/* * output.hh - Miscellaneous output routines * util, the utility library for * Project Horizon * * Copyright (c) 2019 Adélie Linux and contributors. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license, as noted in the * LICENSE-code file in the root directory of this repository. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ #ifndef __HORIZON_OUTPUT_HH_ #define __HORIZON_OUTPUT_HH_ #include <string> #include <iostream> /*! Bolds output on +stream+ if it's a TTY. * @param pretty Whether to act. * @param stream The stream to turn bold. */ inline void bold_if_pretty(bool pretty, std::ostream &stream) { if(pretty) stream << "\033[0;1m"; } /*! ANSI colour code on +stream+ if +pretty+. * @param pretty Whether to act. * @param stream The stream on which to colourise output. * @param what The colour code. */ inline void colour_if_pretty(bool pretty, std::ostream &stream, std::string what) { if(pretty) stream << "\033[" + what + ";1m"; } /*! Reset all formatting on +stream+ if +pretty+. * @param pretty Whether to act. * @param stream The stream on which to reset formatting. */ inline void reset_if_pretty(bool pretty, std::ostream &stream) { if(pretty) stream << "\033[0m"; } /*! Outputs a message of the specified +type+ to the log stream. * @param type The type of message to output. * @param colour The colourisation of the message. * @param where The location that triggered the message. * @param message The message. * @param detail Additional detail for the message, if available. * @param pretty Whether or not to colourise (interactive output). */ inline void output_message(std::string type, std::string colour, std::string where, std::string message, std::string detail = "", bool pretty = false) { std::cerr << where << ": "; colour_if_pretty(pretty, std::cerr, colour); std::cerr << type << ": "; bold_if_pretty(pretty, std::cerr); std::cerr << message; reset_if_pretty(pretty, std::cerr); if(!detail.empty()) { std::cerr << ": " << detail; } std::cerr << std::endl; } /*! Outputs an error message. * @param where The location where the error occurred. * @param message The error that occurred. * @param detail Additional detail for the error, if available. * @param pretty Whether or not to colourise (interactive output). */ inline void output_error(std::string where, std::string message, std::string detail = "", bool pretty = false) { output_message("error", "31", where, message, detail, pretty); } /*! Outputs a warning message. * @param where The location where the warning occurred. * @param message The warning to display. * @param detail Additional detail for the warning, if available. * @param pretty Whether or not to colourise (interactive output). */ inline void output_warning(std::string where, std::string message, std::string detail = "", bool pretty = false) { output_message("warning", "33", where, message, detail, pretty); } /*! Outputs an informational message. * @param where The location relevant to the information. * @param message The information to display. * @param detail Additional detail for the information, if available. * @param pretty Whether or not to colourise (interactive output). */ inline void output_info(std::string where, std::string message, std::string detail = "", bool pretty = false) { output_message("info", "36", where, message, detail, pretty); } #endif /* !__HORIZON_OUTPUT_HH_ */