version 1.0 network false hostname adelie-live # "live" rootpw $6$b3P7y2vLSRl3ujqi$mYk5jlsRta8RQ/Qvunadj5ZO8BYO7cLkJsrMKve/r5Ka/1Gqrh1v93cjEttRR3wdmKwyvZZnkLbaw4T1dIEL40 nameserver 2620:fe::fe nameserver nameserver # Base packages pkginstall adelie-base-posix dash-binsh ssmtp s6-linux-init s6-linux-init-early-getty openrc eudev sysklogd # Disk setup pkginstall parted cryptsetup diskdev_cmds dosfstools e2fsprogs jfsutils lvm2 mdadm xfsprogs-base # Kernel / boot (we take care of boot cfg ourselves, so no-boot vs easy-boot) pkginstall easy-kernel easy-kernel-modules dracut no-boot # Networking pkginstall ca-certificates curl dhcpcd iproute2 iputils mtr net-tools netifrc netifrc-doc s6-dns traceroute # Wi-Fi pkginstall iw wireless-tools wpa_supplicant # Hardware information / probing pkginstall hdparm pciutils pcmciautils smartmontools usbutils # User convenience tools pkginstall bzip2 chrony gnupg kbd-keymaps less links lzop nano openssh tmux # Install all available documentation. pkginstall docs # Enable logging by default - can be disabled with `rc-update del sysklogd` svcenable sysklogd rootshell /bin/zsh repository repository # Live User username live useralias live Live User usergroups live disk,users,audio,video,cdrom,games,floppy,cdrw,ping,usb pkginstall livecd-support