====================================================== README for Project Horizon - Image Creation Backends ====================================================== :Authors: * **A. Wilcox**, principal author, project manager :Status: Development :Copyright: © 2020 Adélie Linux. Code: AGPL-3.0 license. Documentation: CC BY-NC-SA open source license. Introduction ============ This directory contains the various backends for creating images using Project Horizon. License ``````` Development documentation for Project Horizon is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see . Code is licensed under the Affero GPL (AGPL) 3 license. Changes ``````` Any changes to this repository must be reviewed before being pushed to the master branch. Design ====== Image creation backends shall derive from the Horizon::Image::BasicBackend class. Concrete backends can exist in any namespace. To be used with the Image Creation utility, the backend must be registered using the static ``BackendManager::register_backend`` function, using a unique Type Code. This Type Code can then be passed to the Image Creation utility with the ``-t`` parameter for use. The Horizon::Image::BasicBackend is an abstract (pure virtual) class that has a single method that you must implement: ``create()``. This will be called on a constructed object of your concrete backend class, which has two instance variables: ``std::string ir_dir``, which is the base directory for the installed system (like ``/target`` during a normal installation), and ``std::string out_path``, which is the user's desired output path and file name. You may also implement ``prepare()``, which is called before create, and ``finalise()``, which is called after. Default no-op implementations are provided for you in BasicBackend. You may also implement ``cleanup()``, which is called after ``finalise()`` or when an error occurs during one of the other phases. The default implementation in BasicBackend unmounts the target 'dev', 'proc', and 'sys' filesystems from ir_dir/target. Repository Layout ================= Each backend has its own .cc/.hh file. The special ``backends.hh`` file contains the table used by the Image Creation utility for determining supported types and backends. Contributing ============ See the CONTIRIBUTING.rst_ file in the roort directory of the Project Horizon repository more details on how to contribute your own backend. .. _CONTRIBUTING.rst: https://code.foxkit.us/adelie/horizon/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst Reporting Issues ================ If you have an issue using Project Horizon, you may view our BTS_. You may also `submit an issue`_ directly. For general discussion, questions, or to submit a patch, please use the `Horizon mailing list`_. .. _BTS: https://bts.adelielinux.org/buglist.cgi?product=Horizon&resolution=--- .. _`submit an issue`: https://bts.adelielinux.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Horizon .. _`Horizon mailing list`: https://lists.adelielinux.org/postorius/lists/horizon.lists.adelielinux.org/