""" NETCONF for APK Distributions server: ietf-system module Copyright © 2020 Adélie Software in the Public Benefit, Inc. Released under the terms of the NCSA license. See the LICENSE file included with this source distribution for more information. SPDX-License-Identifier: NCSA """ import logging import os.path import pathlib import platform import subprocess import time from datetime import datetime from math import floor from socket import gethostname, sethostname from lxml import etree from netconf import error, util from ncserver.base.log import HOSTNAME_CHANGED, log_config_change from ncserver.base.util import _, ensure_leaf, handle_list_operation, \ node_operation, yang_dt_for_timestamp QName = etree.QName # pylint: disable=I1101 LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) """The object used for logging informational messages.""" M_ABI_VERSION = 1 """The ABI version of this NETCONF module.""" M_PREFIX = "sys" """The XML tag prefix for this module's tags.""" M_NS = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-system" """The XML namespace for this module.""" M_NAME = "ietf-system" """The YANG model name for this module.""" M_REVISION = "2014-08-06" """The YANG revision date for this module.""" M_IMPORTS = { 'ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15': { 'ns': "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-types", 'prefix': "yang" }, 'ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15': { 'ns': "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-inet-types", 'prefix': "inet" }, 'ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14': { 'ns': "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-acm", 'prefix': "nacm" }, 'iana-crypt-hash@2014-08-06': { 'ns': "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-crypt-hash", 'prefix': "ianach" } } """The imported YANG modules for this module.""" M_FEATURES = ['ntp'] """The supported features declared in YANG for this module.""" _CONTACT_PATH = '/etc/netconf/contact.txt' """The file path for the contents of /sys:system/contact.""" _LOCATION_PATH = '/etc/netconf/location.txt' """The file path for the contents of /sys:system/location.""" class NTPServer: # pylint: disable=R0902 """Represents an NTP server entry.""" def __init__(self, host: str, **kwargs): """Create a new NTP server entry. :param str host: The host, in IP or DNS form. """ self.host = host self.mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'pool') if self.mode in ('server', 'peer'): self.key = kwargs.pop('key', None) else: self.key = None self.burst = kwargs.pop('burst', False) self.iburst = kwargs.pop('iburst', False) self.version = kwargs.pop('version', None) self.prefer = kwargs.pop('prefer', False) self.minpoll = kwargs.pop('minpoll', None) self.maxpoll = kwargs.pop('maxpoll', None) if self.mode == 'poll': self.preempt = kwargs.pop('preempt', False) else: self.preempt = False def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" args = {'mode': '"' + self.mode + '"'} if self.burst: args['burst'] = True if self.iburst: args['iburst'] = True if self.version is not None: args['version'] = '"' + self.version + '"' if self.prefer: args['prefer'] = True if self.minpoll is not None: args['minpoll'] = '"' + self.minpoll + '"' if self.maxpoll is not None: args['maxpoll'] = '"' + self.maxpoll + '"' if self.mode in ('server', 'peer') and self.key is not None: args['key'] = '"' + self.key + '"' if self.mode == 'poll' and self.preempt: args['preempt'] = True nondef_args = ', '.join( ['{}={}'.format(*item) for item in args.items()] ) return "NTPServer('{host}', {nondef_args})".format( host=self.host, nondef_args=nondef_args ) def __str__(self): """Return the configuration line for this server.""" line = self.mode + ' ' if ':' in self.host and '[' not in self.host: if '%' in self.host: addr, dev = self.host.split('%') line += '[' + addr + ']%' + dev else: line += '[' + self.host + ']' else: line += self.host if self.mode in ('server', 'peer') and self.key is not None: line += ' key ' + self.key if self.mode in ('pool', 'server'): if self.burst: line += ' burst' if self.iburst: line += ' iburst' if self.version is not None: line += ' version ' + str(self.version) if self.prefer: line += ' prefer' if self.minpoll is not None: line += ' minpoll ' + self.minpoll if self.maxpoll is not None: line += ' maxpoll ' + self.maxpoll if self.mode == 'pool' and self.preempt: line += ' preempt' return line @classmethod def from_line(cls, line: str): """Create an NTPServer object from a configuration file line.""" tokens = line.strip().split(' ') tokens.reverse() kwargs = {'mode': tokens.pop()} host = tokens.pop() bool_keys = ('burst', 'iburst', 'prefer', 'preempt') value_keys = ('key', 'version', 'minpoll', 'maxpoll') while len(tokens) > 0: key = tokens.pop() if key in bool_keys: kwargs[key] = True elif key in value_keys: kwargs[key] = tokens.pop() else: LOGGER.warning('unknown NTP server conf key: %s', key) return cls(host, **kwargs) def _parse_ntp_config() -> dict: """Parse /etc/ntp.conf and return the configuration. The return value is a dictionary with the following keys: * servers: a list of NTPServer objects. """ conf = open('/etc/ntp.conf', 'r') lines = conf.readlines() conf.close() result = {'servers': list()} for line in lines: line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0: continue if any([line.startswith(word) for word in ('server', 'pool', 'peer')]): result['servers'].append(NTPServer.from_line(line)) else: LOGGER.warning('unhandled NTP configuration line: %s', line) return result def _parse_ntp_conf_to(sys_node): """Parse NTP configuration into /sys:system/ntp format.""" root = util.subelm(sys_node, 'sys:ntp') if not os.path.exists('/etc/ntp.conf'): root.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:enabled', 'false')) return conf = _parse_ntp_config() for server in conf['servers']: serv_node = util.subelm(root, 'sys:server') serv_node.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:name', server.host)) serv_node.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:association-type', server.mode)) serv_node.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:iburst', str(server.iburst).lower())) serv_node.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:prefer', str(server.prefer).lower())) udp = util.subelm(serv_node, 'sys:udp') udp.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:address', server.host)) return def _parse_resolv_conf() -> dict: """Parse /etc/resolv.conf and return the configuration. The return value is a dictionary with the following keys: * resolvers: a dict, with each key being the name of the resolver and the value being the resolver IP * search: a list, containing search domains * attempts: the number of attempts to resolve a name * timeout: the timeout in seconds to resolve a name """ with open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'r') as rconf_f: rconf = rconf_f.readlines() # Stores the last NAME: line seen. last_name = 'Resolver' # Containers for actual data. resolvers = dict() search = list() # musl defaults; see musl:include/resolv.h attempts = 2 attempts_default = True timeout = 5 timeout_default = True for line in rconf: line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('# NAME: '): last_name = line[8:] elif line.startswith('nameserver '): if len(resolvers) >= 3: continue # invalid configuration, so don't report it. if last_name in resolvers: last_name = last_name + "-1" resolvers[last_name] = line[11:] elif line.startswith('options attempts:'): try: # musl caps attempts at 10 attempts = min(10, int(line[17:])) attempts_default = False except ValueError: LOGGER.warning(_("invalid resolv.conf: non-integral attempts")) elif line.startswith('options timeout:'): try: # musl caps timeout at 60 timeout = min(60, int(line[16:])) timeout_default = False except ValueError: LOGGER.warning(_("invalid resolv.conf: non-integral timeout")) # This logic is taken directly from musl source code. elif line.startswith('domain') or line.startswith('search'): search = line[7:].split(' ') return {'resolvers': resolvers, 'search': search, 'attempts': attempts, 'timeout': timeout, 'attempts_default': attempts_default, 'timeout_default': timeout_default} def _parse_resolv_conf_to(sys_node): """Parse /etc/resolv.conf into /sys:system/dns-resolver format.""" root = util.subelm(sys_node, 'sys:dns-resolver') resolv_conf = _parse_resolv_conf() for domain in resolv_conf['search']: root.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:search', domain)) for pair in resolv_conf['resolvers'].items(): res = util.subelm(root, 'sys:server') res.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:name', pair[0])) udp = util.subelm(res, 'sys:udp-and-tcp') udp.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:address', pair[1])) opts = util.subelm(root, 'sys:options') opts.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:timeout', resolv_conf['timeout'])) opts.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:attempts', resolv_conf['attempts'])) def _parse_authn_to(sys_node): """Parse current config into /sys:system/authentication format.""" sys_node.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:authentication', '')) def running(node): """Retrieve the running configuration for this system.""" sys = util.subelm(node, 'sys:system') if os.path.exists(_CONTACT_PATH): with open(_CONTACT_PATH, 'r') as contact_f: sys.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:contact', contact_f.read())) else: sys.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:contact', '')) if os.path.exists(_LOCATION_PATH): with open(_LOCATION_PATH, 'r') as loc_f: sys.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:location', loc_f.read())) else: sys.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:location', '')) sys.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:hostname', gethostname())) _parse_ntp_conf_to(sys) _parse_resolv_conf_to(sys) _parse_authn_to(sys) def operational(node): """Retrieve the operational configuration for this system.""" running(node) # Include the running configuration. state = util.subelm(node, 'sys:system-state') plat = util.subelm(state, 'sys:platform') plat.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:os-name', platform.system())) plat.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:os-release', platform.release())) try: osv = subprocess.run(['/bin/sh', '-c', '( . /etc/os-release && echo -n $PRETTY_NAME )'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) version = osv.stdout.decode('utf-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: version = "Unknown Distribution" plat.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:os-version', version)) plat.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:machine', platform.machine())) clock = util.subelm(state, 'sys:clock') clock.append(util.leaf_elm( 'sys:current-datetime', yang_dt_for_timestamp(datetime.now().timestamp()) )) with open('/proc/uptime', 'r') as upfile: raw = upfile.read().split(' ')[0] boot = floor(time.time() - float(raw)) clock.append(util.leaf_elm('sys:boot-datetime', yang_dt_for_timestamp(boot))) # -- Editing functions -- def _save_resolv_conf(conf: dict): """Save the current configuration to /etc/resolv.conf.""" rcfile = open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'w') rcfile.write("# Generated by NETCONFAPK\n") rcfile.write("# This file will be overwritten upon configuration. " "Do not edit directly.\n\n") if 'attempts' in conf and not conf.get('attempts_default', False): rcfile.write("options attempts:{}\n".format(conf['attempts'])) if 'timeout' in conf and not conf.get('timeout_default', False): rcfile.write("options timeout:{}\n".format(conf['timeout'])) if len(conf.get('search', list())) > 0: rcfile.write("search {}\n".format(" ".join(conf['search']))) for pair in conf.get('resolvers', dict()).items(): rcfile.write("# NAME: {}\nnameserver {}\n".format(pair[0], pair[1])) rcfile.close() def _edit_dns_option(session, rpc, node, def_op, curr): """Edit DNS option configuration.""" root_op = node_operation(node, def_op) if root_op in ['replace', 'delete', 'remove']: # delete must raise if no options are set. if root_op == 'delete': if ('attempts' not in curr or curr.get('attempts_default', False))\ or ('timeout' not in curr or curr.get('timeout_default', False)): raise error.DataMissingAppError(rpc) curr.pop('attempts', None) curr.pop('timeout', None) elif root_op == 'create': if 'attempts' in curr and not curr.get('attempts_default', False) \ or 'timeout' in curr and not curr.get('timeout_default', False): raise error.DataExistsAppError(rpc) for opt in node: option = QName(opt.tag).localname operation = node_operation(opt, root_op) ensure_leaf(rpc, opt) if option == 'attempts': limit = 10 elif option == 'timeout': limit = 60 else: raise error.UnknownElementAppError(rpc, opt) if operation in ['delete', 'remove']: if option in curr: log_config_change(session, opt.tag, '( deleted )') del curr[option] continue try: value = int(opt.text) log_config_change(session, opt.tag, value) except ValueError as value: raise error.InvalidValueAppError(rpc) from value curr[option] = min(limit, value) curr['{}_default'.format(option)] = False _save_resolv_conf(curr) def _edit_dns_search(session, rpc, node, def_op, curr: dict): """Edit DNS search-domain configuration.""" operation = node_operation(node, def_op) log_config_change(session, 'sys:search', operation + ':' + node.text) handle_list_operation(rpc, curr['search'], node, operation) _save_resolv_conf(curr) def _edit_dns_server(session, rpc, node, def_op, curr: dict): # yes, this function is too complex. # pylint: disable=R0912,R0914,R0915 """Edit DNS nameserver configuration.""" operation = node_operation(node, def_op) xmlmap = {'': 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-system'} name = node.find('name', xmlmap) # XXX TODO: log changes # This lets us handle cases where there are no resolvers yet. # We set the dict key to the value in case we used the default. resolvers = curr.get('resolvers', dict()) curr['resolvers'] = resolvers if name is None: raise error.MissingElementAppError( rpc, '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-system}name' ) name = name.text if operation in ['delete', 'remove']: if operation == 'delete' and name not in resolvers.keys(): raise error.DataMissingAppError(rpc) resolvers.pop(name, None) _save_resolv_conf(curr) return insert = node.attrib.get('{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1}insert', None) other_key = node.attrib.get('{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1}key', None) value = None for opt in node: opt_name = QName(opt.tag).localname if opt_name == 'name': continue # already handled if opt_name == 'udp-and-tcp': for subopt in opt: if QName(subopt.tag).localname != 'address': raise error.UnknownElementAppError(rpc, subopt) value = subopt.text else: raise error.UnknownElementAppError(rpc, opt) if operation == 'create': if name in resolvers: raise error.DataExistsAppError(rpc) if len(resolvers) >= 3: # there is no guidance in the RFC for what to do with this... raise error.BadElementAppError(rpc, node) if insert is None: insert = 'last' elif operation in ['merge', 'replace']: if value is None: raise error.MissingElementAppError( rpc, '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-system}udp-and-tcp' ) if name not in resolvers and len(resolvers) >= 3: # ditto from above raise error.BadElementAppError(rpc, node) # Okay, we have to juggle everything around. if insert is None or insert == 'last': resolvers[name] = value elif insert == 'first': # update always adds keys to the end of a dict. curr['resolvers'] = {name: value} curr['resolvers'].update(resolvers) elif insert in ('before', 'after'): if other_key is None: raise error.MissingAttributeAppError( rpc, node, '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1}key' ) if other_key not in resolvers: raise error.DataMissingAppError(rpc) work = dict() for r_name, r_ip in resolvers.items(): if r_name == other_key and insert == 'before': work[name] = value work[r_name] = r_ip if r_name == other_key and insert == 'after': work[name] = value curr['resolvers'] = work else: raise error.BadAttributeAppError( rpc, node, '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1}insert' ) _save_resolv_conf(curr) def _is_resolv_conf_empty(curr: dict) -> bool: """Determine if a DNS configuration is empty/default.""" return ( len(curr.get('resolvers', dict())) == 0 and len(curr.get('search', list())) == 0 and ('attempts' not in curr or curr.get('attempts_default', True)) and ('timeout' not in curr or curr.get('timeout_default', True)) ) def _edit_dns(session, rpc, node, def_op): """Edit the DNS configuration for this system.""" curr = _parse_resolv_conf() root_op = node_operation(node, def_op) if root_op == 'replace': curr = {} elif root_op == 'remove': curr = {} log_config_change(session, 'sys:dns-resolver', '( deleted )') _save_resolv_conf(curr) elif root_op == 'delete': if _is_resolv_conf_empty(curr): raise error.DataMissingAppError(rpc) curr = {} log_config_change(session, 'sys:dns-resolver', '( deleted )') _save_resolv_conf(curr) elif root_op == 'create': if not _is_resolv_conf_empty(curr): raise error.DataExistsAppError(rpc) editors = {'options': _edit_dns_option, 'search': _edit_dns_search, 'server': _edit_dns_server} for key_node in node: key = QName(key_node.tag).localname if key not in editors: raise error.UnknownElementAppError(rpc, key) editors[key](session, rpc, key_node, root_op, curr) def _edit_file(session, rpc, node, def_op): """Edit a file-based configuration for this system.""" operation = node_operation(node, def_op) ensure_leaf(rpc, node) paths = {'contact': _CONTACT_PATH, 'location': _LOCATION_PATH} selected = paths[QName(node.tag).localname] already = os.path.exists(selected) if operation == 'create' and already: raise error.DataExistsAppError(rpc) if operation == 'delete' and not already: raise error.DataMissingAppError(rpc) if operation in ['delete', 'remove']: if already: log_config_change(session, node.tag, '( deleted )') pathlib.Path(selected).unlink() return log_config_change(session, node.tag, node.text) with open(selected, 'wt') as myfile: myfile.write(node.text) def _edit_hostname(session, rpc, node, def_op): """Edit the hostname for this system.""" operation = node_operation(node, def_op) ensure_leaf(rpc, node) # you can't *unset* a hostname. if operation in ['delete', 'remove']: raise error.OperationNotSupportedAppError(rpc) if operation == 'create': raise error.DataExistsAppError(rpc) if operation not in ['merge', 'replace']: raise error.OperationNotSupportedAppError(rpc) newname = node.text log_config_change(session, 'sys:hostname', newname) with open('/etc/hostname', 'wt') as hostfile: hostfile.write(newname + '\n') sethostname(newname) HOSTNAME_CHANGED.call(newname) def _edit_ntp(session, rpc, node, def_op): """Edit NTP configuration for this system.""" def edit(session, rpc, node, def_op): """Edit the configuration for this system.""" methods = {'dns-resolver': _edit_dns, 'contact': _edit_file, 'location': _edit_file, 'hostname': _edit_hostname, 'ntp': _edit_ntp} for subsystem in node: name = QName(subsystem.tag).localname if name in methods: methods[name](session, rpc, subsystem, def_op) else: raise error.UnknownElementAppError(rpc, subsystem) def rpc_system_shutdown(session, rpc, *params): """Shutdown the system.""" subprocess.Popen(["/sbin/poweroff"]) return util.elm('nc:ok') def rpc_system_restart(session, rpc, *params): """Restart the system.""" subprocess.Popen(["/sbin/reboot"]) return util.elm('nc:ok') M_RPCS = {'system-shutdown': rpc_system_shutdown, 'system-restart': rpc_system_restart} """The RPCs implemented by this module."""