array( 'popup_content' => array( 'mobile-menu' ) ), 'above' => array( 'above_left' => array(), 'above_left_center' => array(), 'above_center' => array(), 'above_right_center' => array(), 'above_right' => array(), ), 'primary' => array( 'primary_left' => array( 'logo' ), 'primary_left_center' => array(), 'primary_center' => array(), 'primary_right_center' => array(), 'primary_right' => array( 'menu-1' ), ), 'below' => array( 'below_left' => array(), 'below_left_center' => array(), 'below_center' => array(), 'below_right_center' => array(), 'below_right' => array(), ), ); /** * Header Builder - Mobile Defaults. */ $defaults['header-mobile-items'] = array( 'popup' => array( 'popup_content' => array( 'mobile-menu' ) ), 'above' => array( 'above_left' => array(), 'above_center' => array(), 'above_right' => array(), ), 'primary' => array( 'primary_left' => array( 'logo' ), 'primary_center' => array(), 'primary_right' => array( 'mobile-trigger' ), ), 'below' => array( 'below_left' => array(), 'below_center' => array(), 'below_right' => array(), ), ); 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$defaults['hb-header-spacing'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'tablet' => array( 'top' => '1.5', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '1.5', 'left' => '', ), 'mobile' => array( 'top' => '1', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '1', 'left' => '', ), 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'em', 'mobile-unit' => 'em', ); /** * Above Header Defaults. */ $defaults['hba-header-layout'] = 'above-header-layout-1'; $defaults['hba-header-height'] = array( 'desktop' => 50, 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['hba-stack'] = array( 'desktop' => 'stack', 'tablet' => 'stack', 'mobile' => 'stack', ); $defaults['hba-header-separator'] = 1; $defaults['hba-header-bottom-border-color'] = '#eaeaea'; $defaults['hba-header-bg-obj-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'background-color' => '#ffffff', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'tablet' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'mobile' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), ); $defaults['hba-header-text-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['hba-header-link-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['hba-header-link-h-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['hba-header-spacing'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'tablet' => array( 'top' => '0', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '0', 'left' => '', ), 'mobile' => array( 'top' => '0.5', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'em', ); /** * Logo defaults. */ $defaults['ast-header-responsive-logo-width'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); /** * Below Header Defaults. */ $defaults['hbb-header-layout'] = 'below-header-layout-1'; $defaults['hbb-header-height'] = array( 'desktop' => 60, 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['hbb-stack'] = array( 'desktop' => 'stack', 'tablet' => 'stack', 'mobile' => 'stack', ); $defaults['hbb-header-separator'] = 1; $defaults['hbb-header-bottom-border-color'] = '#eaeaea'; $defaults['hbb-header-bg-obj-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'background-color' => '#eeeeee', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'tablet' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'mobile' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), ); $defaults['hbb-header-spacing'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'tablet' => array( 'top' => '1', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '1', 'left' => '', ), 'mobile' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'em', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); 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$index++ ) { $defaults = prepare_button_defaults( $defaults, $index ); $defaults = prepare_html_defaults( $defaults, $index ); $defaults = prepare_social_icon_defaults( $defaults, $index ); $defaults = prepare_widget_defaults( $defaults, $index ); $defaults = prepare_menu_defaults( $defaults, $index ); $defaults = prepare_divider_defaults( $defaults, $index ); } /** * Header Types - Defaults */ $defaults['transparent-header-main-sep'] = ( false === astra_get_transparent_header_default_value() ) ? '' : 0; $defaults['transparent-header-main-sep-color'] = ''; /** * Header > Sticky Defaults. */ $defaults['sticky-header-on-devices'] = 'desktop'; $defaults['sticky-header-style'] = 'none'; /** * Footer Builder - Desktop Defaults. */ $defaults['footer-desktop-items'] = array( 'above' => array( 'above_1' => array(), 'above_2' => array(), 'above_3' => array(), 'above_4' => array(), 'above_5' => array(), ), 'primary' => array( 'primary_1' => array(), 'primary_2' => array(), 'primary_3' => array(), 'primary_4' => array(), 'primary_5' => array(), ), 'below' => array( 'below_1' => array( 'copyright' ), 'below_2' => array(), 'below_3' => array(), 'below_4' => array(), 'below_5' => array(), ), ); /** * Above Footer Defaults. */ $defaults['hba-footer-height'] = 60; $defaults['hba-footer-column'] = '2'; $defaults['hba-footer-layout'] = array( 'desktop' => '2-equal', 'tablet' => '2-equal', 'mobile' => 'full', ); /** * Footer - Defaults */ $defaults['hba-footer-bg-obj-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'background-color' => '#eeeeee', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'tablet' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'mobile' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), ); 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/** * Header Margin defaults. */ $defaults['section-header-builder-layout-margin'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'tablet' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'mobile' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); /** * Below Footer Defaults. */ $defaults['hbb-footer-height'] = 80; $defaults['hbb-footer-column'] = '1'; $defaults['hbb-footer-layout'] = array( 'desktop' => 'full', 'tablet' => 'full', 'mobile' => 'full', ); $defaults['hba-footer-layout-width'] = 'content'; $defaults['hb-footer-layout-width'] = 'content'; $defaults['hbb-footer-layout-width'] = 'content'; $defaults['hba-footer-vertical-alignment'] = 'flex-start'; $defaults['hb-footer-vertical-alignment'] = 'flex-start'; $defaults['hbb-footer-vertical-alignment'] = 'flex-start'; $defaults['footer-bg-obj-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'tablet' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'mobile' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), ); /** * Primary Footer Defaults. */ $defaults['hb-footer-column'] = '3'; $defaults['hb-footer-separator'] = 1; $defaults['hb-footer-bottom-border-color'] = '#e6e6e6'; $defaults['hb-footer-layout'] = array( 'desktop' => '3-equal', 'tablet' => '3-equal', 'mobile' => 'full', ); $defaults['hb-footer-main-sep'] = 1; $defaults['hb-footer-main-sep-color'] = '#e6e6e6'; /** * Footer Copyright. */ $defaults['footer-copyright-editor'] = 'Copyright [copyright] [current_year] [site_title] | Powered by [theme_author]'; $defaults['footer-copyright-color'] = '#3a3a3a'; $defaults['line-height-section-footer-copyright'] = 2; $defaults['footer-copyright-alignment'] = array( 'desktop' => 'center', 'tablet' => 'center', 'mobile' => 'center', ); $defaults['font-size-section-footer-copyright'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults['font-weight-section-footer-copyright'] = 'inherit'; $defaults['font-family-section-footer-copyright'] = 'inherit'; 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$defaults['transparent-header-social-icons-h-color'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['transparent-header-social-icons-bg-color'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['transparent-header-social-icons-bg-h-color'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['transparent-header-html-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-html-link-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-html-link-h-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-widget-title-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-widget-content-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-widget-link-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-widget-link-h-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-button-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-button-text-h-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-button-bg-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-button-bg-h-color'] = ''; /** * Off-Canvas defaults. */ $defaults['off-canvas-layout'] = 'side-panel'; $defaults['off-canvas-slide'] = 'right'; $defaults['header-builder-menu-toggle-target'] = 'icon'; $defaults['header-offcanvas-content-alignment'] = 'flex-start'; $defaults['off-canvas-background'] = array( 'background-color' => '#ffffff', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ); $defaults['off-canvas-close-color'] = '#3a3a3a'; $defaults['mobile-header-type'] = 'dropdown'; $defaults['off-canvas-inner-spacing'] = ''; $defaults['footer-menu-layout'] = array( 'desktop' => 'horizontal', 'tablet' => 'vertical', 'mobile' => 'vertical', ); $defaults['footer-menu-bg-obj-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'tablet' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'mobile' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), ); $defaults['footer-menu-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['footer-menu-h-bg-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['footer-menu-h-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['footer-menu-a-bg-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['footer-menu-a-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['footer-menu-font-size'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults['footer-menu-font-weight'] = 'inherit'; $defaults['footer-menu-font-family'] = 'inherit'; $defaults['footer-menu-text-transform'] = ''; $defaults['footer-menu-line-height'] = ''; $defaults['footer-main-menu-spacing'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'tablet' => array( 'top' => '0', 'right' => '20', 'bottom' => '0', 'left' => '20', ), 'mobile' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); // Mobile Trigger defaults. $defaults['header-trigger-icon'] = 'menu'; $defaults['mobile-header-toggle-icon-size'] = 20; $defaults['mobile-header-toggle-btn-style'] = 'minimal'; $defaults['mobile-header-toggle-btn-border-size'] = array( 'top' => 1, 'right' => 1, 'bottom' => 1, 'left' => 1, ); $defaults['mobile-header-toggle-border-radius'] = 2; /** * Mobile trigger - Label Typography. */ $defaults['mobile-header-label-font-family'] = 'inherit'; $defaults['mobile-header-label-font-weight'] = 'inherit'; $defaults['mobile-header-label-text-transform'] = ''; $defaults['mobile-header-label-line-height'] = ''; $defaults['mobile-header-label-font-size'] = ''; /** * Mobile Menu */ // Specify all the default values for Menu from here. $defaults['header-mobile-menu-bg-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-h-bg-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-h-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-a-bg-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-a-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-bg-obj-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'tablet' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'mobile' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), ); $defaults['header-mobile-menu-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['header-mobile-menu-h-bg-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['header-mobile-menu-h-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['header-mobile-menu-a-bg-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['header-mobile-menu-a-color-responsive'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['header-mobile-menu-submenu-container-animation'] = 'fade'; /** * Submenu */ $defaults['header-mobile-menu-submenu-item-border'] = false; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-submenu-item-b-size'] = '1'; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-submenu-item-b-color'] = '#eaeaea'; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-submenu-border'] = array( 'top' => 2, 'bottom' => 0, 'left' => 0, 'right' => 0, ); /** * Menu - Typography. */ $defaults['header-mobile-menu-font-size'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults['header-mobile-menu-font-weight'] = 'inherit'; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-font-family'] = 'inherit'; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-text-transform'] = ''; $defaults['header-mobile-menu-line-height'] = ''; /** * Woo-Cart. */ $defaults['woo-header-cart-icon-style'] = 'outline'; $defaults['header-woo-cart-icon-color'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-woo-cart-icon-color'] = ''; $defaults['woo-header-cart-icon-radius'] = 3; $defaults['woo-header-cart-total-display'] = true; $defaults['woo-header-cart-title-display'] = true; // Cart tray > General Color styles. $defaults['header-woo-cart-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-cart-link-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-cart-background-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-cart-separator-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-cart-link-hover-color'] = ''; // Cart tray > Cart Button styles. $defaults['header-woo-cart-btn-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-cart-btn-background-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-cart-btn-text-hover-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-cart-btn-bg-hover-color'] = ''; // Cart tray > Checkout Button styles. $defaults['header-woo-checkout-btn-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-checkout-btn-background-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-checkout-btn-text-hover-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-woo-checkout-btn-bg-hover-color'] = ''; /** * EDD-Cart. */ $defaults['edd-header-cart-icon-style'] = 'outline'; $defaults['edd-header-cart-icon-color'] = ''; $defaults['edd-header-cart-icon-radius'] = 3; $defaults['transparent-header-edd-cart-icon-color'] = ''; $defaults['edd-header-cart-total-display'] = true; $defaults['edd-header-cart-title-display'] = true; // Cart tray > General Color styles. $defaults['header-edd-cart-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-edd-cart-link-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-edd-cart-background-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-edd-cart-separator-color'] = ''; // Cart tray > Checkout Button styles. $defaults['header-edd-checkout-btn-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-edd-checkout-btn-background-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-edd-checkout-btn-text-hover-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-edd-checkout-btn-bg-hover-color'] = ''; /** * Account element. */ $defaults['header-account-type'] = 'default'; $defaults['header-account-login-style'] = 'icon'; $defaults['header-account-action-type'] = 'link'; $defaults['header-account-link-type'] = 'default'; $defaults['header-account-logout-style'] = 'icon'; $defaults['header-account-logged-out-text'] = __( 'Log In', 'astra' ); $defaults['header-account-logged-in-text'] = __( 'My Account', 'astra' ); $defaults['header-account-logout-action'] = 'link'; $defaults['header-account-image-width'] = array( 'desktop' => '40', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults['header-account-icon-size'] = array( 'desktop' => 18, 'tablet' => 18, 'mobile' => 18, ); $defaults['header-account-icon-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-account-login-link'] = array( 'url' => '', 'new_tab' => false, 'link_rel' => '', ); $defaults['header-account-logout-link'] = array( 'url' => esc_url( wp_login_url() ), 'new_tab' => false, 'link_rel' => '', ); $defaults['font-size-section-header-account'] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults['header-account-type-text-color'] = ''; $defaults['header-account-woo-menu'] = false; $defaults['cloned-component-track'] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$component_count_array; return $defaults; } /** * Prepare Divider Defaults. * * @param array $defaults defaults. * @param integer $index index. */ function prepare_divider_defaults( $defaults, $index ) { $defaults[ 'section-hb-divider-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $defaults[ 'section-fb-divider-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; return $defaults; } /** * Prepare Button Defaults. * * @param array $defaults defaults. * @param integer $index index. */ function prepare_button_defaults( $defaults, $index ) { $_prefix = 'button' . $index; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-text' ] = __( 'Button', 'astra' ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-link-option' ] = array( 'url' => apply_filters( 'astra_site_url', '' ), 'new_tab' => false, 'link_rel' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-font-family' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-font-weight' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-text-transform' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-line-height' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-font-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-text-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-back-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-text-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-back-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-padding' ] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'tablet' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'mobile' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-border-size' ] = array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-border-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-border-radius' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'section-hb-button-' . $index . '-padding' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $defaults[ 'section-hb-button-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $defaults[ 'sticky-header-button' . $index . '-padding' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $_prefix = 'button' . $index; $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-text' ] = __( 'Button', 'astra' ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-link-option' ] = array( 'url' => apply_filters( 'astra_site_url', '' ), 'new_tab' => false, 'link_rel' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-font-family' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-font-weight' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-text-transform' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-line-height' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-font-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-text-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-back-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-text-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-back-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-padding' ] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'tablet' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'mobile' => array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ), 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-border-size' ] = array( 'top' => '', 'right' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'left' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-border-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-' . $_prefix . '-border-radius' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-button-' . $index . '-alignment' ] = array( 'desktop' => 'center', 'tablet' => 'center', 'mobile' => 'center', ); $defaults[ 'section-fb-button-' . $index . '-padding' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $defaults[ 'section-fb-button-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; return $defaults; } /** * Prepare HTML Defaults. * * @param array $defaults defaults. * @param integer $index index. */ function prepare_html_defaults( $defaults, $index ) { $_section = 'section-hb-html-' . $index; $defaults[ 'header-html-' . $index ] = __( 'Insert HTML text here.', 'astra' ); $defaults[ 'header-html-' . $index . 'color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-html-' . $index . 'link-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-html-' . $index . 'link-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'font-size-' . $_section ] = array( 'desktop' => 15, 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'font-weight-' . $_section ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'font-family-' . $_section ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'line-height-' . $_section ] = ''; $defaults[ 'text-transform-' . $_section ] = ''; $defaults[ 'section-hb-html-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $_section = 'section-fb-html-' . $index; $defaults[ 'footer-html-' . $index ] = __( 'Insert HTML text here.', 'astra' ); $defaults[ 'footer-html-' . $index . 'color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-html-' . $index . 'link-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-html-' . $index . 'link-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'font-size-' . $_section ] = array( 'desktop' => 15, 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'footer-html-' . $index . '-alignment' ] = array( 'desktop' => 'center', 'tablet' => 'center', 'mobile' => 'center', ); $defaults[ 'font-size-' . $_section ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'font-weight-' . $_section ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'font-family-' . $_section ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'text-transform-' . $_section ] = ''; $defaults[ 'line-height-' . $_section ] = ''; $defaults[ 'section-fb-html-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; return $defaults; } /** * Prepare Social Icon Defaults. * * @param array $defaults defaults. * @param integer $index index. */ function prepare_social_icon_defaults( $defaults, $index ) { $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-space' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-bg-space' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => 18, 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-radius' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-h-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-bg-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-bg-h-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-label-toggle' ] = false; $defaults[ 'header-social-' . $index . '-color-type' ] = 'custom'; $defaults[ 'font-size-section-hb-social-icons-' . $index ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'header-social-icons-' . $index ] = array( 'items' => array( array( 'id' => 'facebook', 'enabled' => true, 'source' => 'icon', 'url' => '', 'color' => '#557dbc', 'background' => 'transparent', 'icon' => 'facebook', 'label' => 'Facebook', ), array( 'id' => 'twitter', 'enabled' => true, 'source' => 'icon', 'url' => '', 'color' => '#7acdee', 'background' => 'transparent', 'icon' => 'twitter', 'label' => 'Twitter', ), array( 'id' => 'instagram', 'enabled' => true, 'source' => 'icon', 'url' => '', 'color' => '#8a3ab9', 'background' => 'transparent', 'icon' => 'instagram', 'label' => 'Instagram', ), ), ); $defaults[ 'section-hb-social-icons-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-space' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-bg-space' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => 18, 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-radius' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-h-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-bg-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-bg-h-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-label-toggle' ] = false; $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-color-type' ] = 'custom'; $defaults[ 'font-size-section-fb-social-icons-' . $index ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'footer-social-icons-' . $index ] = array( 'items' => array( array( 'id' => 'facebook', 'enabled' => true, 'source' => 'icon', 'url' => '', 'color' => '#557dbc', 'background' => 'transparent', 'icon' => 'facebook', 'label' => 'Facebook', ), array( 'id' => 'twitter', 'enabled' => true, 'source' => 'icon', 'url' => '', 'color' => '#7acdee', 'background' => 'transparent', 'icon' => 'twitter', 'label' => 'Twitter', ), array( 'id' => 'instagram', 'enabled' => true, 'source' => 'icon', 'url' => '', 'color' => '#8a3ab9', 'background' => 'transparent', 'icon' => 'instagram', 'label' => 'Instagram', ), ), ); $defaults[ 'footer-social-' . $index . '-alignment' ] = array( 'desktop' => 'center', 'tablet' => 'center', 'mobile' => 'center', ); $defaults[ 'section-fb-social-icons-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; return $defaults; } /** * Prepare Widget Defaults. * * @param array $defaults defaults. * @param integer $index index. */ function prepare_widget_defaults( $defaults, $index ) { // Widget Header defaults. // Colors. $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-title-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-link-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-link-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); // Title Typography. $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-font-family' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-font-weight' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-text-transform' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-line-height' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-font-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); // Content Typography. $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-content-font-family' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-content-font-weight' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-content-text-transform' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-content-line-height' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-widget-' . $index . '-content-font-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'sidebar-widgets-header-widget-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; // Widget Footer defaults. // Colors. $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-title-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-link-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-link-h-color' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); // Title Typography. $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-font-family' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-font-weight' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-text-transform' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-line-height' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-font-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); // Content Typography. $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-content-font-family' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-content-font-weight' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-content-text-transform' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-content-line-height' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'footer-widget-' . $index . '-content-font-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'footer-widget-alignment-' . $index ] = array( 'desktop' => 'left', 'tablet' => 'center', 'mobile' => 'center', ); $defaults[ 'sidebar-widgets-footer-widget-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; return $defaults; } /** * Prepare menu Defaults. * * @param array $defaults defaults. * @param integer $index index. */ function prepare_menu_defaults( $defaults, $index ) { $_prefix = 'menu' . $index; // Specify all the default values for Menu from here. $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-bg-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-h-bg-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-h-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-a-bg-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-a-color' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-bg-obj-responsive' ] = array( 'desktop' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'tablet' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), 'mobile' => array( 'background-color' => '', 'background-image' => '', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'auto', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', ), ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-color-responsive' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-h-bg-color-responsive' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-h-color-responsive' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-a-bg-color-responsive' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-a-color-responsive' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-menu-hover-animation' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-container-animation' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'section-hb-menu-' . $index . '-margin' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; $defaults[ 'header-menu' . $index . '-menu-spacing' ] = Astra_Builder_Helper::$default_responsive_spacing; /** * Submenu */ $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-item-border' ] = false; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-item-b-size' ] = '1'; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-item-b-color' ] = '#eaeaea'; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-border-radius' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-top-offset' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-width' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-submenu-border' ] = array( 'top' => 2, 'bottom' => 0, 'left' => 0, 'right' => 0, ); /** * Menu Stack on Mobile. */ $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-menu-stack-on-mobile' ] = true; /** * Menu - Typography. */ $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-font-size' ] = array( 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'desktop-unit' => 'px', 'tablet-unit' => 'px', 'mobile-unit' => 'px', ); $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-font-weight' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-font-family' ] = 'inherit'; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-text-transform' ] = ''; $defaults[ 'header-' . $_prefix . '-line-height' ] = ''; /** * Header Types - Defaults */ $defaults['transparent-header-main-sep'] = ''; $defaults['transparent-header-main-sep-color'] = ''; return $defaults; }