/* * meta.cc - Implementation of the Key classes for system metadata * libhscript, the HorizonScript library for * Project Horizon * * Copyright (c) 2019 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the * LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ #include <fstream> #include <regex> #include <unistd.h> #include "meta.hh" #include "util/output.hh" using namespace Horizon::Keys; Key *Hostname::parseFromData(const std::string &data, int lineno, int *errors, int *) { std::regex valid_re("[A-Za-z0-9-_.]*"); if(!std::regex_match(data, valid_re)) { if(errors) *errors += 1; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno), "hostname: expected machine or DNS name", "'" + data + "' is not a valid hostname"); return nullptr; } return new Hostname(lineno, data); } bool Hostname::validate(ScriptOptions) const { /* Validate that the name is a valid machine or DNS name */ bool any_failure = false; std::string::size_type last_dot = 0, next_dot = 0; if(!isalpha(this->_value[0])) { any_failure = true; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: must start with alphabetical character"); } if(this->_value.size() > 320) { any_failure = true; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: value too long", "valid host names must be less than 320 characters"); } do { next_dot = this->_value.find_first_of('.', next_dot + 1); if(next_dot == std::string::npos) { next_dot = this->_value.size(); } if(next_dot - last_dot > 64) { any_failure = true; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: component too long", "each component must be less than 64 characters"); } last_dot = next_dot; } while(next_dot != this->_value.size()); return !any_failure; } bool Hostname::execute(ScriptOptions opts) const { /* Set the hostname of the target computer */ std::string actual; std::string::size_type dot = this->_value.find_first_of('.'); if(this->_value.size() > 64) { /* Linux has a nodename limit of 64 characters. * That's fine, because we have a limit of 64 chars per segment. * Assuming a dot is present, just chop at the first dot. */ if(dot == std::string::npos || dot >= 64) { output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: nodename too long", "Linux requires nodename to be <= 64 characters."); return false; } actual = this->_value.substr(0, dot); } else { actual = this->_value; } /* Runner.Execute.hostname. */ if(opts.test(Simulate)) { output_info("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: set hostname to '" + actual + "'"); std::cout << "hostname " << actual << std::endl; } else { if(sethostname(actual.c_str(), actual.size()) == -1) { output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: failed to set host name", std::string(strerror(errno))); return false; } } /* Runner.Execute.hostname.Write. */ if(opts.test(Simulate)) { output_info("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: write '" + actual + "' to /etc/hostname"); std::cout << "printf '%s' " << actual << " > /target/etc/hostname" << std::endl; } else { std::ofstream hostname_f("/target/etc/hostname"); if(!hostname_f) { output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "hostname: could not open /etc/hostname for writing"); return false; } hostname_f << actual; } return true; } Key *PkgInstall::parseFromData(const std::string &data, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings) { std::regex valid_pkg("[0-9A-Za-z+_.-]*((>?<|[<>]?=|[~>])[0-9A-Za-z-_.]+)?"); std::string next_pkg; std::istringstream stream(data); std::set<std::string> all_pkgs; while(stream >> next_pkg) { if(!std::regex_match(next_pkg, valid_pkg)) { if(errors) *errors += 1; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno), "pkginstall: expected package name", "'" + next_pkg + "' is not a valid package or atom"); return nullptr; } if(all_pkgs.find(next_pkg) != all_pkgs.end()) { if(warnings) *warnings += 1; output_warning("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno), "pkginstall: package '" + next_pkg + "' is already in the target package set"); continue; } all_pkgs.insert(next_pkg); } return new PkgInstall(lineno, all_pkgs); } Key *Repository::parseFromData(const std::string &data, int lineno, int *errors, int *) { if(data.empty() || (data[0] != '/' && data.compare(0, 4, "http"))) { if(errors) *errors += 1; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno), "repository: must be absolute path or HTTP(S) URL"); return nullptr; } return new Repository(lineno, data); } bool Repository::validate(ScriptOptions) const { /* TODO XXX: Ensure URL is accessible if networking is available */ return true; } bool Repository::execute(ScriptOptions opts) const { /* Runner.Execute.repository. */ if(opts.test(Simulate)) { output_info("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "repository: write '" + this->value() + "' to /etc/apk/repositories"); std::cout << "echo '" << this->value() << "' >> /target/etc/apk/repositories" << std::endl; } else { std::ofstream repo_f("/target/etc/apk/repositories", std::ios_base::ate); if(!repo_f) { output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->lineno()), "repository: could not open /etc/apk/repositories " "for writing"); return false; } repo_f << this->value() << std::endl; } return true; }