/* Public domain fmtmsg() * Written by Isaac Dunham, 2014 */ #include <fmtmsg.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> /* * If lstr is the first part of bstr, check that the next char in bstr * is either \0 or : */ static int _strcolcmp(const char *lstr, const char *bstr) { size_t i = 0; while (lstr[i] && bstr[i] && (bstr[i] == lstr[i])) i++; if ( lstr[i] || (bstr[i] && bstr[i] != ':')) return 1; return 0; } int fmtmsg(long classification, const char *label, int severity, const char *text, const char *action, const char *tag) { int ret = 0, i, consolefd, verb = 0; char *errstring = MM_NULLSEV, *cmsg = getenv("MSGVERB"); char *const msgs[] = { "label", "severity", "text", "action", "tag", NULL }; int cs; pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &cs); if (severity == MM_HALT) errstring = "HALT: "; else if (severity == MM_ERROR) errstring = "ERROR: "; else if (severity == MM_WARNING) errstring = "WARNING: "; else if (severity == MM_INFO) errstring = "INFO: "; if (classification & MM_CONSOLE) { consolefd = open("/dev/console", O_WRONLY); if (consolefd < 0) { ret = MM_NOCON; } else { if (dprintf(consolefd, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", label?label:"", label?": ":"", severity?errstring:"", text?text:"", action?"\nTO FIX: ":"", action?action:"", action?" ":"", tag?tag:"" )<1) ret = MM_NOCON; close(consolefd); } } if (classification & MM_PRINT) { while (cmsg && cmsg[0]) { for(i=0; msgs[i]; i++) { if (!_strcolcmp(msgs[i], cmsg)) break; } if (msgs[i] == NULL) { //ignore MSGVERB-unrecognized component verb = 0xFF; break; } else { verb |= (1 << i); cmsg = strchr(cmsg, ':'); if (cmsg) cmsg++; } } if (!verb) verb = 0xFF; if (dprintf(2, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", (verb&1 && label) ? label : "", (verb&1 && label) ? ": " : "", (verb&2 && severity) ? errstring : "", (verb&4 && text) ? text : "", (verb&8 && action) ? "\nTO FIX: " : "", (verb&8 && action) ? action : "", (verb&8 && action) ? " " : "", (verb&16 && tag) ? tag : "" ) < 1) ret |= MM_NOMSG; } if ((ret & (MM_NOCON|MM_NOMSG)) == (MM_NOCON|MM_NOMSG)) ret = MM_NOTOK; pthread_setcancelstate(cs, 0); return ret; }