Copyright / Permissions: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This archive is copyright 2002; Rich Black, Stuart Fitzsimmons, Rogelio Olguin and Dean Tate collectively. Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this archive, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without explicit permission from ALL four holders of the copyright. This includes putting it on which have a tendency to do just that or any other major ftp that bundles cd-roms out of what they carry. PLEASE DO distribute this archive through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, forums, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. If you intend to distribute this archive using media not relating to the internet, such as CD, please contact the original authors for permission. Please do NOT modify this archive in ANY FORM WHATSOEVER; if you wish to modify it contact the original authors at: Rich Black: Stuart Fitzsimmons: Rogelio Olguin: Dean Tate: Unreal Tournament (c) 1999 and UNREAL (c)1998 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by GT Interactive Software, Inc. under license. UNREAL and the UNREAL logo are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.