===================================== README for Adélie Linux Package Set ===================================== :Authors: * **Andrew Wilcox**, primary maintainer * **Elizabeth Myers**, maintainer * **Adélie Linux Developers and Users**, contributions :Status: Production :Copyright: © 2016 Wilcox Technologies LLC. NCSA open source licence. Introduction ============ This repository contains the Adélie Linux package set. It is used as an overlay in the Portage system for package building to create the repository used by Adélie's APK package manager. Licenses ````````` As the Adélie Linux project is an open-source Linux distribution, packages contained in this repository must also be provided under a license recognised by the OSI_. A separate repository may be provided in the future for certain non-free components, such as device driver firmware. .. _OSI: http://opensource.org/licenses/category Changes ``````` Any changes to this repository - additions, removal, or version bumps - must be reviewed before being pushed to the master branch. There are no exceptions to this rule. For security-sensitive updates, contact the Security Team at sec-bugs@adelielinux.org. Contents ======== This section contains a high-level view of the contents of this repository. It does not list every package available; it is merely a guide to help you find what you need. ``profiles``: Configuration ``````````````````````````` The ``profiles`` directory contains special instructions to the Portage++ system to ensure proper build and runtime configuration for packages. ``sys-apps``: System Applications ````````````````````````````````` Packages in the ``sys-apps`` category provide core system functionality, such as ``apk-tools`` or ``portage++``. Usage ===== This section contains usage information for this repository. As an overlay ````````````` This repository can be added as an overlay to any system running Portage or Portage++. However, please do not add it to a Gentoo computer unless you intend to use it for developing Adélie. None of the packages here are useful for a Gentoo computer, and some packages (such as ``baselayout``) may in fact damage your Gentoo installation if installed from this repository. Please be careful. Create a file named ``adelie.conf`` to ``/etc/portage/repos.conf``, and enter the following text: :: [adelie] location = /usr/local/portage-adelie sync-type = git sync-uri = https://code.foxkit.us/adelie/packages.git auto-sync = yes Run ``emerge --sync`` or ``eix-sync`` to update the package index on your local system. The packages will then be available to you. As a repository ``````````````` The Adélie Linux system is preconfigured to use packages in this repository for APK. No configuration is required.