#include "networkingpage.hh" #include #include #include NetworkingPage::NetworkingPage(QWidget *parent) : HorizonWizardPage(parent) { QLabel *descLabel; QRadioButton *simple, *advanced, *skip; QVBoxLayout *layout; loadWatermark("network"); setTitle(tr("Networking Setup")); descLabel = new QLabel(tr( "If you have a normal network connection where your " "computer is directly connected to the Internet via " "Ethernet or Wi-Fi using a modem or router, choose " "Simple. If you have a more complicated network " "configuration, you need to set a static IP address, " "or you use a VPN, choose Advanced.\n\n" "If you don't want to configure networking or you " "don't want to use this computer on the Internet, " "choose Skip.")); descLabel->setWordWrap(true); simple = new QRadioButton(tr( "&Simple - my computer connects to the Internet directly " "or via a modem/router")); advanced = new QRadioButton(tr( "&Advanced - my computer connects to an enterprise " "network or\nI use a static IP address/VPN/802.1X")); skip = new QRadioButton(tr( "S&kip - I don't want to connect to a network or the " "Internet right now")); radioGroup = new QButtonGroup(this); radioGroup->addButton(simple); radioGroup->addButton(advanced); radioGroup->addButton(skip); QObject::connect(radioGroup, (void (QButtonGroup:: *)(QAbstractButton *))&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked, [=](QAbstractButton *button) { emit completeChanged(); }); layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(descLabel); layout->addSpacing(50); layout->addWidget(simple); layout->addWidget(advanced); layout->addWidget(skip); setLayout(layout); } bool NetworkingPage::isComplete() const { return (radioGroup->checkedButton() != nullptr); }