=============================== Changelog for Project Horizon =============================== :Author: * **A. Wilcox**, documentation writer * **Contributors**, code :Copyright: © 2019 Adélie Linux and contributors. 0.2.0 (2019-11-07) ================== Disk ---- * lvm_pv, lvm_vg, and lvm_lv execution are now implemented. Metadata -------- * keymap execution is now implemented. * language: An issue with execution of the language key has been fixed. * signingkey: Firmware keys are now installed when firmware is true. Network ------- * hostname: dns_domain_lo is now properly set in target /etc/conf.d/net. * nameserver execution is now implemented. * netaddress: OpenRC services are now added for configured interfaces. Owner ----- * New utility 'hscript-printowner' added, which prints the owning UID of a given path. User ---- * User account creation is now fully implemented. 0.1.0 (2019-11-02) ================== Initial release.