/* * script.cc - Implementation of the Script class * libhscript, the HorizonScript library for * Project Horizon * * Copyright (c) 2019 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the * LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "script.hh" #include "disk.hh" #include "meta.hh" #include "network.hh" #include "user.hh" #include "util/output.hh" #define LINE_MAX 512 typedef Horizon::Keys::Key *(*key_parse_fn)(const std::string &, int, int*, int*); using namespace Horizon::Keys; const std::map valid_keys = { {"network", &Network::parseFromData}, {"hostname", &Hostname::parseFromData}, {"pkginstall", &PkgInstall::parseFromData}, {"rootpw", &RootPassphrase::parseFromData}, {"language", &Language::parseFromData}, {"keymap", &Keymap::parseFromData}, {"firmware", &Firmware::parseFromData}, {"timezone", &Timezone::parseFromData}, {"repository", &Repository::parseFromData}, {"signingkey", &SigningKey::parseFromData}, {"netaddress", &NetAddress::parseFromData}, {"nameserver", &Nameserver::parseFromData}, {"netssid", &NetSSID::parseFromData}, {"username", &Username::parseFromData}, {"useralias", &UserAlias::parseFromData}, {"userpw", &UserPassphrase::parseFromData}, {"usericon", &UserIcon::parseFromData}, {"usergroups", &UserGroups::parseFromData}, {"diskid", &DiskId::parseFromData}, {"disklabel", &DiskLabel::parseFromData}, {"partition", &Partition::parseFromData}, {"lvm_pv", &LVMPhysical::parseFromData}, {"lvm_vg", &LVMGroup::parseFromData}, {"lvm_lv", &LVMVolume::parseFromData}, {"encrypt", &Encrypt::parseFromData}, {"fs", &Filesystem::parseFromData}, {"mount", &Mount::parseFromData} }; namespace Horizon { /*! Describes a user account. */ struct UserDetail { std::unique_ptr name; std::unique_ptr alias; std::unique_ptr passphrase; std::unique_ptr icon; std::vector< std::unique_ptr > groups; }; struct Script::ScriptPrivate { /*! Determines whether or not to enable networking. */ std::unique_ptr network; /*! The target system's hostname. */ std::unique_ptr hostname; /*! The packages to install to the target system. */ std::set packages; /*! The root shadow line. */ std::unique_ptr rootpw; /*! Target system's mountpoints. */ std::vector< std::unique_ptr > mounts; /*! Network addressing configuration */ std::vector< std::unique_ptr > addresses; std::vector< std::unique_ptr > ssids; /*! APK repositories */ std::vector< std::unique_ptr > repos; /*! User account information */ std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr > accounts; /*! Disk identification keys */ std::vector< std::unique_ptr > diskids; /*! Store +key_obj+ representing the key +key_name+. * @param key_name The name of the key that is being stored. * @param obj The Key object associated with the key. * @param errors Output parameter: if given, incremented on error. * @param warnings Output parameter: if given, incremented on warning. * @param opts Script parsing options. */ bool store_key(const std::string key_name, Keys::Key *obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { if(key_name == "network") { return store_network(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "hostname") { return store_hostname(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "pkginstall") { return store_pkginstall(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "rootpw") { return store_rootpw(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "mount") { std::unique_ptr mount(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->mounts.push_back(std::move(mount)); return true; } else if(key_name == "netaddress") { std::unique_ptr addr(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->addresses.push_back(std::move(addr)); return true; } else if(key_name == "netssid") { std::unique_ptr ssid(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->ssids.push_back(std::move(ssid)); return true; } else if(key_name == "repository") { std::unique_ptr repo(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->repos.push_back(std::move(repo)); return true; } else if(key_name == "diskid") { std::unique_ptr diskid(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->diskids.push_back(std::move(diskid)); return true; } else if(key_name == "username") { return store_username(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "useralias") { return store_useralias(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "userpw") { return store_userpw(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "usericon") { return store_usericon(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else if(key_name == "usergroups") { return store_usergroups(obj, lineno, errors, warnings, opts); } else { return false; } } #define DUPLICATE_ERROR(OBJ, KEY, OLD_VAL) \ std::string err_str("previous value was ");\ err_str += OLD_VAL;\ err_str += " at installfile:" + std::to_string(OBJ->lineno());\ if(errors) *errors += 1;\ output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno),\ "duplicate value for key '" + std::string(KEY) + "'",\ err_str); bool store_network(Keys::Key* obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { if(this->network) { DUPLICATE_ERROR(this->network, "network", this->network->test() ? "true" : "false") return false; } std::unique_ptr net(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->network = std::move(net); return true; } bool store_hostname(Keys::Key* obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { if(this->hostname) { DUPLICATE_ERROR(this->hostname, "hostname", this->hostname->value()) return false; } std::unique_ptr name(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->hostname = std::move(name); return true; } bool store_pkginstall(Keys::Key* obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { PkgInstall *install = dynamic_cast(obj); for(auto &pkg : install->packages()) { if(opts.test(StrictMode) && packages.find(pkg) != packages.end()) { if(warnings) *warnings += 1; output_warning("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno), "pkginstall: package '" + pkg + "' has already been specified"); continue; } packages.insert(pkg); } delete install; return true; } bool store_rootpw(Keys::Key* obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { if(this->rootpw) { DUPLICATE_ERROR(this->rootpw, std::string("rootpw"), "an encrypted passphrase") return false; } std::unique_ptr r(dynamic_cast(obj)); this->rootpw = std::move(r); return true; } bool store_username(Keys::Key *obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { if(accounts.size() >= 255) { if(errors) *errors += 1; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno), "username: too many users", "you may only specify 255 users"); return false; } std::unique_ptr name(dynamic_cast(obj)); if(accounts.find(name->value()) != accounts.end()) { DUPLICATE_ERROR((*accounts.find(name->value())).second->name, "username", "assigned") return false; } std::unique_ptr detail(new UserDetail); detail->name = std::move(name); accounts.insert(std::make_pair(name->value(), std::move(detail))); return true; } #define GET_USER_DETAIL(OBJ, KEY) \ if(accounts.find(OBJ->username()) == accounts.end()) {\ if(errors) *errors += 1;\ output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno),\ std::string(KEY) + ": account name " + OBJ->username() +\ " is unknown");\ return false;\ }\ UserDetail *detail = (*accounts.find(OBJ->username())).second.get(); bool store_useralias(Keys::Key* obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { std::unique_ptr alias(dynamic_cast(obj)); GET_USER_DETAIL(alias, "useralias") if(detail->alias) { DUPLICATE_ERROR(detail->alias, "useralias", detail->alias->alias()) return false; } detail->alias = std::move(alias); return true; } bool store_userpw(Keys::Key *obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { std::unique_ptr pw(dynamic_cast(obj)); GET_USER_DETAIL(pw, "userpw") if(detail->passphrase) { DUPLICATE_ERROR(detail->passphrase, "userpw", "an encrypted passphrase") return false; } detail->passphrase = std::move(pw); return true; } bool store_usericon(Keys::Key *obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { std::unique_ptr icon(dynamic_cast(obj)); GET_USER_DETAIL(icon, "usericon") if(detail->icon) { DUPLICATE_ERROR(detail->icon, "usericon", detail->icon->icon()) return false; } detail->icon = std::move(icon); return true; } bool store_usergroups(Keys::Key* obj, int lineno, int *errors, int *warnings, ScriptOptions opts) { std::unique_ptr grp(dynamic_cast(obj)); GET_USER_DETAIL(grp, "usergroups") detail->groups.push_back(std::move(grp)); return true; } #undef GET_USER_DETAIL #undef DUPLICATE_ERROR }; Script::Script() { internal = new ScriptPrivate; } Script::~Script() { delete internal; } const Script *Script::load(const std::string path, const ScriptOptions opts) { std::ifstream file(path); if(!file) { output_error(path, "Cannot open installfile", ""); return nullptr; } return Script::load(file, opts); } #define PARSER_ERROR(err_str) \ errors++;\ output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno),\ err_str, "");\ if(!opts.test(ScriptOptionFlags::KeepGoing)) {\ break;\ } #define PARSER_WARNING(warn_str) \ warnings++;\ output_warning("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno),\ warn_str, ""); const Script *Script::load(std::istream &sstream, const ScriptOptions opts) { using namespace Horizon::Keys; Script *the_script = new Script; int lineno = 0; char nextline[LINE_MAX]; const std::string delim(" \t"); int errors = 0, warnings = 0; while(sstream.getline(nextline, sizeof(nextline))) { lineno++; if(nextline[0] == '#') { /* This is a comment line; ignore it. */ continue; } const std::string line(nextline); std::string key; std::string::size_type start, key_end, value_begin; start = line.find_first_not_of(delim); if(start == std::string::npos) { /* This is a blank line; ignore it. */ continue; } key_end = line.find_first_of(delim, start); value_begin = line.find_first_not_of(delim, key_end); key = line.substr(start, (key_end - start)); if(key_end == std::string::npos || value_begin == std::string::npos) { /* Key without value */ PARSER_ERROR("key '" + key + "' has no value") continue; } /* Normalise key to lower-case */ std::transform(key.begin(), key.end(), key.begin(), ::tolower); if(valid_keys.find(key) == valid_keys.end()) { /* Invalid key */ if(opts.test(StrictMode)) { PARSER_ERROR("key '" + key + "' is not defined") } else { PARSER_WARNING("key '" + key + "' is not defined") } continue; } Key *key_obj = valid_keys.at(key)(line.substr(value_begin), lineno, &errors, &warnings); if(!key_obj) { PARSER_ERROR("value for key '" + key + "' was invalid") continue; } if(!the_script->internal->store_key(key, key_obj, lineno, &errors, &warnings, opts)) { PARSER_ERROR("stopping due to prior errors") continue; } } if(sstream.fail() && !sstream.eof()) { output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno + 1), "line exceeds maximum length", "Maximum line length is " + std::to_string(LINE_MAX)); errors++; } if(sstream.bad() && !sstream.eof()) { output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno), "I/O error while reading installfile", ""); errors++; } /* Ensure all required keys are present. */ #define MISSING_ERROR(key) \ output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(lineno),\ "expected value for key '" + std::string(key) + "'",\ "this key is required");\ errors++; if(errors == 0) { if(!the_script->internal->network) { MISSING_ERROR("network") } if(!the_script->internal->hostname) { MISSING_ERROR("hostname") } if(the_script->internal->packages.size() == 0) { MISSING_ERROR("pkginstall") } if(!the_script->internal->rootpw) { MISSING_ERROR("rootpw") } if(the_script->internal->mounts.size() == 0) { MISSING_ERROR("mount") } } #undef MISSING_ERROR output_log("parser", "0", "installfile", std::to_string(errors) + " error(s), " + std::to_string(warnings) + " warning(s).", ""); if(errors > 0) { delete the_script; return nullptr; } else { the_script->opts = opts; return the_script; } } bool Script::validate() const { int failures = 0; std::set seen_diskids, seen_mounts; std::map seen_iface; if(!this->internal->network->validate(this->opts)) failures++; if(!this->internal->hostname->validate(this->opts)) failures++; if(!this->internal->rootpw->validate(this->opts)) failures++; for(auto &diskid : this->internal->diskids) { if(!diskid->validate(this->opts)) { failures++; continue; } /* Runner.Validate.diskid.Unique */ if(seen_diskids.find(diskid->device()) != seen_diskids.end()) { failures++; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(diskid->lineno()), "diskid: device " + diskid->device() + " has already been identified"); } seen_diskids.insert(diskid->device()); } for(auto &mount : this->internal->mounts) { if(!mount->validate(this->opts)) { failures++; continue; } /* Runner.Validate.mount.Unique */ if(seen_mounts.find(mount->mountpoint()) != seen_mounts.end()) { failures++; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(mount->lineno()), "mount: mountpoint " + mount->mountpoint() + " has already been specified; " + mount->device() + " is a duplicate"); } seen_mounts.insert(mount->mountpoint()); if(this->opts.test(InstallEnvironment)) { /* TODO: Runner.Validate.mount.Block for not-yet-created devs. */ } } /* Runner.Validate.mount.Root */ if(seen_mounts.find("/") == seen_mounts.end()) { failures++; output_error("installfile:0", "mount: no root mount specified"); } /* Runner.Validate.network.netaddress */ if(this->internal->network->test() && this->internal->addresses.size() == 0) { failures++; output_error("installfile:0", "networking requested but no 'netaddress' defined", "You need to specify at least one address to enable " "networking."); } for(auto &address : this->internal->addresses) { if(!address->validate(this->opts)) { failures++; } /* Runner.Validate.network.netaddress.Count */ if(seen_iface.find(address->iface()) == seen_iface.end()) { seen_iface.insert(std::make_pair(address->iface(), 1)); } else { seen_iface[address->iface()] += 1; if(seen_iface[address->iface()] > 255) { failures++; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(address->lineno()), "netaddress: interface '" + address->iface() + "' has too many addresses assigned"); } } } /* Runner.Validate.network.netssid */ for(auto &ssid : this->internal->ssids) { if(!ssid->validate(this->opts)) { failures++; } } if(this->internal->repos.size() == 0) { Keys::Repository *sys_key = dynamic_cast( Horizon::Keys::Repository::parseFromData( "https://distfiles.adelielinux.org/adelie/stable/system", 0, nullptr, nullptr ) ); if(!sys_key) { output_error("internal", "failed to create default system repository"); return false; } std::unique_ptr sys_repo(sys_key); this->internal->repos.push_back(std::move(sys_repo)); Keys::Repository *user_key = dynamic_cast( Horizon::Keys::Repository::parseFromData( "https://distfiles.adelielinux.org/adelie/stable/user", 0, nullptr, nullptr ) ); if(!user_key) { output_error("internal", "failed to create default user repository"); return false; } std::unique_ptr user_repo(user_key); this->internal->repos.push_back(std::move(user_repo)); } for(auto &repo : this->internal->repos) { if(!repo->validate(this->opts)) { failures++; } } if(this->internal->repos.size() > 10) { failures++; output_error("installfile:" + std::to_string(this->internal->repos[11]->lineno()), "repository: too many repositories specified", "You may only specify up to 10 repositories."); } output_log("validator", "0", "installfile", std::to_string(failures) + " failure(s).", ""); return (failures == 0); } bool Script::execute() const { bool success; /* Runner.Execute.Verify */ output_step_start("validate"); success = this->validate(); output_step_end("validate"); if(!success) { /* Runner.Execute.Verify.Failure */ output_error("validator", "The HorizonScript failed validation", "Check the output from the validator."); return false; } #define EXECUTE_FAILURE(phase) \ output_error(phase, "The HorizonScript failed to execute",\ "Check the log file for more details.") /**************** DISK SETUP ****************/ output_step_start("disk"); /* Sort by mountpoint. * This ensures that any subdirectory mounts come after their parent. */ std::sort(this->internal->mounts.begin(), this->internal->mounts.end(), [](std::unique_ptr const &e1, std::unique_ptr const &e2) { return e1->mountpoint() < e2->mountpoint(); }); for(auto &mount : this->internal->mounts) { if(!mount->execute(opts)) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("disk"); return false; } } output_step_end("disk"); /**************** PRE PACKAGE METADATA ****************/ output_step_start("pre-metadata"); if(!this->internal->hostname->execute(opts)) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("pre-metadata"); return false; } for(auto &repo : this->internal->repos) { if(!repo->execute(opts)) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("pre-metadata"); return false; } } output_step_end("pre-metadata"); /**************** NETWORK ****************/ output_step_start("net"); for(auto &ssid : this->internal->ssids) { if(!ssid->execute(opts)) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("net"); /* "Soft" error. Not fatal. */ } } for(auto &addr : this->internal->addresses) { if(!addr->execute(opts)) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("net"); /* "Soft" error. Not fatal. */ } } if(!this->internal->network->execute(opts)) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("net"); return false; } output_step_end("net"); /**************** PKGDB ****************/ output_step_start("pkgdb"); /* Runner.Execute.pkginstall.APKDB */ output_info("internal", "initialising APK"); if(opts.test(Simulate)) { std::cout << "apk --root /target --initdb add" << std::endl; } else { if(system("apk --root /target --initdb add") != 0) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("pkgdb"); return false; } } /* Runner.Execute.pkginstall */ output_info("internal", "installing packages to target"); std::ostringstream pkg_list; for(auto &pkg : this->internal->packages) { pkg_list << pkg << " "; } if(opts.test(Simulate)) { std::cout << "apk --root /target update" << std::endl; std::cout << "apk --root /target add " << pkg_list.str() << std::endl; } else { if(system("apk --root /target update") != 0) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("pkgdb"); return false; } std::string apk_invoc = "apk --root /target add " + pkg_list.str(); if(system(apk_invoc.c_str()) != 0) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("pkgdb"); return false; } } output_step_end("pkgdb"); /**************** POST PACKAGE METADATA ****************/ output_step_start("post-metadata"); if(!this->internal->rootpw->execute(opts)) { EXECUTE_FAILURE("post-metadata"); return false; } output_step_end("post-metadata"); return true; } }