<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <chapter label="6" id="other"> <title>Other Requirements</title> <para>This chapter describes requirements that apply to the system but do not fit cleanly in other chapters.</para> <section id="documentation"> <title>User Documentation</title> <formalpara id="UserDoc.JargonFree"> <title>UserDoc.JargonFree</title> <para>The system documentation must contain minimal uses of technical jargon. The system documentation must define technical jargon where it is first used. "Jargon" is defined as a word that is technical in nature and is not listed in a Webster's or Oxford English dictionary.</para> </formalpara> <formalpara id="UserDoc.ContextAware"> <title>UserDoc.ContextAware</title> <para>The system must allow the user to read documentation relevant to the phase of installation that is currently on-screen.</para> </formalpara> </section> <section id="logging"> <title>Logging Requirements</title> <formalpara id="Logging.Levels"> <title>Logging.Levels</title> <para>The system shall have four levels of logging: Error, Warning, Information, Debug.</para> </formalpara> <formalpara id="Logging.Levels.Tiers"> <title>Logging.Levels.Tiers</title> <para>The system shall treat each level of logging as containing the prior level: for example, a level of Warning will additionally contain all Error output.</para> </formalpara> <formalpara id="Logging.Levels.Default"> <title>Logging.Levels.Default</title> <para>The system shall default to a logging level of Information unless a different logging level is chosen during invocation.</para> </formalpara> <formalpara id="Logging.ExtProcess"> <title>Logging.ExtProcess</title> <para>The system shall log all processes executed, including binary path, arguments, and environment, in the Debug logging level.</para> </formalpara> <formalpara id="Logging.ExtProcess.ReturnCode"> <title>Logging.ExtProcess.ReturnCode</title> <para>The system shall log all external process return codes, including name of binary and brief description of purpose of execution, in the Information log level.</para> </formalpara> <formalpara id="Logging.ExtProcess.ReturnCode.Error"> <title>Logging.ExtProcess.ReturnCode.Error</title> <para>If the return code of an external process is non-zero, the system shall log the external process return code message in the Error log level.</para> </formalpara> <formalpara id="Logging.UIKeys"> <title>Logging.UIKeys</title> <para>The Horizon UI system shall log the values it uses for each key as it gathers information in the Debug logging level.</para> </formalpara> </section> <section id="i18n"> <title>Internationalisation Requirements</title> <formalpara id="I18n.Meow"> <title>I18n.Meow</title> <para>The Horizon UI system shall be implemented in English and at least one fake language for the purposes of ensuring that all strings are translatable.</para> </formalpara> </section> </chapter>