diff -Naur bash-4.4/config-top.h bash-4.4-adelieconf/config-top.h
--- bash-4.4/config-top.h	2016-05-19 18:34:02.000000000 +0000
+++ bash-4.4-adelieconf/config-top.h	2018-02-06 01:07:33.736749439 +0000
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
 #define DEFAULT_BASHRC "~/.bashrc"
 /* System-wide .bashrc file for interactive shells. */
-/* #define SYS_BASHRC "/etc/bash.bashrc" */
+#define SYS_BASHRC "/etc/bash/bashrc" 
 /* System-wide .bash_logout for login shells. */
-/* #define SYS_BASH_LOGOUT "/etc/bash.bash_logout" */
+#define SYS_BASH_LOGOUT "/etc/bash/bash_logout" 
 /* Define this to make non-interactive shells begun with argv[0][0] == '-'
    run the startup files when not in posix mode. */
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
    sshd and source the .bashrc if so (like the rshd behavior).  This checks
    for the presence of SSH_CLIENT or SSH2_CLIENT in the initial environment,
    which can be fooled under certain not-uncommon circumstances. */
-/* #define SSH_SOURCE_BASHRC */
 /* Define if you want the case-capitalizing operators (~[~]) and the
    `capcase' variable attribute (declare -c). */