========================= README for musl-locales ========================= :Authors: * **Konstantin Pugin**, original developer * **A. Wilcox**, maintainer * **Contributors**, translations and fixes (see commit log) :Status: Production Introduction ============ This repository contains code and translation files for better locale support for the `musl libc`_. The **locale(1)** command displays information about the currently set locale, or displays a list of locales available on the system. The translation files provide localisation to musl, including libc-provided error messages, date and time strings, and so forth. .. _`musl libc`: https://musl.libc.org License ``````` Translation files are provided under the MIT license. The **locale(1)** implementation is provided under the LGPL v3 license (LGPL-3.0-only). Building ======== This section contains information about building the **locale(1)** command and translations. Requirements ```````````` This package uses the CMake build system. To build the translation files, you will need an implementation of ``msgfmt`` and ``xgettext``. Both GNU gettext and gettext-tiny are supported. To build the **locale(1)** command, you will need a C compiler, the musl libc, and an implementation of ``libintl``. Again, GNU gettext and gettext-tiny are both supported. Commands ```````` To build in the same directory as the source:: cmake . make sudo make install Out-of-tree builds are also supported:: cmake -Bbuild . make -C build sudo make -C build install Included translations ===================== This section contains information about the translations included with the musl-locales package. Note that "fully translated" does not mean that a given translation is free from defects. Feel free to open an issue or merge request if you identify an issue in any translation, including those listed as fully translated. ======== =============================================== Language Status ======== =============================================== cs_CZ Fully translated. de_DE Date/time strings only. en_GB Messages translated where different from en_US. es_ES Date/time strings only. fi_FI Date/time strings only. fr_FR Date/time strings only. it_IT Date/time strings only. nb_NO Date/time strings only. nl_NL Date/time strings only. pt_BR Date/time strings only. pt_PT Fully translated. ru_RU Fully translated. sr_RS Fully translated. sv_SE Date/time strings only. ======== =============================================== End-user packages ================= .. image:: https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/musl-locales.svg :target: https://repology.org/project/musl-locales/versions :alt: Repology packaging status (Adélie, Alpine, Exherbo, and more)