#include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> /* grammar: Start = Expr ';' Expr = Or | Or '?' Expr ':' Expr Or = And | Or '||' And And = Eq | And '&&' Eq Eq = Rel | Eq '==' Rel | Eq '!=' Rel Rel = Add | Rel '<=' Add | Rel '>=' Add | Rel '<' Add | Rel '>' Add Add = Mul | Add '+' Mul | Add '-' Mul Mul = Prim | Mul '*' Prim | Mul '/' Prim | Mul '%' Prim Prim = '(' Expr ')' | '!' Prim | decimal | 'n' internals: recursive descent expression evaluator with stack depth limit. for binary operators an operator-precedence parser is used. eval* functions store the result of the parsed subexpression and return a pointer to the next non-space character. */ struct st { unsigned long r; unsigned long n; int op; }; static const char *skipspace(const char *s) { while (isspace(*s)) s++; return s; } static const char *evalexpr(struct st *st, const char *s, int d); static const char *evalprim(struct st *st, const char *s, int d) { char *e; if (--d < 0) return ""; s = skipspace(s); if (isdigit(*s)) { st->r = strtoul(s, &e, 10); if (e == s || st->r == -1) return ""; return skipspace(e); } if (*s == 'n') { st->r = st->n; return skipspace(s+1); } if (*s == '(') { s = evalexpr(st, s+1, d); if (*s != ')') return ""; return skipspace(s+1); } if (*s == '!') { s = evalprim(st, s+1, d); st->r = !st->r; return s; } return ""; } static int binop(struct st *st, int op, unsigned long left) { unsigned long a = left, b = st->r; switch (op) { case 0: st->r = a||b; return 0; case 1: st->r = a&&b; return 0; case 2: st->r = a==b; return 0; case 3: st->r = a!=b; return 0; case 4: st->r = a>=b; return 0; case 5: st->r = a<=b; return 0; case 6: st->r = a>b; return 0; case 7: st->r = a<b; return 0; case 8: st->r = a+b; return 0; case 9: st->r = a-b; return 0; case 10: st->r = a*b; return 0; case 11: if (b) {st->r = a%b; return 0;} return 1; case 12: if (b) {st->r = a/b; return 0;} return 1; } return 1; } static const char *parseop(struct st *st, const char *s) { static const char opch[11] = "|&=!><+-*%/"; static const char opch2[6] = "|&===="; int i; for (i=0; i<11; i++) if (*s == opch[i]) { /* note: >,< are accepted with or without = */ if (i<6 && s[1] == opch2[i]) { st->op = i; return s+2; } if (i>=4) { st->op = i+2; return s+1; } break; } st->op = 13; return s; } static const char *evalbinop(struct st *st, const char *s, int minprec, int d) { static const char prec[14] = {1,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,0}; unsigned long left; int op; d--; s = evalprim(st, s, d); s = parseop(st, s); for (;;) { /* st->r (left hand side value) and st->op are now set, get the right hand side or back out if op has low prec, if op was missing then prec[op]==0 */ op = st->op; if (prec[op] <= minprec) return s; left = st->r; s = evalbinop(st, s, prec[op], d); if (binop(st, op, left)) return ""; } } static const char *evalexpr(struct st *st, const char *s, int d) { unsigned long a, b; if (--d < 0) return ""; s = evalbinop(st, s, 0, d); if (*s != '?') return s; a = st->r; s = evalexpr(st, s+1, d); if (*s != ':') return ""; b = st->r; s = evalexpr(st, s+1, d); st->r = a ? b : st->r; return s; } unsigned long __pleval(const char *s, unsigned long n) { struct st st; st.n = n; s = evalexpr(&st, s, 100); return *s == ';' ? st.r : -1; }