/* commit.c - Alpine Package Keeper (APK) * Apply solver calculated changes to database. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Timo Teräs * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include #include #include #include #include "apk_defines.h" #include "apk_database.h" #include "apk_package.h" #include "apk_solver.h" #include "apk_print.h" static inline int pkg_available(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_package *pkg) { if (pkg->repos & db->available_repos) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static int print_change(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_change *change, int cur, int total) { struct apk_name *name; struct apk_package *oldpkg = change->old_pkg; struct apk_package *newpkg = change->new_pkg; const char *msg = NULL; char status[32]; apk_blob_t *oneversion = NULL; int r; snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "(%i/%i)", cur+1, total); name = newpkg ? newpkg->name : oldpkg->name; if (oldpkg == NULL) { msg = "Installing"; oneversion = newpkg->version; } else if (newpkg == NULL) { msg = "Purging"; oneversion = oldpkg->version; } else if (newpkg == oldpkg) { if (change->reinstall) { if (pkg_available(db, newpkg)) msg = "Reinstalling"; else msg = "[APK unavailable, skipped] Reinstalling"; } else if (change->old_repository_tag != change->new_repository_tag) { msg = "Updating pinning"; } oneversion = newpkg->version; } else { r = apk_pkg_version_compare(newpkg, oldpkg); switch (r) { case APK_VERSION_LESS: msg = "Downgrading"; break; case APK_VERSION_EQUAL: msg = "Replacing"; break; case APK_VERSION_GREATER: msg = "Upgrading"; break; } } if (msg == NULL) return FALSE; if (oneversion) { apk_message("%s %s %s" BLOB_FMT " (" BLOB_FMT ")", status, msg, name->name, BLOB_PRINTF(db->repo_tags[change->new_repository_tag].tag), BLOB_PRINTF(*oneversion)); } else { apk_message("%s %s %s" BLOB_FMT " (" BLOB_FMT " -> " BLOB_FMT ")", status, msg, name->name, BLOB_PRINTF(db->repo_tags[change->new_repository_tag].tag), BLOB_PRINTF(*oldpkg->version), BLOB_PRINTF(*newpkg->version)); } return TRUE; } struct apk_stats { unsigned int changes; size_t bytes; unsigned int packages; }; static void count_change(struct apk_change *change, struct apk_stats *stats) { if (change->new_pkg != change->old_pkg || change->reinstall) { if (change->new_pkg != NULL) { stats->bytes += change->new_pkg->installed_size; stats->packages++; } if (change->old_pkg != NULL) stats->packages++; stats->changes++; } else if (change->new_repository_tag != change->old_repository_tag) { stats->packages++; stats->changes++; } } struct progress { struct apk_stats done; struct apk_stats total; struct apk_package *pkg; }; static void progress_cb(void *ctx, size_t installed_bytes) { struct progress *prog = (struct progress *) ctx; apk_print_progress(prog->done.bytes + prog->done.packages + installed_bytes, prog->total.bytes + prog->total.packages); } static int dump_packages(struct apk_changeset *changeset, int (*cmp)(struct apk_change *change), const char *msg) { struct apk_change *change; struct apk_name *name; struct apk_indent indent = { .indent = 2 }; int match = 0; foreach_array_item(change, changeset->changes) { if (!cmp(change)) continue; if (match == 0) printf("%s:\n", msg); if (change->new_pkg != NULL) name = change->new_pkg->name; else name = change->old_pkg->name; apk_print_indented(&indent, APK_BLOB_STR(name->name)); match++; } if (match) printf("\n"); return match; } static int cmp_remove(struct apk_change *change) { return change->new_pkg == NULL; } static int cmp_new(struct apk_change *change) { return change->old_pkg == NULL; } static int cmp_reinstall(struct apk_change *change) { return change->reinstall; } static int cmp_downgrade(struct apk_change *change) { if (change->new_pkg == NULL || change->old_pkg == NULL) return 0; if (apk_pkg_version_compare(change->new_pkg, change->old_pkg) & APK_VERSION_LESS) return 1; return 0; } static int cmp_upgrade(struct apk_change *change) { if (change->new_pkg == NULL || change->old_pkg == NULL) return 0; /* Count swapping package as upgrade too - this can happen if * same package version is used after it was rebuilt against * newer libraries. Basically, different (and probably newer) * package, but equal version number. */ if ((apk_pkg_version_compare(change->new_pkg, change->old_pkg) & (APK_VERSION_GREATER | APK_VERSION_EQUAL)) && (change->new_pkg != change->old_pkg)) return 1; return 0; } static void run_triggers(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_changeset *changeset) { struct apk_change *change; struct apk_installed_package *ipkg; if (apk_db_fire_triggers(db) == 0) return; foreach_array_item(change, changeset->changes) { struct apk_package *pkg = change->new_pkg; if (pkg == NULL) continue; ipkg = pkg->ipkg; if (ipkg == NULL || ipkg->pending_triggers->num == 0) continue; *apk_string_array_add(&ipkg->pending_triggers) = NULL; apk_ipkg_run_script(ipkg, db, APK_SCRIPT_TRIGGER, ipkg->pending_triggers->item); apk_string_array_free(&ipkg->pending_triggers); } } #define PRE_COMMIT_HOOK 0 #define POST_COMMIT_HOOK 1 struct apk_commit_hook { struct apk_database *db; int type; }; static int run_commit_hook(void *ctx, int dirfd, const char *file) { static char *const commit_hook_str[] = { "pre-commit", "post-commit" }; struct apk_commit_hook *hook = (struct apk_commit_hook *) ctx; struct apk_database *db = hook->db; char fn[PATH_MAX], *argv[] = { fn, (char *) commit_hook_str[hook->type], NULL }; if (file[0] == '.') return 0; if ((apk_flags & (APK_NO_SCRIPTS | APK_SIMULATE)) != 0) return 0; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "etc/apk/commit_hooks.d" "/%s", file); if ((apk_flags & APK_NO_COMMIT_HOOKS) != 0) { apk_message("Skipping: %s %s", fn, commit_hook_str[hook->type]); return 0; } if (apk_verbosity >= 2) apk_message("Executing: %s %s", fn, commit_hook_str[hook->type]); if (apk_db_run_script(db, fn, argv) < 0 && hook->type == PRE_COMMIT_HOOK) return -2; return 0; } static int run_commit_hooks(struct apk_database *db, int type) { struct apk_commit_hook hook = { .db = db, .type = type }; return apk_dir_foreach_file(openat(db->root_fd, "etc/apk/commit_hooks.d", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC), run_commit_hook, &hook); } int apk_solver_commit_changeset(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_changeset *changeset, struct apk_dependency_array *world) { struct progress prog; struct apk_change *change; char buf[32]; const char *size_unit; off_t humanized, size_diff = 0, download_size = 0; int r, errors = 0; assert(world); if (apk_db_check_world(db, world) != 0) { apk_error("Not committing changes due to missing repository tags. " "Use --force-broken-world to override."); return -1; } if (changeset->changes == NULL) goto all_done; /* Count what needs to be done */ memset(&prog, 0, sizeof(prog)); foreach_array_item(change, changeset->changes) { count_change(change, &prog.total); if (change->new_pkg) { size_diff += change->new_pkg->installed_size; if (change->new_pkg != change->old_pkg && !(change->new_pkg->repos & db->local_repos)) download_size += change->new_pkg->size; } if (change->old_pkg) size_diff -= change->old_pkg->installed_size; } if ((apk_verbosity > 1 || (apk_flags & APK_INTERACTIVE)) && !(apk_flags & APK_SIMULATE)) { r = dump_packages(changeset, cmp_remove, "The following packages will be REMOVED"); r += dump_packages(changeset, cmp_downgrade, "The following packages will be DOWNGRADED"); if (r || (apk_flags & APK_INTERACTIVE) || apk_verbosity > 2) { r += dump_packages(changeset, cmp_new, "The following NEW packages will be installed"); r += dump_packages(changeset, cmp_upgrade, "The following packages will be upgraded"); r += dump_packages(changeset, cmp_reinstall, "The following packages will be reinstalled"); if (download_size) { size_unit = apk_get_human_size(download_size, &humanized); printf("Need to download %lld %s of packages.\n", (long long)humanized, size_unit); } size_unit = apk_get_human_size(llabs(size_diff), &humanized); printf("After this operation, %lld %s of %s.\n", (long long)humanized, size_unit, (size_diff < 0) ? "disk space will be freed" : "additional disk space will be used"); } if (r > 0 && (apk_flags & APK_INTERACTIVE)) { printf("Do you want to continue [Y/n]? "); fflush(stdout); r = fgetc(stdin); if (r != 'y' && r != 'Y' && r != '\n' && r != EOF) return -1; } } if (run_commit_hooks(db, PRE_COMMIT_HOOK) == -2) return -1; /* Go through changes */ foreach_array_item(change, changeset->changes) { r = change->old_pkg && (change->old_pkg->ipkg->broken_files || change->old_pkg->ipkg->broken_script); if (print_change(db, change, prog.done.changes, prog.total.changes)) { prog.pkg = change->new_pkg; progress_cb(&prog, 0); if (!(apk_flags & APK_SIMULATE) && ((change->old_pkg != change->new_pkg) || (change->reinstall && pkg_available(db, change->new_pkg)))) { r = apk_db_install_pkg(db, change->old_pkg, change->new_pkg, progress_cb, &prog) != 0; } if (r == 0 && change->new_pkg && change->new_pkg->ipkg) change->new_pkg->ipkg->repository_tag = change->new_repository_tag; } errors += r; count_change(change, &prog.done); } apk_print_progress(prog.total.bytes + prog.total.packages, prog.total.bytes + prog.total.packages); apk_db_update_directory_permissions(db); run_triggers(db, changeset); all_done: apk_dependency_array_copy(&db->world, world); apk_db_write_config(db); run_commit_hooks(db, POST_COMMIT_HOOK); if (!db->performing_self_upgrade) { if (errors) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d error%s;", errors, errors > 1 ? "s" : ""); else strcpy(buf, "OK:"); if (apk_verbosity > 1) { apk_message("%s %d packages, %d dirs, %d files, %zu MiB", buf, db->installed.stats.packages, db->installed.stats.dirs, db->installed.stats.files, db->installed.stats.bytes / (1024 * 1024)); } else { apk_message("%s %zu MiB in %d packages", buf, db->installed.stats.bytes / (1024 * 1024), db->installed.stats.packages); } } return errors; } enum { STATE_PRESENT = 0x80000000, STATE_MISSING = 0x40000000, STATE_VIRTUAL_ONLY = 0x20000000, STATE_INSTALLIF = 0x10000000, STATE_COUNT_MASK = 0x0000ffff, }; struct print_state { struct apk_database *db; struct apk_dependency_array *world; struct apk_indent i; struct apk_name_array *missing; const char *label; int num_labels; int match; }; static void label_start(struct print_state *ps, const char *text) { if (ps->label) { printf(" %s:\n", ps->label); ps->label = NULL; ps->i.x = ps->i.indent = 0; ps->num_labels++; } if (ps->i.x == 0) { ps->i.x = printf(" %s", text); ps->i.indent = ps->i.x + 1; } } static void label_end(struct print_state *ps) { if (ps->i.x != 0) { printf("\n"); ps->i.x = ps->i.indent = 0; } } static void print_pinning_errors(struct print_state *ps, struct apk_package *pkg, unsigned int tag) { struct apk_database *db = ps->db; int i; if (pkg->ipkg != NULL) return; if (!(pkg->repos & db->available_repos)) { label_start(ps, "masked in:"); apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, "--no-network"); } else if (pkg->repos == BIT(APK_REPOSITORY_CACHED) && !pkg->filename) { label_start(ps, "masked in:"); apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, "cache"); } else { if (pkg->repos & apk_db_get_pinning_mask_repos(db, APK_DEFAULT_PINNING_MASK | BIT(tag))) return; for (i = 0; i < db->num_repo_tags; i++) { if (pkg->repos & db->repo_tags[i].allowed_repos) { label_start(ps, "masked in:"); apk_print_indented(&ps->i, db->repo_tags[i].tag); } } } label_end(ps); } static void print_conflicts(struct print_state *ps, struct apk_package *pkg) { struct apk_provider *p; struct apk_dependency *d; char tmp[256]; int once; foreach_array_item(p, pkg->name->providers) { if (p->pkg == pkg || !p->pkg->marked) continue; label_start(ps, "conflicts:"); apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, PKG_VER_FMT, PKG_VER_PRINTF(p->pkg)); } foreach_array_item(d, pkg->provides) { once = 1; foreach_array_item(p, d->name->providers) { if (!p->pkg->marked) continue; if (d->version == &apk_atom_null && p->version == &apk_atom_null) continue; if (once && p->pkg == pkg && p->version == d->version) { once = 0; continue; } label_start(ps, "conflicts:"); apk_print_indented_fmt( &ps->i, PKG_VER_FMT "[%s]", PKG_VER_PRINTF(p->pkg), apk_dep_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), d)); } } label_end(ps); } static void print_dep(struct apk_package *pkg0, struct apk_dependency *d0, struct apk_package *pkg, void *ctx) { struct print_state *ps = (struct print_state *) ctx; const char *label = (ps->match & APK_DEP_SATISFIES) ? "satisfies:" : "breaks:"; char tmp[256]; label_start(ps, label); if (pkg0 == NULL) apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, "world[%s]", apk_dep_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), d0)); else apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, PKG_VER_FMT "[%s]", PKG_VER_PRINTF(pkg0), apk_dep_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), d0)); } static void print_deps(struct print_state *ps, struct apk_package *pkg, int match) { ps->match = match; match |= APK_FOREACH_MARKED | APK_FOREACH_DEP; apk_pkg_foreach_matching_dependency(NULL, ps->world, match|apk_foreach_genid(), pkg, print_dep, ps); apk_pkg_foreach_reverse_dependency(pkg, match|apk_foreach_genid(), print_dep, ps); label_end(ps); } static void analyze_package(struct print_state *ps, struct apk_package *pkg, unsigned int tag) { char pkgtext[256]; snprintf(pkgtext, sizeof(pkgtext), PKG_VER_FMT, PKG_VER_PRINTF(pkg)); ps->label = pkgtext; print_pinning_errors(ps, pkg, tag); print_conflicts(ps, pkg); print_deps(ps, pkg, APK_DEP_CONFLICTS); if (ps->label == NULL) print_deps(ps, pkg, APK_DEP_SATISFIES); } static void analyze_missing_name(struct print_state *ps, struct apk_name *name) { struct apk_name **pname0, *name0; struct apk_provider *p0; struct apk_dependency *d0; char tmp[256]; unsigned int genid; int refs; if (name->providers->num) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s (virtual)", name->name); ps->label = tmp; label_start(ps, "note:"); apk_print_indented_words(&ps->i, "please select one of the 'provided by' packages explicitly"); label_end(ps); label_start(ps, "provided by:"); foreach_array_item(p0, name->providers) p0->pkg->name->state_int++; foreach_array_item(p0, name->providers) { name0 = p0->pkg->name; refs = (name0->state_int & STATE_COUNT_MASK); if (refs == name0->providers->num) { /* name only */ apk_print_indented(&ps->i, APK_BLOB_STR(name0->name)); name0->state_int &= ~STATE_COUNT_MASK; } else if (refs > 0) { /* individual package */ apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, PKG_VER_FMT, PKG_VER_PRINTF(p0->pkg)); name0->state_int--; } } label_end(ps); } else { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s (no such package)", name->name); ps->label = tmp; } label_start(ps, "required by:"); foreach_array_item(d0, ps->world) { if (d0->name != name || d0->conflict) continue; apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, "world[%s]", apk_dep_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), d0)); } genid = apk_foreach_genid(); foreach_array_item(pname0, name->rdepends) { name0 = *pname0; foreach_array_item(p0, name0->providers) { if (!p0->pkg->marked) continue; if (p0->pkg->foreach_genid == genid) continue; p0->pkg->foreach_genid = genid; foreach_array_item(d0, p0->pkg->depends) { if (d0->name != name || d0->conflict) continue; apk_print_indented_fmt(&ps->i, PKG_VER_FMT "[%s]", PKG_VER_PRINTF(p0->pkg), apk_dep_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), d0)); break; } if (d0 != NULL) break; } } label_end(ps); } static void analyze_deps(struct print_state *ps, struct apk_dependency_array *deps) { struct apk_dependency *d0; struct apk_name *name0; foreach_array_item(d0, deps) { name0 = d0->name; if (d0->conflict) continue; if ((name0->state_int & (STATE_PRESENT | STATE_MISSING)) != 0) continue; name0->state_int |= STATE_MISSING; analyze_missing_name(ps, name0); } } static void discover_deps(struct apk_dependency_array *deps); static void discover_name(struct apk_name *name, int pkg_state); static void discover_reverse_iif(struct apk_name *name) { struct apk_name **pname0, *name0; struct apk_dependency *d; struct apk_provider *p; foreach_array_item(pname0, name->rinstall_if) { name0 = *pname0; foreach_array_item(p, name0->providers) { int ok = 1; if (!p->pkg->marked) continue; if (p->pkg->install_if->num == 0) continue; foreach_array_item(d, p->pkg->install_if) { if (!!d->conflict == !!(d->name->state_int & STATE_PRESENT)) { ok = 0; break; } } if (ok) { discover_name(p->pkg->name, STATE_INSTALLIF); foreach_array_item(d, p->pkg->provides) discover_name(d->name, STATE_INSTALLIF); } } } } static int is_name_concrete(struct apk_package *pkg, struct apk_name *name) { struct apk_dependency *d; if (pkg->name == name) return 1; foreach_array_item(d, pkg->provides) { if (d->name != name) continue; if (d->version == &apk_atom_null) continue; return 1; } return 0; } static void discover_name(struct apk_name *name, int pkg_state) { struct apk_provider *p; struct apk_dependency *d; foreach_array_item(p, name->providers) { int state = pkg_state; if (!p->pkg->marked) continue; if (state == STATE_PRESENT && !is_name_concrete(p->pkg, name)) state = STATE_VIRTUAL_ONLY; if (p->pkg->state_int & state) continue; p->pkg->state_int |= state; p->pkg->name->state_int |= state; foreach_array_item(d, p->pkg->provides) d->name->state_int |= state; discover_deps(p->pkg->depends); if (state == STATE_PRESENT || state == STATE_INSTALLIF) { discover_reverse_iif(p->pkg->name); foreach_array_item(d, p->pkg->provides) discover_reverse_iif(d->name); } } } static void discover_deps(struct apk_dependency_array *deps) { struct apk_dependency *d; foreach_array_item(d, deps) { if (d->conflict) continue; discover_name(d->name, STATE_PRESENT); } } void apk_solver_print_errors(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_changeset *changeset, struct apk_dependency_array *world) { struct print_state ps; struct apk_change *change; /* ERROR: unsatisfiable dependencies: * name: * required by: a b c d e * not available in any repository * name (virtual): * required by: a b c d e * provided by: foo bar zed * pkg-1.2: * masked by: @testing * satisfies: a[pkg] * conflicts: pkg-2.0 foo-1.2 bar-1.2 * breaks: b[pkg>2] c[foo>2] d[!pkg] * * When two packages provide same name 'foo': * a-1: * satisfies: world[a] * conflicts: b-1[foo] * b-1: * satisfies: world[b] * conflicts: a-1[foo] * * c-1: * satisfies: world[a] * conflicts: c-1[foo] (self-conflict by providing foo twice) * * When two packages get pulled in: * a-1: * satisfies: app1[so:a.so.1] * conflicts: a-2 * a-2: * satisfies: app2[so:a.so.2] * conflicts: a-1 * * satisfies lists all dependencies that is not satisfiable by * any other selected version. or all of them with -v. */ apk_error("unable to select packages:"); /* Construct information about names */ foreach_array_item(change, changeset->changes) { struct apk_package *pkg = change->new_pkg; if (pkg) pkg->marked = 1; } discover_deps(world); /* Analyze is package, and missing names referred to */ ps = (struct print_state) { .db = db, .world = world, }; analyze_deps(&ps, world); foreach_array_item(change, changeset->changes) { struct apk_package *pkg = change->new_pkg; if (!pkg) continue; analyze_package(&ps, pkg, change->new_repository_tag); analyze_deps(&ps, pkg->depends); } if (ps.num_labels == 0) printf(" Huh? Error reporter did not find the broken constraints.\n"); } int apk_solver_commit(struct apk_database *db, unsigned short solver_flags, struct apk_dependency_array *world) { struct apk_changeset changeset = {}; int r; if (apk_db_check_world(db, world) != 0) { apk_error("Not committing changes due to missing repository tags. " "Use --force-broken-world to override."); return -1; } r = apk_solver_solve(db, solver_flags, world, &changeset); if (r == 0) r = apk_solver_commit_changeset(db, &changeset, world); else apk_solver_print_errors(db, &changeset, world); apk_change_array_free(&changeset.changes); return r; }