.Dd May 15, 2020 .Dt Horizon::DiskMan::DiskMan 3 .Os "Adélie Linux" .Sh NAME .Nm Horizon::DiskMan::DiskMan .Nd main class of the Horizon Disk Manager .Sh SYNOPSIS .In diskman/diskman.hh .Cm using Horizon::DiskMan::DiskMan; .Ft vector<Disk> .Fo DiskMan::find_disks .Fa "bool include_part = true" "bool include_vg = true" "bool include_lvm = false" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm class provides a facility for inspecting the fixed disk(s) present on a computer. .Pp Calling the .Fn DiskMan::find_disks function will return a vector of .Cm Horizon::DiskMan::Disk containing all fixed disks presently attached to the system. The .Fn DiskMan::find_disks function allows you to control the data returned with three arguments: .Fa include_part , which if true will include partition information when a fixed disk contains a readable disk label; .Fa include_vg , which if true will include each LVM volume group as a Disk; and .Fa include_lvm , which if true will include each LVM logical volume as a Disk. .Pp You should only create instances of .Cm Horizon::DiskMan::DiskMan ; the DiskMan class will provide you with the relevant instances of Disk and Parition. .Sh RETURN VALUES The .Fn DiskMan::find_disks function returns a .Cm std::vector of .Cm Horizon::DiskMan::Disk objects describing all fixed disks attached to the system. .Sh EXAMPLES .Bd -literal -offset indent #include <diskman/diskman.hh> #include <iostream> using Horizon::DiskMan::DiskMan; int main(void) { DiskMan diskMan; auto disks = diskMan.find_disks(false, false, false); std::cout << "Found " << std::to_string(disks.size()) << " disk(s):" << std::endl; for(auto &disk : disks) { std::cout << "==========================================" << std::endl; std::cout << "Disk: " << disk.name() << " (" << disk.model() << ")"; std::cout << " at " << disk.dev_path() << std::endl; std::cout << "==========================================" << std::endl; } return 0; } .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr Horizon::DiskMan::Disk 3 , .Xr Horizon::DiskMan::Partition 3 . .Sh HISTORY The DiskMan library first appeared in Horizon 0.9. .Sh AUTHORS .An A. Wilcox .Aq awilfox@adelielinux.org