->num_fields; *o = (struct adb_obj) { .schema = schema, .db = db, .obj = p, .num = 1, }; return o; } void adb_wo_reset(struct adb_obj *o) { uint32_t max = o->obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES]; memset(o->obj, 0, sizeof(adb_val_t[o->num])); o->obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES] = max; o->num = 1; } void adb_wo_resetdb(struct adb_obj *o) { adb_wo_reset(o); adb_reset(o->db); } static adb_val_t __adb_w_obj(struct adb_obj *o, uint32_t type) { uint32_t n, max = o->obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES]; adb_val_t *obj = o->obj, val = ADB_NULL; if (o->schema && o->schema->pre_commit) o->schema->pre_commit(o); for (n = o->num; n > 1 && obj[n-1] == ADB_NULL; n--) ; if (n > 1) { obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES] = htole32(n); val = ADB_VAL(type, adb_w_data1(o->db, obj, sizeof(adb_val_t[n]), sizeof(adb_val_t))); } adb_wo_reset(o); o->obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES] = max; return val; } adb_val_t adb_w_obj(struct adb_obj *o) { return __adb_w_obj(o, ADB_TYPE_OBJECT); } adb_val_t adb_w_arr(struct adb_obj *o) { return __adb_w_obj(o, ADB_TYPE_ARRAY); } adb_val_t adb_wo_fromstring(struct adb_obj *o, apk_blob_t val) { adb_wo_reset(o); return o->schema->fromstring(o, val); } adb_val_t adb_wo_val(struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i, adb_val_t v) { if (i >= o->obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES]) return adb_w_error(o->db, E2BIG); if (ADB_IS_ERROR(v)) return adb_w_error(o->db, ADB_VAL_VALUE(v)); if (v != ADB_NULL && i >= o->num) o->num = i + 1; return o->obj[i] = v; } adb_val_t adb_wo_val_fromstring(struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i, apk_blob_t val) { if (i >= o->obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES]) return adb_w_error(o->db, E2BIG); if (i >= o->num) o->num = i + 1; return o->obj[i] = adb_w_fromstring(o->db, o->schema->fields[i-1].kind, val); } adb_val_t adb_wo_int(struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i, uint32_t v) { if (o->schema && o->schema->get_default_int && v == o->schema->get_default_int(i)) return ADB_NULL; return adb_wo_val(o, i, adb_w_int(o->db, v)); } adb_val_t adb_wo_blob(struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i, apk_blob_t b) { return adb_wo_val(o, i, adb_w_blob(o->db, b)); } adb_val_t adb_wo_obj(struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i, struct adb_obj *no) { assert(o->db == no->db); return adb_wo_val(o, i, adb_w_obj(no)); } adb_val_t adb_wo_arr(struct adb_obj *o, unsigned i, struct adb_obj *no) { assert(o->db == no->db); return adb_wo_val(o, i, adb_w_arr(no)); } adb_val_t adb_wa_append(struct adb_obj *o, adb_val_t v) { if (o->num >= o->obj[ADBI_NUM_ENTRIES]) return adb_w_error(o->db, E2BIG); if (ADB_IS_ERROR(v)) return adb_w_error(o->db, ADB_VAL_VALUE(v)); o->obj[o->num++] = v; return v; } adb_val_t adb_wa_append_obj(struct adb_obj *o, struct adb_obj *no) { assert(o->db == no->db); return adb_wa_append(o, adb_w_obj(no)); } adb_val_t adb_wa_append_fromstring(struct adb_obj *o, apk_blob_t b) { return adb_wa_append(o, adb_w_fromstring(o->db, o->schema->fields[0].kind, b)); } void adb_wa_sort(struct adb_obj *arr) { __db1 = __db2 = arr->db; __schema = container_of(arr->schema->fields[0].kind, struct adb_object_schema, kind); qsort(&arr->obj[ADBI_FIRST], adb_ra_num(arr), sizeof(arr->obj[0]), wacmp); } void adb_wa_sort_unique(struct adb_obj *arr) { int i, j, num; adb_wa_sort(arr); num = adb_ra_num(arr); if (num >= 2) { for (i = 2, j = 2; i <= num; i++) { if (arr->obj[i] == arr->obj[i-1]) continue; arr->obj[j++] = arr->obj[i]; } arr->num = j; } } /* Schema helpers */ int adb_s_field_by_name(const struct adb_object_schema *schema, const char *name) { for (int i = 0; i < schema->num_fields; i++) if (strcmp(schema->fields[i].name, name) == 0) return i + 1; return 0; } /* Container creation */ int adb_c_header(struct apk_ostream *os, struct adb *db) { return apk_ostream_write(os, &db->hdr, sizeof db->hdr); } int adb_c_block(struct apk_ostream *os, uint32_t type, apk_blob_t val) { struct adb_block blk = { .type_size = htole32((type << 30) + val.len) }; int r; r = apk_ostream_write(os, &blk, sizeof blk); if (r < 0) return r; r = apk_ostream_write(os, val.ptr, val.len); if (r < 0) return r; return 0; } int adb_c_block_copy(struct apk_ostream *os, struct adb_block *b, struct apk_istream *is, struct adb_verify_ctx *vfy) { EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = NULL; int r; r = apk_ostream_write(os, b, sizeof *b); if (r < 0) return r; if (vfy) { mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new(); EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, EVP_sha512(), 0); } r = apk_stream_copy(is, os, ADB_BLOCK_SIZE(b), 0, 0, mdctx); if (vfy) { EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, vfy->sha512, 0); EVP_MD_CTX_free(mdctx); vfy->calc |= (1 << ADB_HASH_SHA512); } return r; } int adb_c_create(struct apk_ostream *os, struct adb *db, struct adb_trust *t) { if (IS_ERR(os)) return PTR_ERR(os); if (db->hdr.magic != htole32(ADB_FORMAT_MAGIC)) { apk_ostream_cancel(os, -EAPKFORMAT); goto ret; } adb_c_header(os, db); adb_c_block(os, ADB_BLOCK_ADB, db->adb); if (t) adb_trust_write_signatures(t, db, NULL, os); ret: return apk_ostream_close(os); } /* Container transformation interface */ int adb_c_xfrm(struct adb_xfrm *x, int (*cb)(struct adb_xfrm *, struct adb_block *, struct apk_istream *)) { struct adb_block blk; struct apk_segment_istream seg; int r, block_no = 0; size_t sz; r = apk_istream_read(x->is, &x->db.hdr, sizeof x->db.hdr); if (r < 0) goto err; if (x->db.hdr.magic != htole32(ADB_FORMAT_MAGIC)) goto bad_msg; r = apk_ostream_write(x->os, &x->db.hdr, sizeof x->db.hdr); if (r < 0) goto err; do { r = apk_istream_read(x->is, &blk, sizeof blk); if (r <= 0) { if (r == 0) r = cb(x, NULL, NULL); goto err; } if ((block_no++ == 0) != (ADB_BLOCK_TYPE(&blk) == ADB_BLOCK_ADB)) goto bad_msg; sz = ADB_BLOCK_SIZE(&blk); r = cb(x, &blk, apk_istream_segment(&seg, x->is, sz, 0)); if (r < 0) goto err; if (r == 0 && seg.bytes_left == sz) { r = apk_ostream_write(x->os, &blk, sizeof blk); if (r < 0) goto err; r = apk_stream_copy(x->is, x->os, seg.bytes_left, 0, 0, 0); if (r < 0) goto err; } else if (seg.bytes_left > 0) { r = apk_istream_read(x->is, NULL, sz - seg.bytes_left); if (r < 0) goto err; } } while (1); bad_msg: r = -EBADMSG; err: apk_ostream_cancel(x->os, r); return r; }