.Dd May 15, 2020 .Dt <TOOL-NAME> 8 .Os "Adélie Linux" .Sh NAME .Nm <tool-name> .Nd <short description of the tool's purpose> .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Fl a Ar ARGUMENT .Op Fl f .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm does something. .Bl -tag -width "-v VERSION" -offset indent -compact .It Fl a Ar ARGUMENT Specifies an argument to the tool. .It Fl f Sets a flag in the tool. .Ss Sub-section The .Nm utility does other things. .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Bl -tag -width "LONG_ENV_VAR" -offset indent -compact .It Ev Sy ENV_VAR Controls a behaviour of the tool. .It Ev Sy LONG_ENV_VAR Controls another behaviour. .Sh FILES .Bl -ohang -width "/etc/foo" -offset indent -compact .It Pa /etc/foo .Nm reads the /etc/foo file for foos. .Sh EXAMPLES tool-name -f .Pp LONG_ENV_VAR=bar tool-name .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr mksquashfs 1 , .Xr apk 8 , .Xr mkisofs 8 . .Sh HISTORY The .Nm command first appeared in Horizon 1.0. .Sh AUTHORS .An A. Wilcox .Aq awilfox@adelielinux.org