================================================= Network Management Requirements for NETCONF APK ================================================= :Author: A. Wilcox :Copyright: © 2020 Adélie Software in the Public Benefit, Inc. NCSA license. :Status: Draft Introduction ============ This document defines the network management module requirements for the NETCONF for APK Distributions system. Definition of terms ------------------- A basic familiarity with common networking terms is assumed. Terms specific to this document are defined as follows. * ``NETCONF APK``: The NETCONF for APK Distributions system, including the base server and modules contained in the netconfapk source distribution. * ``network management system``: The system used on a computer used to control network interfaces. Common examples include NetworkManager, ifupdown-ng, and netifrc. Intended audience ----------------- This document is primarily intended to be read by the implementors of NETCONF APK. It is also intended to be read by implementors of external NETCONF APK modules that need to interact with the network manager. It may additionally be useful for documentation writers to inform network administrators who are interacting with NETCONF APK about how its network management module functions. Purpose ======= The network management module allows NETCONF APK to: * Enumerate configured network interfaces on a computer. Note that this enumeration is only for network interfaces with a defined configuration. Interfaces that are present on the system, but not configured, shall **not** be present in this enumeration. * Retrieve configuration information for a specific interface. * Set configuration information for a specific interface. The network management module provides a well-defined Python API, used by NETCONF APK to provide other module functionality. This API will be used by many of the IETF Standard network and IP configuration YANG models. This Python API is implemented as a module to facilitate the abstraction of the network management system from the implementation of the actual model modules. This allows for support of multiple network management systems with a single model module. Data model definition ===================== A network interface has the following parameters: * ``name``, the name of the network interface. This parameter is read-only. * ``description``, a freeform string describing the network interface set by a network administrator. * ``enabled``, a boolean value describing whether the network interface is enabled or not. Toggling this setting should immediately change the state of the interface. * ``ipv4_enabled``, a boolean value describing whether the network interface shall participate in IPv4 networks or not. * ``ipv4_forwarding``, a bolean value describing whether the network interface shall forward IPv4 packets between hosts. * ``ipv4_mtu``, an integer value describing the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for IPv4 packets on the network interface. * ``ipv6_enabled``, a boolean value describing whether the network interface shall participate in IPv6 networks or not. * ``ipv6_forwarding``, a bolean value describing whether the network interface shall forward IPv6 packets between hosts. * ``ipv6_mtu``, an integer value describing the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for IPv6 packets on the network interface. * ``ipv6_dad_xmit``, an integer value describing the number of DAD probes to send when configuring this network interface for IPv6 operation. * ``ipv6_slaac_globaladdr``, a boolean value describing whether SLAAC addresses on the network interface will be global. * ``ipv6_slaac_tempaddr``, a boolean value describing whether SLAAC addresses on the network interface will be temporary. * ``ipv6_slaac_validlft``, an integer value describing the lifetime of temporary SLAAC addresses on the network interface. * ``ipv6_slaac_preflft``, an integer value describing the preferred lifetime of temporary SLAAC addresses on the network interface. Python API ========== The network management system integration module is loaded as any other NETCONF APK module. The integration module shall implement the ``http://netconf.adelielinux.org/ns/netmgmt`` namespace. Other modules access the network management system integration Python API by retrieving a handle to the module implementing that namespace, then call well- defined methods on it. ``interface_list()`` -------------------- This method takes no arguments. Returns a list of strings, where each string is a configured network interface. ``remove_interface(iface)`` --------------------------- Entirely remove a configured interface from the configuration store. Transactions ------------ You may queue multiple operations to be saved at one time. This allows processing of multiple nodes at once in a single operation, for example. ``begin_transaction()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starts a transaction. Every operation performed until ``commit`` is called will be queued for later. ``commit()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saves all queued operations to configuration storage and configures network interfaces. Parameters ---------- For manipulating parameters in the section `Data model definition`_, four methods exist. ``get_param(iface, parameter)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Retrieve the parameter for the specified interface. If the parameter is not set for the specified interface, ``None`` will be returned. ``curr_param(iface, parameter)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Retrieve the current, live value for the parameter for the specified interface. If the parameter is not set for the specified interface, ``None`` will be returned. The value returned from ``curr_param`` may differ from ``get_param`` if a network administrator has changed the value externally, or if the system configuration store is malfunctioning. ``set_param(iface, parameter, value)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set the parameter for the specified interface. If a transaction is not active, the parameter is immediately set on the network interface. ``unset_param(iface, parameter)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unset the parameter for the specified interface. If a transaction is not active, the parameter is immediately unset on the network interface. This may involve resetting a value to a system-defined default value. Addresses --------- The following methods exist for manipulating addresses on a network interface. ``list_addresses(iface)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Retrieve all configured addresses for the specified network interface. The return type is always an iterable; if no addresses are configured, the iterable will be empty. Each element is a string in the format "``ip/prefix``" where ``ip`` is the IP address and ``prefix`` is the subnet prefix. ``add_address(iface, type, addr, prefix)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add a statically configured address of the specified ``type`` to the specified network interface. ``type`` must be ``socket.AF_INET`` for IPv4 or ``socket.AF_INET6`` for IPv6. ``addr`` must be the IP address as a string. ``prefix`` may be an integer or string containing only numeric digits that represents the desired subnet prefix for the address. If a transaction is not active, the address is immediately added to the network interface. ``remove_address(iface, addr)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remove a statically configured address from the specified network interface. ``addr`` may optionally have a ``prefix`` component, but it will be ignored and will *not* be checked for accuracy before the address is removed. If a transaction is not active, the address is immediately removed from the network interface.