/* package.c - Alpine Package Keeper (APK) * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Natanael Copa <n@tanael.org> * Copyright (C) 2008 Timo Teräs <timo.teras@iki.fi> * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. See http://www.gnu.org/ for details. */ #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <openssl/pem.h> #include "apk_defines.h" #include "apk_archive.h" #include "apk_package.h" #include "apk_database.h" #include "apk_state.h" void apk_pkg_format_plain(struct apk_package *pkg, apk_blob_t to) { /* pkgname-1.0.apk */ apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR(pkg->name->name)); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR("-")); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR(pkg->version)); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR(".apk")); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN("", 1)); } void apk_pkg_format_cache(struct apk_package *pkg, apk_blob_t to) { /* pkgname-1.0_alpha1.12345678.apk */ apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR(pkg->name->name)); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR("-")); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR(pkg->version)); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR(".")); apk_blob_push_hexdump(&to, APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN((char *) pkg->csum.data, APK_CACHE_CSUM_BYTES)); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_STR(".apk")); apk_blob_push_blob(&to, APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN("", 1)); } struct apk_package *apk_pkg_new(void) { return calloc(1, sizeof(struct apk_package)); } struct apk_installed_package *apk_pkg_install(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_package *pkg) { struct apk_installed_package *ipkg; if (pkg->ipkg != NULL) return pkg->ipkg; pkg->ipkg = ipkg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct apk_installed_package)); ipkg->pkg = pkg; db->installed.stats.packages++; list_add_tail(&ipkg->installed_pkgs_list, &db->installed.packages); return ipkg; } void apk_pkg_uninstall(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_package *pkg) { struct apk_installed_package *ipkg = pkg->ipkg; int i; if (ipkg == NULL) return; if (db != NULL) db->installed.stats.packages--; list_del(&ipkg->installed_pkgs_list); if (ipkg->triggers) { list_del(&ipkg->trigger_pkgs_list); for (i = 0; i < ipkg->triggers->num; i++) free(ipkg->triggers->item[i]); free(ipkg->triggers); } for (i = 0; i < APK_SCRIPT_MAX; i++) if (ipkg->script[i].ptr != NULL) free(ipkg->script[i].ptr); free(ipkg); pkg->ipkg = NULL; } int apk_pkg_parse_name(apk_blob_t apkname, apk_blob_t *name, apk_blob_t *version) { int i, dash = 0; if (APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(apkname)) return -1; for (i = apkname.len - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (apkname.ptr[i] != '-') continue; if (isdigit(apkname.ptr[i+1])) break; if (++dash >= 2) return -1; } if (i < 0) return -1; if (name != NULL) *name = APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(apkname.ptr, i); if (version != NULL) *version = APK_BLOB_PTR_PTR(&apkname.ptr[i+1], &apkname.ptr[apkname.len-1]); return 0; } static apk_blob_t trim(apk_blob_t str) { if (str.ptr == NULL || str.len < 1) return str; if (str.ptr[str.len-1] == '\n') { str.ptr[str.len-1] = 0; return APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(str.ptr, str.len-1); } return str; } int apk_deps_add(struct apk_dependency_array **depends, struct apk_dependency *dep) { struct apk_dependency_array *deps = *depends; int i; if (deps != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < deps->num; i++) { if (deps->item[i].name == dep->name) { deps->item[i] = *dep; return 0; } } } *apk_dependency_array_add(depends) = *dep; return 0; } void apk_deps_del(struct apk_dependency_array **pdeps, struct apk_name *name) { struct apk_dependency_array *deps = *pdeps; int i; if (deps == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < deps->num; i++) { if (deps->item[i].name != name) continue; deps->item[i] = deps->item[deps->num-1]; *pdeps = apk_dependency_array_resize(deps, deps->num-1); break; } } struct parse_depend_ctx { struct apk_database *db; struct apk_dependency_array **depends; }; int apk_dep_from_blob(struct apk_dependency *dep, struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t blob) { struct apk_name *name; apk_blob_t bname, bop, bver = APK_BLOB_NULL; int mask = APK_VERSION_LESS | APK_VERSION_EQUAL | APK_VERSION_GREATER; /* [!]name[<,<=,=,>=,>]ver */ if (blob.ptr[0] == '!') { mask = 0; blob.ptr++; blob.len--; } if (apk_blob_cspn(blob, "<>=", &bname, &bop)) { int i; if (mask == 0) return -EINVAL; if (!apk_blob_spn(bop, "<>=", &bop, &bver)) return -EINVAL; mask = 0; for (i = 0; i < bop.len; i++) { switch (bop.ptr[i]) { case '<': mask |= APK_VERSION_LESS; break; case '>': mask |= APK_VERSION_GREATER; break; case '=': mask |= APK_VERSION_EQUAL; break; } } if ((mask & (APK_VERSION_LESS|APK_VERSION_GREATER)) == (APK_VERSION_LESS|APK_VERSION_GREATER)) return -EINVAL; if (!apk_version_validate(bver)) return -EINVAL; blob = bname; } name = apk_db_get_name(db, blob); if (name == NULL) return -ENOENT; *dep = (struct apk_dependency){ .name = name, .version = APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(bver) ? NULL : apk_blob_cstr(bver), .result_mask = mask, }; return 0; } void apk_dep_from_pkg(struct apk_dependency *dep, struct apk_database *db, struct apk_package *pkg) { *dep = (struct apk_dependency) { .name = pkg->name, .version = pkg->version, .result_mask = APK_VERSION_EQUAL, }; } static int parse_depend(void *ctx, apk_blob_t blob) { struct parse_depend_ctx *pctx = (struct parse_depend_ctx *) ctx; struct apk_dependency *dep, p; if (blob.len == 0) return 0; if (apk_dep_from_blob(&p, pctx->db, blob) < 0) return -1; dep = apk_dependency_array_add(pctx->depends); if (dep == NULL) return -1; *dep = p; return 0; } void apk_deps_parse(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_dependency_array **depends, apk_blob_t blob) { struct parse_depend_ctx ctx = { db, depends }; if (blob.len > 1 && blob.ptr[blob.len-1] == '\n') blob.len--; apk_blob_for_each_segment(blob, " ", parse_depend, &ctx); } int apk_deps_write(struct apk_dependency_array *deps, struct apk_ostream *os) { int i, r, n = 0; if (deps == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; i < deps->num; i++) { if (i) { if (os->write(os, " ", 1) != 1) return -1; n += 1; } if (deps->item[i].result_mask == APK_DEPMASK_CONFLICT) { if (os->write(os, "!", 1) != 1) return -1; n += 1; } r = apk_ostream_write_string(os, deps->item[i].name->name); if (r < 0) return r; n += r; if (deps->item[i].result_mask != APK_DEPMASK_CONFLICT && deps->item[i].result_mask != APK_DEPMASK_REQUIRE) { r = apk_ostream_write_string(os, apk_version_op_string(deps->item[i].result_mask)); if (r < 0) return r; n += r; r = apk_ostream_write_string(os, deps->item[i].version); if (r < 0) return r; n += r; } } return n; } const char *apk_script_types[] = { [APK_SCRIPT_PRE_INSTALL] = "pre-install", [APK_SCRIPT_POST_INSTALL] = "post-install", [APK_SCRIPT_PRE_DEINSTALL] = "pre-deinstall", [APK_SCRIPT_POST_DEINSTALL] = "post-deinstall", [APK_SCRIPT_PRE_UPGRADE] = "pre-upgrade", [APK_SCRIPT_POST_UPGRADE] = "post-upgrade", [APK_SCRIPT_TRIGGER] = "trigger", }; int apk_script_type(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(apk_script_types); i++) if (apk_script_types[i] && strcmp(apk_script_types[i], name) == 0) return i; return APK_SCRIPT_INVALID; } void apk_sign_ctx_init(struct apk_sign_ctx *ctx, int action, struct apk_checksum *identity, int keys_fd) { memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(struct apk_sign_ctx)); ctx->keys_fd = keys_fd; ctx->action = action; switch (action) { case APK_SIGN_VERIFY: ctx->md = EVP_md_null(); break; case APK_SIGN_VERIFY_IDENTITY: if (identity->type == APK_CHECKSUM_MD5) { ctx->md = EVP_md5(); ctx->control_started = 1; ctx->data_started = 1; } else { ctx->md = EVP_sha1(); } memcpy(&ctx->identity, identity, sizeof(ctx->identity)); break; case APK_SIGN_GENERATE_V1: ctx->md = EVP_md5(); ctx->control_started = 1; ctx->data_started = 1; break; case APK_SIGN_GENERATE: case APK_SIGN_VERIFY_AND_GENERATE: ctx->md = EVP_sha1(); break; default: action = APK_SIGN_NONE; ctx->md = EVP_md_null(); ctx->control_started = 1; ctx->data_started = 1; break; } EVP_MD_CTX_init(&ctx->mdctx); EVP_DigestInit_ex(&ctx->mdctx, ctx->md, NULL); EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags(&ctx->mdctx, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_ONESHOT); } void apk_sign_ctx_free(struct apk_sign_ctx *ctx) { if (ctx->signature.data.ptr != NULL) free(ctx->signature.data.ptr); if (ctx->signature.pkey != NULL) EVP_PKEY_free(ctx->signature.pkey); EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&ctx->mdctx); } int apk_sign_ctx_process_file(struct apk_sign_ctx *ctx, const struct apk_file_info *fi, struct apk_istream *is) { if (ctx->data_started) return 1; if (fi->name[0] != '.' || strchr(fi->name, '/') != NULL) { ctx->data_started = 1; ctx->control_started = 1; return 1; } if (ctx->control_started) return 1; if (strncmp(fi->name, ".SIGN.", 6) != 0) { ctx->control_started = 1; return 1; } /* A signature file */ ctx->num_signatures++; /* Found already a trusted key */ if ((ctx->action != APK_SIGN_VERIFY && ctx->action != APK_SIGN_VERIFY_AND_GENERATE) || ctx->signature.pkey != NULL) return 0; if (ctx->keys_fd < 0) return 0; if (strncmp(&fi->name[6], "RSA.", 4) == 0 || strncmp(&fi->name[6], "DSA.", 4) == 0) { int fd = openat(ctx->keys_fd, &fi->name[10], O_RDONLY); BIO *bio; if (fd < 0) return 0; bio = BIO_new_fp(fdopen(fd, "r"), 0); ctx->signature.pkey = PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ctx->signature.pkey != NULL) { if (fi->name[6] == 'R') ctx->md = EVP_sha1(); else ctx->md = EVP_dss1(); } BIO_free(bio); } else return 0; if (ctx->signature.pkey != NULL) ctx->signature.data = apk_blob_from_istream(is, fi->size); return 0; } int apk_sign_ctx_parse_pkginfo_line(void *ctx, apk_blob_t line) { struct apk_sign_ctx *sctx = (struct apk_sign_ctx *) ctx; apk_blob_t l, r; if (line.ptr == NULL || line.len < 1 || line.ptr[0] == '#') return 0; if (!apk_blob_split(line, APK_BLOB_STR(" = "), &l, &r)) return 0; if (sctx->data_started == 0 && apk_blob_compare(APK_BLOB_STR("datahash"), l) == 0) { sctx->has_data_checksum = 1; sctx->md = EVP_sha256(); apk_blob_pull_hexdump( &r, APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(sctx->data_checksum, EVP_MD_size(sctx->md))); } return 0; } int apk_sign_ctx_verify_tar(void *sctx, const struct apk_file_info *fi, struct apk_istream *is) { struct apk_sign_ctx *ctx = (struct apk_sign_ctx *) sctx; if (apk_sign_ctx_process_file(ctx, fi, is) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(fi->name, ".PKGINFO") == 0) { apk_blob_t blob = apk_blob_from_istream(is, fi->size); apk_blob_for_each_segment( blob, "\n", apk_sign_ctx_parse_pkginfo_line, ctx); free(blob.ptr); } return 0; } int apk_sign_ctx_mpart_cb(void *ctx, int part, apk_blob_t data) { struct apk_sign_ctx *sctx = (struct apk_sign_ctx *) ctx; unsigned char calculated[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; int r, end_of_control; if ((part == APK_MPART_DATA) || (part == APK_MPART_BOUNDARY && sctx->data_started)) goto update_digest; /* Still in signature blocks? */ if (!sctx->control_started) { if (part == APK_MPART_END) return -EKEYREJECTED; goto reset_digest; } /* Grab state and mark all remaining block as data */ end_of_control = (sctx->data_started == 0); sctx->data_started = 1; /* End of control-block and control does not have data checksum? */ if (sctx->has_data_checksum == 0 && end_of_control && part != APK_MPART_END) goto update_digest; /* Drool in the remaining of the digest block now, we will finish * it on all cases */ EVP_DigestUpdate(&sctx->mdctx, data.ptr, data.len); /* End of control-block and checking control hash/signature or * end of data-block and checking its hash/signature */ if (sctx->has_data_checksum && !end_of_control) { /* End of control-block and check it's hash */ EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&sctx->mdctx, calculated, NULL); if (EVP_MD_CTX_size(&sctx->mdctx) == 0 || memcmp(calculated, sctx->data_checksum, EVP_MD_CTX_size(&sctx->mdctx)) != 0) return -EKEYREJECTED; sctx->data_verified = 1; if (!(apk_flags & APK_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED) && !sctx->control_verified) return -ENOKEY; return 0; } switch (sctx->action) { case APK_SIGN_VERIFY: case APK_SIGN_VERIFY_AND_GENERATE: if (sctx->signature.pkey == NULL) { if (apk_flags & APK_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED) break; return -ENOKEY; } r = EVP_VerifyFinal(&sctx->mdctx, (unsigned char *) sctx->signature.data.ptr, sctx->signature.data.len, sctx->signature.pkey); if (r != 1) return -EKEYREJECTED; sctx->control_verified = 1; if (!sctx->has_data_checksum && part == APK_MPART_END) sctx->data_verified = 1; break; case APK_SIGN_VERIFY_IDENTITY: /* Reset digest for hashing data */ EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&sctx->mdctx, calculated, NULL); if (memcmp(calculated, sctx->identity.data, sctx->identity.type) != 0) return -EKEYREJECTED; sctx->control_verified = 1; if (!sctx->has_data_checksum && part == APK_MPART_END) sctx->data_verified = 1; break; case APK_SIGN_GENERATE: case APK_SIGN_GENERATE_V1: /* Package identity is the checksum */ sctx->identity.type = EVP_MD_CTX_size(&sctx->mdctx); EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&sctx->mdctx, sctx->identity.data, NULL); if (sctx->action == APK_SIGN_GENERATE && sctx->has_data_checksum) return -ECANCELED; break; } if (sctx->action == APK_SIGN_VERIFY_AND_GENERATE) { sctx->identity.type = EVP_MD_CTX_size(&sctx->mdctx); EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&sctx->mdctx, sctx->identity.data, NULL); } reset_digest: EVP_DigestInit_ex(&sctx->mdctx, sctx->md, NULL); EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags(&sctx->mdctx, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_ONESHOT); return 0; update_digest: EVP_MD_CTX_clear_flags(&sctx->mdctx, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_ONESHOT); EVP_DigestUpdate(&sctx->mdctx, data.ptr, data.len); return 0; } struct read_info_ctx { struct apk_database *db; struct apk_package *pkg; struct apk_sign_ctx *sctx; int version; }; int apk_pkg_add_info(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_package *pkg, char field, apk_blob_t value) { switch (field) { case 'P': pkg->name = apk_db_get_name(db, value); break; case 'V': pkg->version = apk_blob_cstr(value); break; case 'T': pkg->description = apk_blob_cstr(value); break; case 'U': pkg->url = apk_blob_cstr(value); break; case 'L': pkg->license = apk_blob_cstr(value); break; case 'D': apk_deps_parse(db, &pkg->depends, value); break; case 'C': apk_blob_pull_csum(&value, &pkg->csum); break; case 'S': pkg->size = apk_blob_pull_uint(&value, 10); break; case 'I': pkg->installed_size = apk_blob_pull_uint(&value, 10); break; default: return -1; } if (APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(value)) return -1; return 0; } static int read_info_line(void *ctx, apk_blob_t line) { static struct { const char *str; char field; } fields[] = { { "pkgname", 'P' }, { "pkgver", 'V' }, { "pkgdesc", 'T' }, { "url", 'U' }, { "size", 'I' }, { "license", 'L' }, { "depend", 'D' }, }; struct read_info_ctx *ri = (struct read_info_ctx *) ctx; apk_blob_t l, r; int i; if (line.ptr == NULL || line.len < 1 || line.ptr[0] == '#') return 0; if (!apk_blob_split(line, APK_BLOB_STR(" = "), &l, &r)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fields); i++) { if (apk_blob_compare(APK_BLOB_STR(fields[i].str), l) == 0) { apk_pkg_add_info(ri->db, ri->pkg, fields[i].field, r); return 0; } } apk_sign_ctx_parse_pkginfo_line(ri->sctx, line); return 0; } static int read_info_entry(void *ctx, const struct apk_file_info *ae, struct apk_istream *is) { static struct { const char *str; char field; } fields[] = { { "DESC", 'T' }, { "WWW", 'U' }, { "LICENSE", 'L' }, { "DEPEND", 'D' }, }; struct read_info_ctx *ri = (struct read_info_ctx *) ctx; struct apk_database *db = ri->db; struct apk_package *pkg = ri->pkg; apk_blob_t name, version; char *slash; int i; /* Meta info and scripts */ if (apk_sign_ctx_process_file(ri->sctx, ae, is) == 0) return 0; if (ae->name[0] == '.') { /* APK 2.0 format */ if (strcmp(ae->name, ".PKGINFO") == 0) { apk_blob_t blob = apk_blob_from_istream(is, ae->size); apk_blob_for_each_segment(blob, "\n", read_info_line, ctx); free(blob.ptr); ri->version = 2; } else if (strcmp(ae->name, ".INSTALL") == 0) { apk_warning("Package '%s-%s' contains deprecated .INSTALL", pkg->name->name, pkg->version); } return 0; } if (strncmp(ae->name, "var/db/apk/", 11) == 0) { /* APK 1.0 format */ ri->version = 1; if (!S_ISREG(ae->mode)) return 0; slash = strchr(&ae->name[11], '/'); if (slash == NULL) return 0; if (apk_pkg_parse_name(APK_BLOB_PTR_PTR(&ae->name[11], slash-1), &name, &version) < 0) return -1; if (pkg->name == NULL) pkg->name = apk_db_get_name(db, name); if (pkg->version == NULL) pkg->version = apk_blob_cstr(version); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fields); i++) { if (strcmp(fields[i].str, slash+1) == 0) { apk_blob_t blob = apk_blob_from_istream(is, ae->size); apk_pkg_add_info(ri->db, ri->pkg, fields[i].field, trim(blob)); free(blob.ptr); break; } } } else if (ri->version < 2) { /* Version 1.x packages do not contain installed size * in metadata, so we calculate it here */ pkg->installed_size += apk_calc_installed_size(ae->size); } return 0; } int apk_pkg_read(struct apk_database *db, const char *file, struct apk_sign_ctx *sctx, struct apk_package **pkg) { struct read_info_ctx ctx; struct apk_file_info fi; struct apk_bstream *bs; struct apk_istream *tar; int r; r = apk_file_get_info(AT_FDCWD, file, APK_CHECKSUM_NONE, &fi); if (r != 0) return r; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.sctx = sctx; ctx.pkg = apk_pkg_new(); r = -ENOMEM; if (ctx.pkg == NULL) goto err; bs = apk_bstream_from_file(AT_FDCWD, file); if (bs == NULL) goto err; ctx.db = db; ctx.pkg->size = fi.size; tar = apk_bstream_gunzip_mpart(bs, apk_sign_ctx_mpart_cb, sctx); r = apk_tar_parse(tar, read_info_entry, &ctx, FALSE); tar->close(tar); if (r < 0 && r != -ECANCELED) goto err; if (ctx.pkg->name == NULL) { r = -ENOMSG; goto err; } if (sctx->action != APK_SIGN_VERIFY) ctx.pkg->csum = sctx->identity; ctx.pkg->filename = strdup(file); ctx.pkg = apk_db_pkg_add(db, ctx.pkg); if (pkg != NULL) *pkg = ctx.pkg; return 0; err: apk_pkg_free(ctx.pkg); return r; } void apk_pkg_free(struct apk_package *pkg) { if (pkg == NULL) return; apk_pkg_uninstall(NULL, pkg); if (pkg->depends) free(pkg->depends); if (pkg->version) free(pkg->version); if (pkg->url) free(pkg->url); if (pkg->description) free(pkg->description); if (pkg->license) free(pkg->license); free(pkg); } int apk_ipkg_add_script(struct apk_installed_package *ipkg, struct apk_istream *is, unsigned int type, unsigned int size) { void *ptr; int r; if (type >= APK_SCRIPT_MAX) return -1; ptr = malloc(size); r = is->read(is, ptr, size); if (r < 0) { free(ptr); return r; } if (ipkg->script[type].ptr) free(ipkg->script[type].ptr); ipkg->script[type].ptr = ptr; ipkg->script[type].len = size; return 0; } int apk_ipkg_run_script(struct apk_installed_package *ipkg, int root_fd, unsigned int type, char **argv) { static char * const environment[] = { "PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", NULL }; struct apk_package *pkg = ipkg->pkg; char fn[PATH_MAX]; int fd, status; pid_t pid; if (type >= APK_SCRIPT_MAX) return -1; if (ipkg->script[type].ptr == NULL) return 0; argv[0] = (char *) apk_script_types[type]; /* Avoid /tmp as it can be mounted noexec */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "var/cache/misc/%s-%s.%s", pkg->name->name, pkg->version, apk_script_types[type]); apk_message("Executing %s", &fn[15]); if (apk_flags & APK_SIMULATE) return 0; fd = openat(root_fd, fn, O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, 0755); if (fd < 0) { mkdirat(root_fd, "var/cache/misc", 0755); fd = openat(root_fd, fn, O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, 0755); if (fd < 0) return -errno; } write(fd, ipkg->script[type].ptr, ipkg->script[type].len); close(fd); pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) return -1; if (pid == 0) { fchdir(root_fd); if (chroot(".") < 0) { apk_error("chroot: %s", strerror(errno)); } else { execve(fn, argv, environment); } exit(1); } waitpid(pid, &status, 0); unlinkat(root_fd, fn, 0); if (WIFEXITED(status)) return WEXITSTATUS(status); return -1; } static int parse_index_line(void *ctx, apk_blob_t line) { struct read_info_ctx *ri = (struct read_info_ctx *) ctx; if (line.len < 3 || line.ptr[1] != ':') return 0; apk_pkg_add_info(ri->db, ri->pkg, line.ptr[0], APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(line.ptr+2, line.len-2)); return 0; } struct apk_package *apk_pkg_parse_index_entry(struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t blob) { struct read_info_ctx ctx; ctx.pkg = apk_pkg_new(); if (ctx.pkg == NULL) return NULL; ctx.db = db; ctx.version = 0; apk_blob_for_each_segment(blob, "\n", parse_index_line, &ctx); if (ctx.pkg->name == NULL) { apk_pkg_free(ctx.pkg); apk_error("Failed to parse index entry: %.*s", blob.len, blob.ptr); ctx.pkg = NULL; } return ctx.pkg; } int apk_pkg_write_index_entry(struct apk_package *info, struct apk_ostream *os) { char buf[512]; apk_blob_t bbuf = APK_BLOB_BUF(buf); int r; apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("C:")); apk_blob_push_csum(&bbuf, &info->csum); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\nP:")); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR(info->name->name)); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\nV:")); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR(info->version)); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\nS:")); apk_blob_push_uint(&bbuf, info->size, 10); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\nI:")); apk_blob_push_uint(&bbuf, info->installed_size, 10); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\nT:")); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR(info->description)); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\nU:")); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR(info->url)); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\nL:")); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR(info->license)); apk_blob_push_blob(&bbuf, APK_BLOB_STR("\n")); if (APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(bbuf)) return -1; if (os->write(os, buf, bbuf.ptr - buf) != bbuf.ptr - buf) return -1; if (info->depends != NULL) { if (os->write(os, "D:", 2) != 2) return -1; r = apk_deps_write(info->depends, os); if (r < 0) return r; if (os->write(os, "\n", 1) != 1) return -1; } return 0; } int apk_pkg_version_compare(struct apk_package *a, struct apk_package *b) { return apk_version_compare(a->version, b->version); }