/* apk.c - Alpine Package Keeper (APK) * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Natanael Copa * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Timo Teräs * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. See http://www.gnu.org/ for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE #include #endif #include "apk_defines.h" #include "apk_database.h" #include "apk_applet.h" #include "apk_blob.h" #include "apk_print.h" #include "apk_io.h" char **apk_argv; static struct apk_option generic_options[] = { { 'h', "help", "Show generic help or applet specific help" }, { 'p', "root", "Install packages to DIR", required_argument, "DIR" }, { 'X', "repository", "Use packages from REPO", required_argument, "REPO" }, { 'q', "quiet", "Print less information" }, { 'v', "verbose", "Print more information (can be doubled)" }, { 'i', "interactive", "Ask confirmation for certain operations" }, { 'V', "version", "Print program version and exit" }, { 'f', "force", "Do what was asked even if it looks dangerous" }, { 'U', "update-cache", "Update the repository cache" }, { 0x101, "progress", "Show a progress bar" }, { 0x10f, "progress-fd", "Write progress to fd", required_argument, "FD" }, { 0x110, "no-progress", "Disable progress bar even for TTYs" }, { 0x102, "clean-protected", "Do not create .apk-new files in " "configuration dirs" }, { 0x106, "purge", "Delete also modified configuration files on " "package removal" }, { 0x103, "allow-untrusted", "Blindly install packages with untrusted " "signatures or no signature at all" }, { 0x104, "simulate", "Show what would be done without actually " "doing it" }, { 0x105, "wait", "Wait for TIME seconds to get an exclusive " "repository lock before failing", required_argument, "TIME" }, { 0x107, "keys-dir", "Override directory of trusted keys", required_argument, "KEYSDIR" }, { 0x108, "repositories-file", "Override repositories file", required_argument, "REPOFILE" }, { 0x109, "no-network", "Do not use network (cache is still used)" }, { 0x111, "overlay-from-stdin", "Read list of overlay files from stdin" }, { 0x112, "arch", "Use architecture with --root", required_argument, "ARCH" }, #ifdef TEST_MODE { 0x200, "test-repo", "Repository", required_argument, "REPO" }, { 0x201, "test-instdb", "Installed db", required_argument, "INSTALLED" }, { 0x202, "test-world", "World", required_argument, "WORLD DEPS" }, #endif }; static int version(void) { printf("apk-tools " APK_VERSION ", compiled for " APK_DEFAULT_ARCH ".\n"); #ifdef TEST_MODE printf("TEST MODE BUILD. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE.\n"); #endif return 0; } static int format_option(char *buf, size_t len, struct apk_option *o, const char *separator) { int i = 0; if (o->val <= 0xff && isalnum(o->val)) { i += snprintf(&buf[i], len - i, "-%c", o->val); if (o->name != NULL) i += snprintf(&buf[i], len - i, "%s", separator); } if (o->name != NULL) i += snprintf(&buf[i], len - i, "--%s", o->name); if (o->arg_name != NULL) i += snprintf(&buf[i], len - i, " %s", o->arg_name); return i; } static void print_usage(const char *cmd, const char *args, int num_opts, struct apk_option *opts) { struct apk_indent indent = { .indent = 11 }; char word[128]; int i, j; indent.x = printf("\nusage: apk %s", cmd) - 1; for (i = 0; i < num_opts; i++) if (opts[i].name != NULL) { j = 0; word[j++] = '['; j += format_option(&word[j], sizeof(word) - j, &opts[i], "|"); word[j++] = ']'; apk_print_indented(&indent, APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(word, j)); } if (args != NULL) apk_print_indented(&indent, APK_BLOB_STR(args)); printf("\n"); } static void print_options(int num_opts, struct apk_option *opts) { struct apk_indent indent = { .indent = 26 }; char word[128]; int i; for (i = 0; i < num_opts; i++) { format_option(word, sizeof(word), &opts[i], ", "); indent.x = printf(" %-*s", indent.indent - 3, word); apk_print_indented_words(&indent, opts[i].help); printf("\n"); } } static int usage(struct apk_applet *applet) { version(); if (applet == NULL) { struct apk_applet **a; print_usage("COMMAND", "[ARGS]...", ARRAY_SIZE(generic_options), generic_options); printf("\nThe following commands are available:\n"); for (a = &__start_apkapplets; a < &__stop_apkapplets; a++) { struct apk_indent indent = { .indent = 12 }; indent.x = printf(" %-*s", indent.indent - 3, (*a)->name); apk_print_indented_words(&indent, (*a)->help); printf("\n"); } } else { struct apk_indent indent = { .indent = 2 }; print_usage(applet->name, applet->arguments, applet->num_options, applet->options); printf("\nDescription:\n"); apk_print_indented_words(&indent, applet->help); printf("\n"); } printf("\nGeneric options:\n"); print_options(ARRAY_SIZE(generic_options), generic_options); if (applet != NULL && applet->num_options > 0) { printf("\nOptions for %s command:\n", applet->name); print_options(applet->num_options, applet->options); } printf("\nThis apk has coffee making abilities.\n"); return 1; } static struct apk_applet *find_applet(const char *name) { struct apk_applet **a; for (a = &__start_apkapplets; a < &__stop_apkapplets; a++) { if (strcmp(name, (*a)->name) == 0) return *a; } return NULL; } static struct apk_applet *deduce_applet(int argc, char **argv) { struct apk_applet *a; const char *prog; int i; prog = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (prog == NULL) prog = argv[0]; else prog++; if (strncmp(prog, "apk_", 4) == 0) return find_applet(prog + 4); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') continue; a = find_applet(argv[i]); if (a != NULL) return a; } return NULL; } static struct apk_repository_list *apk_repository_new(const char *url) { struct apk_repository_list *r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct apk_repository_list)); if (r) { r->url = url; list_init(&r->list); } return r; } static void merge_options(struct option *opts, struct apk_option *ao, int num) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++, opts++, ao++) { opts->name = ao->name ?: ""; opts->has_arg = ao->has_arg; opts->flag = NULL; opts->val = ao->val; } opts->name = NULL; } static void fini_openssl(void) { EVP_cleanup(); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE ENGINE_cleanup(); #endif CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); } static void init_openssl(void) { atexit(fini_openssl); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(); ENGINE_register_all_complete(); #endif } static void on_sigwinch(int s) { apk_reset_screen_width(); } static void setup_terminal(void) { setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); signal(SIGWINCH, on_sigwinch); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); } static void setup_automatic_flags(void) { if (!isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) || !isatty(STDERR_FILENO) || !isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) return; apk_flags |= APK_PROGRESS; if (!(apk_flags & APK_SIMULATE) && access("/etc/apk/interactive", F_OK) == 0) apk_flags |= APK_INTERACTIVE; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct apk_applet *applet; char short_options[256], *sopt; struct option *opt, *all_options; int r, optindex, num_options; void *ctx = NULL; struct apk_repository_list *repo = NULL; struct apk_database db; struct apk_db_options dbopts; struct apk_string_array *args; #ifdef TEST_MODE const char *test_installed_db = NULL; const char *test_world = NULL; struct apk_string_array *test_repos; int i; apk_string_array_init(&test_repos); #endif apk_argv = malloc(sizeof(char*[argc+2])); memcpy(apk_argv, argv, sizeof(char*[argc])); apk_argv[argc] = NULL; apk_argv[argc+1] = NULL; memset(&dbopts, 0, sizeof(dbopts)); list_init(&dbopts.repository_list); apk_atom_init(); umask(0); setup_terminal(); applet = deduce_applet(argc, argv); num_options = ARRAY_SIZE(generic_options) + 1; if (applet != NULL) num_options += applet->num_options; all_options = alloca(sizeof(struct option) * num_options); merge_options(&all_options[0], generic_options, ARRAY_SIZE(generic_options)); if (applet != NULL) { merge_options(&all_options[ARRAY_SIZE(generic_options)], applet->options, applet->num_options); if (applet->context_size != 0) ctx = calloc(1, applet->context_size); dbopts.open_flags = applet->open_flags; apk_flags |= applet->forced_flags; } for (opt = all_options, sopt = short_options; opt->name != NULL; opt++) { if (opt->flag == NULL && opt->val <= 0xff && isalnum(opt->val)) { *(sopt++) = opt->val; if (opt->has_arg != no_argument) *(sopt++) = ':'; } } init_openssl(); setup_automatic_flags(); optindex = 0; while ((r = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, all_options, &optindex)) != -1) { switch (r) { case 0: break; case 'h': r = usage(applet); goto err; case 'p': dbopts.root = optarg; break; case 0x107: dbopts.keys_dir = optarg; break; case 0x108: dbopts.repositories_file = optarg; break; case 'X': repo = apk_repository_new(optarg); if (repo) list_add(&repo->list, &dbopts.repository_list); break; case 'q': apk_verbosity--; break; case 'v': apk_verbosity++; break; case 'V': r = version(); goto err; case 'f': apk_flags |= APK_FORCE; break; case 'i': apk_flags |= APK_INTERACTIVE; break; case 'U': apk_flags |= APK_UPDATE_CACHE; break; case 0x101: apk_flags |= APK_PROGRESS; break; case 0x110: apk_flags &= ~APK_PROGRESS; break; case 0x10f: apk_progress_fd = atoi(optarg); break; case 0x102: apk_flags |= APK_CLEAN_PROTECTED; break; case 0x103: apk_flags |= APK_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED; break; case 0x104: apk_flags |= APK_SIMULATE; break; case 0x106: apk_flags |= APK_PURGE; break; case 0x105: dbopts.lock_wait = atoi(optarg); break; case 0x109: apk_flags |= APK_NO_NETWORK; break; case 0x111: apk_flags |= APK_OVERLAY_FROM_STDIN; break; case 0x112: dbopts.arch = optarg; break; #ifdef TEST_MODE case 0x200: *apk_string_array_add(&test_repos) = (char*) optarg; break; case 0x201: test_installed_db = optarg; break; case 0x202: test_world = optarg; break; #endif default: if (applet == NULL || applet->parse == NULL || applet->parse(ctx, &dbopts, r, optindex - ARRAY_SIZE(generic_options), optarg) != 0) { r = usage(applet); goto err; } break; } } if (applet == NULL) { r = usage(NULL); goto err; } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc >= 1 && strcmp(argv[0], applet->name) == 0) { argc--; argv++; } #ifdef TEST_MODE dbopts.open_flags &= ~(APK_OPENF_WRITE | APK_OPENF_CACHE_WRITE | APK_OPENF_CREATE); dbopts.open_flags |= APK_OPENF_READ | APK_OPENF_NO_STATE | APK_OPENF_NO_REPOS; apk_flags |= APK_SIMULATE; apk_flags &= ~APK_INTERACTIVE; #endif r = apk_db_open(&db, &dbopts); if (r != 0) { apk_error("Failed to open apk database: %s", apk_error_str(r)); goto err; } #ifdef TEST_MODE if (test_world != NULL) { apk_blob_t b = APK_BLOB_STR(test_world); apk_blob_pull_deps(&b, &db, &db.world); } if (test_installed_db != NULL) { struct apk_bstream *bs = apk_bstream_from_file(AT_FDCWD, test_installed_db); if (bs != NULL) { apk_db_index_read(&db, bs, -1); bs->close(bs, NULL); } } for (i = 0; i < test_repos->num; i++) { struct apk_bstream *bs; apk_blob_t spec = APK_BLOB_STR(test_repos->item[i]), name, tag; int repo_tag = 0, repo = APK_REPOSITORY_FIRST_CONFIGURED + i; if (apk_blob_split(spec, APK_BLOB_STR(":"), &tag, &name)) { repo_tag = apk_db_get_tag_id(&db, tag); } else { name = spec; } bs = apk_bstream_from_file(AT_FDCWD, name.ptr); if (bs != NULL) { apk_db_index_read(&db, bs, repo); bs->close(bs, NULL); if (!(apk_flags & APK_NO_NETWORK)) db.available_repos |= BIT(repo); db.repo_tags[repo_tag].allowed_repos |= BIT(repo); } } #endif apk_string_array_init(&args); apk_string_array_resize(&args, argc); memcpy(args->item, argv, argc * sizeof(*argv)); r = applet->main(ctx, &db, args); apk_db_close(&db); if (r == -EINVAL) r = usage(applet); err: if (ctx) free(ctx); return r; }