/* * netsimplewifipage.cc - Implementation of the UI.Network.Wireless page * horizon-qt5, the Qt 5 user interface for * Project Horizon * * Copyright (c) 2019 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the * LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ #include "netsimplewifipage.hh" #include "netdhcppage.hh" #include #include #include #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV # include # include # include int scanResults(wpactrl_t *control, char const *s, size_t len, void *page, tain_t *) { NetworkSimpleWirelessPage *our_page = reinterpret_cast(page); return our_page->processScan(control, s, len); } #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::NetworkSimpleWirelessPage(QWidget *parent) : HorizonWizardPage(parent) #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV , control(WPACTRL_ZERO) #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ { QVBoxLayout *layout; loadWatermark("network"); setTitle(tr("Select Your Network")); statusLabel = new QLabel(tr("Scanning for networks...")); rescanButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Rescan Networks")); connect(rescanButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](void) { doScan(); }); ssidListView = new QListWidget; connect(ssidListView, &QListWidget::currentItemChanged, this, &NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::networkChosen); #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV exchange_item.filter = "CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS"; exchange_item.cb = &scanResults; wpactrl_filter_add(&control, "CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT"); wpactrl_filter_add(&control, "CTRL-EVENT-AUTH-REJECT"); wpactrl_filter_add(&control, "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"); notify = nullptr; connNotify = nullptr; dialog = nullptr; #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ passphrase = new QLineEdit(this); connect(passphrase, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::completeChanged); passphrase->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); passphrase->setMinimumWidth(255); passphrase->hide(); layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(statusLabel, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); layout->addSpacing(10); layout->addWidget(ssidListView, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); layout->addWidget(rescanButton, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); layout->addSpacing(10); layout->addWidget(passphrase, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); setLayout(layout); } NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::~NetworkSimpleWirelessPage() { #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV wpactrl_end(&control); #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ } void NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::scanDone(QString message) { rescanButton->setEnabled(true); statusLabel->setText(message); } void NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::networkChosen(QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *) { passphrase->clear(); passphrase->hide(); if(current == nullptr) { emit completeChanged(); return; } QStringList flags = current->data(Qt::UserRole).toStringList(); if(flags.length() == 0) { goto done; } for(auto &flag : flags) { if(flag.startsWith("WPA-EAP") || flag.startsWith("WPA2-EAP")) { passphrase->setEnabled(false); passphrase->setPlaceholderText(tr("WPA Enterprise networks are not supported in this release of Horizon.")); passphrase->show(); goto done; } if(flag.startsWith("WPA-PSK") || flag.startsWith("WPA2-PSK")) { passphrase->setEnabled(true); passphrase->setPlaceholderText(tr("WPA Passphrase")); passphrase->show(); goto done; } if(flag.startsWith("WEP")) { passphrase->setEnabled(true); passphrase->setPlaceholderText(tr("WEP Passphrase")); passphrase->show(); goto done; } } done: emit completeChanged(); return; } void NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::doScan() { #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV ssidListView->clear(); rescanButton->setEnabled(false); statusLabel->setText(tr("Scanning for networks...")); tain_t deadline; wparesponse_t response; std::string suppsock = "/var/run/wpa_supplicant/" + horizonWizard()->chosen_auto_iface; tain_now_g(); wpactrl_end(&control); if(!wpactrl_start_g(&control, suppsock.c_str(), 2000)) { rescanButton->setEnabled(false); statusLabel->setText(tr("Couldn't communicate with wireless subsystem (Code %1)").arg(errno)); return; } response = wpactrl_command_g(&control, "SCAN"); if(response != WPA_OK && response != WPA_FAILBUSY) { scanDone(tr("Couldn't scan for wireless networks (Code %1)").arg(response)); return; } tain_from_millisecs(&deadline, 15000); tain_add_g(&deadline, &deadline); wpactrl_xchg_init(&exchange, &exchange_item, 1, &deadline, this); if(!wpactrl_xchg_start(&control, &exchange)) { scanDone(tr("Failed to scan for wireless networks.")); return; } if(notify != nullptr) { notify->setEnabled(false); notify->deleteLater(); notify = nullptr; } notify = new QSocketNotifier(wpactrl_fd(&control), QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(notify, &QSocketNotifier::activated, [=](int) { QString status; tain_now_g(); if(wpactrl_xchg_timeout_g(&control, &exchange)) { status = tr("Network scan timed out."); } else { if(wpactrl_update(&control) < 0) { status = tr("Issue communicating with wireless subsystem."); } else { int code = wpactrl_xchg_event_g(&control, &exchange); if(code == -2) { /* if the callback is what failed, we already set status */ status = statusLabel->text(); } else if(code < 0) { /* non-callback failure */ status = tr("Issue processing scanned networks (Code %1)") .arg(code); } else if(code == 0) { /* Not finished yet, so don't do anything. */ return; } else { status = tr("Select your wireless network."); } } } notify->setEnabled(false); notify->deleteLater(); notify = nullptr; statusLabel->setText(status); rescanButton->setEnabled(true); return; }); notify->setEnabled(true); #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ } void NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::initializePage() { doScan(); } bool NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::isComplete() const { if(ssidListView->currentRow() == -1) { return false; } return (passphrase->isHidden() || passphrase->text().size() > 0); } int NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::nextId() const { return HorizonWizard::Page_Network_DHCP; } #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV int NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::processScan(wpactrl_t *c, const char *, size_t) { assert(c == &control); std::vector netitems; stralloc buf = STRALLOC_ZERO; errno = 0; if(!wpactrl_querysa_g(&control, "SCAN_RESULTS", &buf)) { if(errno == EMSGSIZE) { statusLabel->setText(tr("Scan failed: Out of memory")); return 0; } else { statusLabel->setText(tr("Scan failed (Code %1)").arg(errno)); return 0; } } genalloc nets = GENALLOC_ZERO; stralloc netstr = STRALLOC_ZERO; errno = 0; if(wpactrl_scan_parse(buf.s, buf.len, &nets, &netstr) != 1) { statusLabel->setText(tr("Network listing failed (Code %1)").arg(errno)); return 0; } wpactrl_scanres_t *netarray = genalloc_s(wpactrl_scanres_t, &nets); for(size_t net = 0; net < genalloc_len(wpactrl_scanres_t, &nets); net++) { wpactrl_scanres_t network = netarray[net]; std::string ssid(netstr.s + network.ssid_start, network.ssid_len); std::string flags(netstr.s + network.flags_start, network.flags_len); /* Don't bother with empty SSIDs. */ if(ssid.empty()) continue; /* since this *is* destructive, we don't run it on our actual SSID */ if(QString::fromStdString(ssid) .remove("\\x00", Qt::CaseSensitive).size() == 0) continue; QIcon icon; if(network.signal_level < -90) { icon = QIcon::fromTheme("network-wireless-signal-none"); } else if(network.signal_level < -80) { icon = QIcon::fromTheme("network-wireless-signal-weak"); } else if(network.signal_level < -67) { icon = QIcon::fromTheme("network-wireless-signal-ok"); } else if(network.signal_level < -50) { icon = QIcon::fromTheme("network-wireless-signal-good"); } else { icon = QIcon::fromTheme("network-wireless-signal-excellent"); } QListWidgetItem *netitem = new QListWidgetItem; netitem->setText(QString::fromStdString(ssid)); netitem->setIcon(icon); netitem->setToolTip(tr("Frequency: %1 MHz\nBSSID: %2\nRSSI: %3") .arg(network.frequency) .arg(fromMacAddress(network.bssid)) .arg(network.signal_level)); QString zero(QString::fromStdString(std::string("\0", 1))); netitem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QString::fromStdString(flags) .split(zero)); netitem->setData(Qt::UserRole + 1, network.signal_level); netitems.push_back(netitem); } std::sort(netitems.begin(), netitems.end(), [](QListWidgetItem *left, QListWidgetItem *right) { return left->data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toInt() > right->data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toInt(); }); for(auto &item : netitems) { ssidListView->addItem(item); } stralloc_free(&netstr); genalloc_free(wpactrl_scanres_t, &nets); stralloc_free(&buf); return 1; } #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ bool NetworkSimpleWirelessPage::validatePage() { #ifdef HAS_INSTALL_ENV QList items = ssidListView->selectedItems(); if(items.size() == 0) { return false; } if(dialog != nullptr) dialog->deleteLater(); dialog = new QProgressDialog(this); dialog->setCancelButton(nullptr); QProgressBar *bar = new QProgressBar; bar->setRange(0, 0); bar->setFixedSize(QSize(150, 24)); dialog->setBar(bar); dialog->setLabelText(tr("Connecting...")); dialog->setMinimumDuration(1); dialog->show(); QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 1000); if(connNotify != nullptr) { connNotify->setEnabled(false); connNotify->deleteLater(); connNotify = nullptr; } connNotify = new QSocketNotifier(wpactrl_fd(&control), QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(connNotify, &QSocketNotifier::activated, [=](int) { if(wpactrl_update(&control) < 0) { dialog->setLabelText(tr("Issue communicating with wireless subsystem.")); } else { char *raw_msg = wpactrl_msg(&control); if(raw_msg == nullptr) { return; } wpactrl_ackmsg(&control); QString msg(raw_msg); msg = msg.remove(0, 3); if(msg.startsWith("CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED")) { /* Happy day! */ dialog->setRange(0, 1); dialog->setValue(1); dialog->setLabelText(tr("Connected.")); } else if(msg.startsWith("CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT")) { dialog->hide(); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Could Not Connect"), tr("An issue occurred connecting to the specified wireless network. " "You may need to move closer to your wireless gateway, or reset your hardware and try again.\n\n" "Technical details: %1").arg(msg)); } else if(msg.startsWith("CTRL-EVENT-AUTH-REJECT")) { dialog->hide(); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Could Not Connect"), tr("An issue occurred connecting to the specified wireless network. " "Ensure your passphrase is correct and try again.\n\n" "Technical details: %1").arg(msg)); } else { /* unknown message. */ return; } } connNotify->setEnabled(false); connNotify->deleteLater(); connNotify = nullptr; return; }); char *ssid, *pass; if(passphrase->isHidden()) { pass = nullptr; } else { std::string password = ("\"" + passphrase->text().toStdString() + "\""); pass = strdup(password.c_str()); } std::string network = ("\"" + items[0]->text().toStdString() + "\""); ssid = strdup(network.c_str()); tain_now_g(); if(wpactrl_associate_g(&control, ssid, pass) == 0) { dialog->hide(); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Could Not Connect"), tr("An issue occurred connecting to the specified wireless network. " "Ensure your passphrase is correct and try again.")); } dialog->setLabelText(tr("Associating...")); free(ssid); free(pass); return false; #endif /* HAS_INSTALL_ENV */ /* What a hack! * * Independent Pages means the DHCP page is never cleaned, even when Back * is chosen. So, we have to do it from here. */ horizonWizard()->removePage(HorizonWizard::Page_Network_DHCP); horizonWizard()->setPage(HorizonWizard::Page_Network_DHCP, new NetDHCPPage); return true; }