/* * stepprogresswidget.cc - * Implementation of a widget for displaying progress through a series of steps * horizon-qt5, the Qt 5 user interface for * Project Horizon * * Copyright (c) 2020 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the * LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ #include "stepprogresswidget.hh" #include "horizonwizardpage.hh" #include <QVBoxLayout> StepProgressWidget::StepProgressWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { overview = new QLabel(tr("Please wait while System Installation " "performs the following tasks:")); overview->setWordWrap(true); /* Initialise the normal and bold fonts using the overview label. */ QFont myFont = overview->font(); myFont.setBold(false); normalFont = myFont; myFont.setBold(true); boldFont = myFont; setWhatsThis(tr("Displays the current status of System Installation tasks.")); stepGrid = new QGridLayout; stepGrid->setColumnStretch(1, 100); QVBoxLayout *overallLayout = new QVBoxLayout; overallLayout->addWidget(overview); overallLayout->addSpacing(40); overallLayout->addLayout(stepGrid); setLayout(overallLayout); } QString StepProgressWidget::overviewText() { return overview->text(); } void StepProgressWidget::setOverviewText(QString text) { overview->setText(text); } int16_t StepProgressWidget::addStep(QString stepInfo) { QLabel *status = new QLabel; QLabel *info = new QLabel(stepInfo); statuses.push_back(status); infos.push_back(info); int16_t row = infos.size(); stepGrid->addWidget(status, row, 0); stepGrid->addWidget(info, row, 1); return row; } QPixmap StepProgressWidget::loadDPIAwarePixmap(QString pixmap, QString type) { QString path = ":/wizard_pixmaps/resources/"; path += pixmap; path += "-"; if(this->devicePixelRatioF() <= 1.0) { path += "low"; } else { path += "high"; } path += type; return QPixmap(path); } void StepProgressWidget::setStepStatus(int16_t step, Status status) { QLabel *statLabel = statuses.at(step); QLabel *infoLabel = infos.at(step); switch(status) { case NotStarted: statLabel->clear(); infoLabel->setFont(normalFont); break; case InProgress: statLabel->setPixmap(loadDPIAwarePixmap("status-current", ".svg")); infoLabel->setFont(boldFont); break; case Finished: statLabel->setPixmap(loadDPIAwarePixmap("status-success", ".svg")); infoLabel->setFont(normalFont); break; case Failed: statLabel->setPixmap(loadDPIAwarePixmap("status-issue", ".svg")); infoLabel->setFont(boldFont); break; } } void StepProgressWidget::stepPassed(int16_t step) { setStepStatus(step, Finished); if(step + 1 < statuses.size()) { setStepStatus(step + 1, InProgress); } }