#include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include "libm.h" #include "sqrt_data.h" #define FENV_SUPPORT 1 /* returns a*b*2^-32 - e, with error 0 <= e < 1. */ static inline uint32_t mul32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return (uint64_t)a*b >> 32; } /* returns a*b*2^-64 - e, with error 0 <= e < 3. */ static inline uint64_t mul64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { uint64_t ahi = a>>32; uint64_t alo = a&0xffffffff; uint64_t bhi = b>>32; uint64_t blo = b&0xffffffff; return ahi*bhi + (ahi*blo >> 32) + (alo*bhi >> 32); } double sqrt(double x) { uint64_t ix, top, m; /* special case handling. */ ix = asuint64(x); top = ix >> 52; if (predict_false(top - 0x001 >= 0x7ff - 0x001)) { /* x < 0x1p-1022 or inf or nan. */ if (ix * 2 == 0) return x; if (ix == 0x7ff0000000000000) return x; if (ix > 0x7ff0000000000000) return __math_invalid(x); /* x is subnormal, normalize it. */ ix = asuint64(x * 0x1p52); top = ix >> 52; top -= 52; } /* argument reduction: x = 4^e m; with integer e, and m in [1, 4) m: fixed point representation [2.62] 2^e is the exponent part of the result. */ int even = top & 1; m = (ix << 11) | 0x8000000000000000; if (even) m >>= 1; top = (top + 0x3ff) >> 1; /* approximate r ~ 1/sqrt(m) and s ~ sqrt(m) when m in [1,4) initial estimate: 7bit table lookup (1bit exponent and 6bit significand). iterative approximation: using 2 goldschmidt iterations with 32bit int arithmetics and a final iteration with 64bit int arithmetics. details: the relative error (e = r0 sqrt(m)-1) of a linear estimate (r0 = a m + b) is |e| < 0.085955 ~ 0x1.6p-4 at best, a table lookup is faster and needs one less iteration 6 bit lookup table (128b) gives |e| < 0x1.f9p-8 7 bit lookup table (256b) gives |e| < 0x1.fdp-9 for single and double prec 6bit is enough but for quad prec 7bit is needed (or modified iterations). to avoid one more iteration >=13bit table would be needed (16k). a newton-raphson iteration for r is w = r*r u = 3 - m*w r = r*u/2 can use a goldschmidt iteration for s at the end or s = m*r first goldschmidt iteration is s = m*r u = 3 - s*r r = r*u/2 s = s*u/2 next goldschmidt iteration is u = 3 - s*r r = r*u/2 s = s*u/2 and at the end r is not computed only s. they use the same amount of operations and converge at the same quadratic rate, i.e. if r1 sqrt(m) - 1 = e, then r2 sqrt(m) - 1 = -3/2 e^2 - 1/2 e^3 the advantage of goldschmidt is that the mul for s and r are independent (computed in parallel), however it is not "self synchronizing": it only uses the input m in the first iteration so rounding errors accumulate. at the end or when switching to larger precision arithmetics rounding errors dominate so the first iteration should be used. the fixed point representations are m: 2.30 r: 0.32, s: 2.30, d: 2.30, u: 2.30, three: 2.30 and after switching to 64 bit m: 2.62 r: 0.64, s: 2.62, d: 2.62, u: 2.62, three: 2.62 */ static const uint64_t three = 0xc0000000; uint64_t r, s, d, u, i; i = (ix >> 46) % 128; r = (uint32_t)__rsqrt_tab[i] << 16; /* |r sqrt(m) - 1| < 0x1.fdp-9 */ s = mul32(m>>32, r); /* |s/sqrt(m) - 1| < 0x1.fdp-9 */ d = mul32(s, r); u = three - d; r = mul32(r, u) << 1; /* |r sqrt(m) - 1| < 0x1.7bp-16 */ s = mul32(s, u) << 1; /* |s/sqrt(m) - 1| < 0x1.7bp-16 */ d = mul32(s, r); u = three - d; r = mul32(r, u) << 1; /* |r sqrt(m) - 1| < 0x1.3704p-29 (measured worst-case) */ r = r << 32; s = mul64(m, r); d = mul64(s, r); u = (three<<32) - d; s = mul64(s, u); /* repr: 3.61 */ /* -0x1p-57 < s - sqrt(m) < 0x1.8001p-61 */ s = (s - 2) >> 9; /* repr: 12.52 */ /* -0x1.09p-52 < s - sqrt(m) < -0x1.fffcp-63 */ /* s < sqrt(m) < s + 0x1.09p-52, compute nearest rounded result: the nearest result to 52 bits is either s or s+0x1p-52, we can decide by comparing (2^52 s + 0.5)^2 to 2^104 m. */ uint64_t d0, d1, d2; double y, t; d0 = (m << 42) - s*s; d1 = s - d0; d2 = d1 + s + 1; s += d1 >> 63; s &= 0x000fffffffffffff; s |= top << 52; y = asdouble(s); if (FENV_SUPPORT) { /* handle rounding modes and inexact exception: only (s+1)^2 == 2^42 m case is exact otherwise add a tiny value to cause the fenv effects. */ uint64_t tiny = predict_false(d2==0) ? 0 : 0x0010000000000000; tiny |= (d1^d2) & 0x8000000000000000; t = asdouble(tiny); y = eval_as_double(y + t); } return y; }