/* * horizonwizard.cc - Implementation of the main Wizard class * horizon-qt5, the Qt 5 user interface for * Project Horizon * * Copyright (c) 2019 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the * LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ #include "horizonwizard.hh" #include "horizonhelpwindow.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV # include # include /* ifreq */ # include "commitpage.hh" extern "C" { # include /* STAMP */ } # include /* ioctl */ # include /* close */ #else # include # include "writeoutpage.hh" #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ #include "intropage.hh" #include "inputpage.hh" #ifdef NON_LIBRE_FIRMWARE #include "firmwarepage.hh" #endif /* NON_LIBRE_FIRMWARE */ #include "networkingpage.hh" #include "networkifacepage.hh" #include "netsimplewifipage.hh" #include "netdhcppage.hh" #include "datetimepage.hh" #include "hostnamepage.hh" #include "pkgsimple.hh" #include "pkgdefaults.hh" #include "bootpage.hh" #include "rootpwpage.hh" #include "accountpage.hh" #include "util/keymaps.hh" static std::map help_id_map = { {HorizonWizard::Page_Intro, "intro"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Input, "input"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Partition, "partition"}, #ifdef NON_LIBRE_FIRMWARE {HorizonWizard::Page_Firmware, "firmware"}, #endif /* NON_LIBRE_FIRMWARE */ {HorizonWizard::Page_Network, "network-start"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Network_Iface, "network-iface"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Network_Wireless, "network-wifi"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Network_CustomAP, "network-wifi-ap"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Network_DHCP, "network-dhcp"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Network_Portal, "network-portal"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Network_Manual, "network-manual"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_DateTime, "datetime"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Hostname, "hostname"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_PkgSimple, "packages-simple"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_PkgCustom, "packages-custom"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_PkgCustomDefault, "packages-custom-default"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Boot, "startup"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Root, "rootpw"}, {HorizonWizard::Page_Accounts, "accounts"}, #ifndef HAS_INSTALL_ENV {HorizonWizard::Page_Write, "writeout"}, #else /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ {HorizonWizard::Page_Commit, "commit"} #endif /* !HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ }; #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV std::map probe_ifaces(void) { struct udev *udev; struct udev_enumerate *if_list; struct udev_list_entry *first, *candidate; struct udev_device *device = nullptr; std::map ifaces; udev = udev_new(); if(udev == nullptr) { qDebug() << "Can't connect to UDev."; return ifaces; } if_list = udev_enumerate_new(udev); if(if_list == nullptr) { qDebug() << "Uh oh. UDev is unhappy."; udev_unref(udev); return ifaces; } udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem(if_list, "net"); udev_enumerate_scan_devices(if_list); first = udev_enumerate_get_list_entry(if_list); udev_list_entry_foreach(candidate, first) { const char *syspath = udev_list_entry_get_name(candidate); const char *devtype, *cifname; QString mac; if(device != nullptr) udev_device_unref(device); device = udev_device_new_from_syspath(udev, syspath); if(device == nullptr) continue; devtype = udev_device_get_devtype(device); if(devtype == nullptr) { devtype = udev_device_get_sysattr_value(device, "type"); if(devtype == nullptr) { qDebug() << syspath << " skipped; no device type."; continue; } } cifname = udev_device_get_property_value(device, "INTERFACE"); if(cifname == nullptr) { qDebug() << syspath << " has no interface name."; continue; } /* Retrieving the index is always valid, and is not even privileged. */ struct ifreq request; int my_sock = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(my_sock != -1) { memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); memcpy(&request.ifr_name, cifname, strnlen(cifname, IFNAMSIZ)); errno = 0; if(ioctl(my_sock, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &request) != -1) { mac = fromMacAddress(request.ifr_ifru.ifru_hwaddr.sa_data); } ::close(my_sock); } std::string ifname(cifname); if(strstr(devtype, "wlan")) { ifaces.insert({ifname, {HorizonWizard::Wireless, mac}}); } else if(strstr(devtype, "bond")) { ifaces.insert({ifname, {HorizonWizard::Bonded, mac}}); } else if(strstr(syspath, "/virtual/")) { /* Skip lo, tuntap, etc */ continue; } else if(strstr(devtype, "1")) { ifaces.insert({ifname, {HorizonWizard::Ethernet, mac}}); } else { ifaces.insert({ifname, {HorizonWizard::Unknown, mac}}); } } if(device != nullptr) udev_device_unref(device); udev_enumerate_unref(if_list); udev_unref(udev); return ifaces; } #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ HorizonWizard::HorizonWizard(QWidget *parent) : QWizard(parent) { setWindowTitle(tr("Adélie Linux System Installation")); setFixedSize(QSize(650, 450)); mirror_domain = "distfiles.adelielinux.org"; version = "stable"; /* TODO XXX: * Determine which platform kernel is being used, if any (-power8 etc) * Determine hardware requirements (easy or mainline) */ grub = true; kernel = "easy-kernel"; binsh = Dash; sbininit = S6; eudev = true; /* REQ: UI.Global.Back.Save */ setOption(IndependentPages); /* REQ: UI.Language.Buttons, Iface.UI.StandardButtons */ setOption(HaveHelpButton); setOption(NoBackButtonOnStartPage); setSizeGripEnabled(false); setPage(Page_Intro, new IntroPage); setPage(Page_Input, new InputPage); #ifdef NON_LIBRE_FIRMWARE setPage(Page_Firmware, new FirmwarePage); #endif /* NON_LIBRE_FIRMWARE */ setPage(Page_Network, new NetworkingPage); setPage(Page_Network_Iface, new NetworkIfacePage); setPage(Page_Network_Wireless, new NetworkSimpleWirelessPage); setPage(Page_Network_DHCP, new NetDHCPPage); setPage(Page_DateTime, new DateTimePage); setPage(Page_Hostname, new HostnamePage); setPage(Page_PkgSimple, new PkgSimplePage); setPage(Page_PkgCustomDefault, new PkgDefaultsPage); setPage(Page_Boot, new BootPage); setPage(Page_Root, new RootPassphrasePage); setPage(Page_Accounts, new AccountPage); #ifndef HAS_INSTALL_ENV setPage(Page_Write, new WriteoutPage); #else /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ setPage(Page_Commit, new CommitPage); #endif /* !HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ QObject::connect(this, &QWizard::helpRequested, [=](void) { if(help_id_map.find(currentId()) == help_id_map.end()) { qDebug() << "no help available for " << currentId(); QMessageBox nohelp(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("No Help Available"), tr("Help is not available for the current page." " Consult the Installation Guide for more " "information."), QMessageBox::Ok, this); nohelp.exec(); return; } std::string helppath = ":/wizard_help/resources/" + help_id_map.at(currentId()) + "-help.txt"; QFile helpfile(helppath.c_str()); helpfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly); HorizonHelpWindow help(&helpfile, this); help.exec(); }); /* REQ: Iface.UI.ButtonAccel */ setButtonText(HelpButton, tr("&Help (F1)")); setButtonText(CancelButton, tr("E&xit (F3)")); setButtonText(BackButton, tr("< &Back (F6)")); setButtonText(NextButton, tr("Co&ntinue > (F8)")); #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV setButtonText(FinishButton, tr("&Install (F8)")); #else setButtonText(FinishButton, tr("&Save (F8)")); #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ f1 = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_F1, this); connect(f1, &QShortcut::activated, button(HelpButton), &QAbstractButton::click); f1->setWhatsThis(tr("Activates the Help screen.")); f3 = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_F3, this); connect(f3, &QShortcut::activated, button(CancelButton), &QAbstractButton::click); f3->setWhatsThis(tr("Prompts to exit the installation.")); f6 = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_F6, this); connect(f6, &QShortcut::activated, button(BackButton), &QAbstractButton::click); f6->setWhatsThis(tr("Goes back to the previous page.")); f8 = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_F8, this); connect(f8, &QShortcut::activated, button(NextButton), &QAbstractButton::click); connect(f8, &QShortcut::activated, button(FinishButton), &QAbstractButton::click); f8->setWhatsThis(tr("Goes forward to the next page.")); #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV interfaces = probe_ifaces(); tain_now_set_stopwatch_g(); #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ } extern "C" char *do_a_crypt(const char *key, const char *setting, char *output); /*! Make a shadow-compliant crypt string out of +the_pw+. */ char *encrypt_pw(const char *the_pw) { unsigned char rawsalt[8]; RAND_bytes(rawsalt, 8); QByteArray salt_ba(reinterpret_cast(rawsalt), 8); const char *salt = ("$6$" + salt_ba.toBase64(QByteArray::OmitTrailingEquals) .toStdString() + "$").c_str(); char *result = new char[128]; if(do_a_crypt(the_pw, salt, result) == nullptr) { delete[] result; return nullptr; } return result; } QString HorizonWizard::toHScript() { QStringList lines; if(this->network) { lines << "network true"; lines << "pkginstall iproute2"; if(this->net_dhcp) { lines << QString::fromStdString("netaddress " + this->chosen_auto_iface + " dhcp"); } else { /* XXX TODO no manual page implemented yet */ Q_ASSERT(false); } } else { lines << "network false"; } lines << ("hostname " + field("hostname").toString()); switch(this->pkgtype) { case Mobile: lines << "pkginstall powerdevil upower"; #if __cplusplus >= 201703L [[ fallthrough ]]; #endif case Standard: lines << "pkginstall adelie-base-posix firefox-esr libreoffice " "thunderbird vlc kde x11"; break; case Compact: lines << "pkginstall adelie-base netsurf featherpad lxqt-desktop " "abiword gnumeric xorg-apps xorg-drivers xorg-server"; break; case TextOnly: lines << "pkginstall adelie-base links tmux"; break; case Custom: lines << ("pkginstall " + packages.join(" ")); break; } if(this->grub) { lines << "pkginstall grub"; } switch(this->binsh) { case Dash: lines << "pkginstall dash-binsh"; break; case Bash: lines << "pkginstall bash-binsh"; break; } switch(this->sbininit) { case S6: lines << "pkginstall s6-linux-init"; break; case SysVInit: lines << "pkginstall sysvinit"; break; } if(this->eudev) { lines << "pkginstall eudev"; } else { lines << "pkginstall mdevd"; } lines << "pkginstall sysklogd"; lines << ("pkginstall " + QString::fromStdString(this->kernel) + " " + QString::fromStdString(this->kernel) + "-modules"); char *root = encrypt_pw(field("rootpw").toString().toStdString().c_str()); Q_ASSERT(root != nullptr); lines << QString("rootpw ") + root; delete[] root; /* XXX TODO someday we'll have language support */ lines << "language en_GB.UTF-8"; auto iterator = valid_keymaps.begin(); std::advance(iterator, field("keymap").toInt()); lines << ("keymap " + QString::fromStdString(*iterator)); #ifdef NON_LIBRE_FIRMWARE if(this->firmware) { lines << "firmware true"; } else { lines << "firmware false"; } #endif /* NON_LIBRE_FIRWMARE */ lines << ("timezone " + dynamic_cast(page(Page_DateTime))->selectedTimeZone()); for(auto &acctWidget : dynamic_cast(page(Page_Accounts))->accountWidgets) { if(acctWidget->accountText().isEmpty()) break; char *userpw = encrypt_pw(acctWidget->passphraseText().toStdString().c_str()); Q_ASSERT(userpw != nullptr); lines << ("username " + acctWidget->accountText()); lines << ("useralias " + acctWidget->accountText() + " " + acctWidget->personalText()); lines << ("userpw " + acctWidget->accountText() + " " + userpw); delete[] userpw; if(acctWidget->isAdmin()) { lines << ("usergroups " + acctWidget->accountText() + " " + "users,lp,audio,cdrom,cdrw,video,games,usb,kvm,wheel"); } else { lines << ("usergroups " + acctWidget->accountText() + " " + "users,lp,audio,cdrom,cdrw,video,games"); } } return lines.join("\n"); } #include void HorizonWizard::accept() { QFile file; #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV file.setFileName("/etc/horizon/installfile"); #else /* !HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ QFileDialog fileChooser(this); fileChooser.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); fileChooser.setNameFilter(tr("Installation Scripts (installfile)")); fileChooser.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List); if(fileChooser.exec()) { file.setFileName(fileChooser.selectedFiles().at(0)); } else { return; } #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ if(!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Couldn't Save Script"), tr("An issue occurred while saving the installation script: %1").arg(file.errorString())); return; } file.write(toHScript().toUtf8()); file.close(); done(QDialog::Accepted); } void HorizonWizard::reject() { /* REQ: UI.Global.Cancel.Confirm */ QMessageBox cancel(QMessageBox::Question, tr("Exit Adélie Linux System Installation"), #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV tr("Adélie Linux has not yet been set up on your computer. Exiting will reboot your computer. Do you wish to exit?"), #else tr("You have not yet completed the System Installation wizard. No installfile will be generated. Do you wish to exit?"), #endif QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, this); cancel.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); if(cancel.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) { done(QDialog::Rejected); } else { return; } }