require 'aruba/rspec' IFILE_PATH = 'installfile' def run_simulate(extra = '') run_command 'hscript-simulate ' + IFILE_PATH + extra end def use_fixture(fixture) copy '%/' + fixture, IFILE_PATH end RSpec.describe 'HorizonScript Simulator', :type => :aruba do context "argument passing" do it "requires an installfile to be specified" do run_command 'hscript-simulate' expect(last_command_started).to have_output(/usage/) end it "supports Strict Mode" do run_command 'hscript-simulate foo -s' expect(last_command_started).to_not have_output(/usage/) end it "doesn't output ANSI colours when instructed not to" do run_command 'hscript-simulate foo -n' expect(last_command_started).to_not have_output(/\033/) end it "doesn't output ANSI colours when redirected" do run_command 'hscript-simulate foo 2>/dev/null' expect(last_command_started).to_not have_output(/\033/) end it "outputs the hashbang when redirected" do run_command 'hscript-simulate foo' expect(last_command_started.stdout).to start_with("#!/bin/sh") end end context "simulating 'mount' flags" do it "mounts directories in tree order" do use_fixture '0057-many-mounts.installfile' run_simulate expect(last_command_started.stdout).to include(" mount /dev/sda1 /target/ mount /dev/gwyn/home /target/home mount /dev/sda2 /target/usr mount /dev/gwyn/source /target/usr/src") end end end