#define _BSD_SOURCE #include <glob.h> #include <fnmatch.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pwd.h> struct match { struct match *next; char name[]; }; static int append(struct match **tail, const char *name, size_t len, int mark) { struct match *new = malloc(sizeof(struct match) + len + 2); if (!new) return -1; (*tail)->next = new; new->next = NULL; memcpy(new->name, name, len+1); if (mark && len && name[len-1]!='/') { new->name[len] = '/'; new->name[len+1] = 0; } *tail = new; return 0; } static int do_glob(char *buf, size_t pos, int type, char *pat, int flags, int (*errfunc)(const char *path, int err), struct match **tail) { /* If GLOB_MARK is unused, we don't care about type. */ if (!type && !(flags & GLOB_MARK)) type = DT_REG; /* Special-case the remaining pattern being all slashes, in * which case we can use caller-passed type if it's a dir. */ if (*pat && type!=DT_DIR) type = 0; while (pos+1 < PATH_MAX && *pat=='/') buf[pos++] = *pat++; /* Consume maximal [escaped-]literal prefix of pattern, copying * and un-escaping it to the running buffer as we go. */ ptrdiff_t i=0, j=0; int in_bracket = 0, overflow = 0; for (; pat[i]!='*' && pat[i]!='?' && (!in_bracket || pat[i]!=']'); i++) { if (!pat[i]) { if (overflow) return 0; pat += i; pos += j; i = j = 0; break; } else if (pat[i] == '[') { in_bracket = 1; } else if (pat[i] == '\\' && !(flags & GLOB_NOESCAPE)) { /* Backslashes inside a bracket are (at least by * our interpretation) non-special, so if next * char is ']' we have a complete expression. */ if (in_bracket && pat[i+1]==']') break; /* Unpaired final backslash never matches. */ if (!pat[i+1]) return 0; i++; } if (pat[i] == '/') { if (overflow) return 0; in_bracket = 0; pat += i+1; i = -1; pos += j+1; j = -1; } /* Only store a character if it fits in the buffer, but if * a potential bracket expression is open, the overflow * must be remembered and handled later only if the bracket * is unterminated (and thereby a literal), so as not to * disallow long bracket expressions with short matches. */ if (pos+(j+1) < PATH_MAX) { buf[pos+j++] = pat[i]; } else if (in_bracket) { overflow = 1; } else { return 0; } /* If we consume any new components, the caller-passed type * or dummy type from above is no longer valid. */ type = 0; } buf[pos] = 0; if (!*pat) { /* If we consumed any components above, or if GLOB_MARK is * requested and we don't yet know if the match is a dir, * we must confirm the file exists and/or determine its type. * * If marking dirs, symlink type is inconclusive; we need the * type for the symlink target, and therefore must try stat * first unless type is known not to be a symlink. Otherwise, * or if that fails, use lstat for determining existence to * avoid false negatives in the case of broken symlinks. */ struct stat st; if ((flags & GLOB_MARK) && (!type||type==DT_LNK) && !stat(buf, &st)) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) type = DT_DIR; else type = DT_REG; } if (!type && lstat(buf, &st)) { if (errno!=ENOENT && (errfunc(buf, errno) || (flags & GLOB_ERR))) return GLOB_ABORTED; return 0; } if (append(tail, buf, pos, (flags & GLOB_MARK) && type==DT_DIR)) return GLOB_NOSPACE; return 0; } char *p2 = strchr(pat, '/'), saved_sep = '/'; /* Check if the '/' was escaped and, if so, remove the escape char * so that it will not be unpaired when passed to fnmatch. */ if (p2 && !(flags & GLOB_NOESCAPE)) { char *p; for (p=p2; p>pat && p[-1]=='\\'; p--); if ((p2-p)%2) { p2--; saved_sep = '\\'; } } DIR *dir = opendir(pos ? buf : "."); if (!dir) { if (errfunc(buf, errno) || (flags & GLOB_ERR)) return GLOB_ABORTED; return 0; } int old_errno = errno; struct dirent *de; while (errno=0, de=readdir(dir)) { /* Quickly skip non-directories when there's pattern left. */ if (p2 && de->d_type && de->d_type!=DT_DIR && de->d_type!=DT_LNK) continue; size_t l = strlen(de->d_name); if (l >= PATH_MAX-pos) continue; if (p2) *p2 = 0; int fnm_flags= ((flags & GLOB_NOESCAPE) ? FNM_NOESCAPE : 0) | ((!(flags & GLOB_PERIOD)) ? FNM_PERIOD : 0); if (fnmatch(pat, de->d_name, fnm_flags)) continue; /* With GLOB_PERIOD, don't allow matching . or .. unless * fnmatch would match them with FNM_PERIOD rules in effect. */ if (p2 && (flags & GLOB_PERIOD) && de->d_name[0]=='.' && (!de->d_name[1] || de->d_name[1]=='.' && !de->d_name[2]) && fnmatch(pat, de->d_name, fnm_flags | FNM_PERIOD)) continue; memcpy(buf+pos, de->d_name, l+1); if (p2) *p2 = saved_sep; int r = do_glob(buf, pos+l, de->d_type, p2 ? p2 : "", flags, errfunc, tail); if (r) { closedir(dir); return r; } } int readerr = errno; if (p2) *p2 = saved_sep; closedir(dir); if (readerr && (errfunc(buf, errno) || (flags & GLOB_ERR))) return GLOB_ABORTED; errno = old_errno; return 0; } static int ignore_err(const char *path, int err) { return 0; } static void freelist(struct match *head) { struct match *match, *next; for (match=head->next; match; match=next) { next = match->next; free(match); } } static int sort(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp(*(const char **)a, *(const char **)b); } static int expand_tilde(char **pat, char *buf, size_t *pos) { char *p = *pat + 1; size_t i = 0; char delim, *name_end = __strchrnul(p, '/'); if ((delim = *name_end)) *name_end++ = 0; *pat = name_end; char *home = *p ? NULL : getenv("HOME"); if (!home) { struct passwd pw, *res; switch (*p ? getpwnam_r(p, &pw, buf, PATH_MAX, &res) : getpwuid_r(getuid(), &pw, buf, PATH_MAX, &res)) { case ENOMEM: return GLOB_NOSPACE; case 0: if (!res) default: return GLOB_NOMATCH; } home = pw.pw_dir; } while (i < PATH_MAX - 2 && *home) buf[i++] = *home++; if (*home) return GLOB_NOMATCH; if ((buf[i] = delim)) buf[++i] = 0; *pos = i; return 0; } int glob(const char *restrict pat, int flags, int (*errfunc)(const char *path, int err), glob_t *restrict g) { struct match head = { .next = NULL }, *tail = &head; size_t cnt, i; size_t offs = (flags & GLOB_DOOFFS) ? g->gl_offs : 0; int error = 0; char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (!errfunc) errfunc = ignore_err; if (!(flags & GLOB_APPEND)) { g->gl_offs = offs; g->gl_pathc = 0; g->gl_pathv = NULL; } if (*pat) { char *p = strdup(pat); if (!p) return GLOB_NOSPACE; buf[0] = 0; size_t pos = 0; char *s = p; if ((flags & (GLOB_TILDE | GLOB_TILDE_CHECK)) && *p == '~') error = expand_tilde(&s, buf, &pos); if (!error) error = do_glob(buf, pos, 0, s, flags, errfunc, &tail); free(p); } if (error == GLOB_NOSPACE) { freelist(&head); return error; } for (cnt=0, tail=head.next; tail; tail=tail->next, cnt++); if (!cnt) { if (flags & GLOB_NOCHECK) { tail = &head; if (append(&tail, pat, strlen(pat), 0)) return GLOB_NOSPACE; cnt++; } else return GLOB_NOMATCH; } if (flags & GLOB_APPEND) { char **pathv = realloc(g->gl_pathv, (offs + g->gl_pathc + cnt + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!pathv) { freelist(&head); return GLOB_NOSPACE; } g->gl_pathv = pathv; offs += g->gl_pathc; } else { g->gl_pathv = malloc((offs + cnt + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!g->gl_pathv) { freelist(&head); return GLOB_NOSPACE; } for (i=0; i<offs; i++) g->gl_pathv[i] = NULL; } for (i=0, tail=head.next; i<cnt; tail=tail->next, i++) g->gl_pathv[offs + i] = tail->name; g->gl_pathv[offs + i] = NULL; g->gl_pathc += cnt; if (!(flags & GLOB_NOSORT)) qsort(g->gl_pathv+offs, cnt, sizeof(char *), sort); return error; } void globfree(glob_t *g) { size_t i; for (i=0; i<g->gl_pathc; i++) free(g->gl_pathv[g->gl_offs + i] - offsetof(struct match, name)); free(g->gl_pathv); g->gl_pathc = 0; g->gl_pathv = NULL; }