# Contributor: Valery Kartel # Maintainer: A. Wilcox pkgname=cmake pkgver=3.12.3 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Cross-platform build system" url="https://cmake.org" arch="all" options="!checkroot" license="CMake" makedepends="ncurses-dev curl-dev expat-dev zlib-dev bzip2-dev libarchive-dev libuv-dev xz-dev rhash-dev" checkdepends="musl-utils file" subpackages="$pkgname-doc" case $pkgver in *.*.*.*) _v=v${pkgver%.*.*};; *.*.*) _v=v${pkgver%.*};; esac source="https://cmake.org/files/$_v/cmake-${pkgver}.tar.gz" _parallel_opt() { local i n for i in $MAKEOPTS; do case "$i" in -j*) n=${i#-j};; esac; done [ -n "$n" ] && echo "--parallel $n" } build() { cd "$builddir" # jsoncpp needs cmake to build so to avoid recursive build # dependency, we use the bundled version of jsoncpp ./bootstrap \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/share/man \ --datadir=/share/$pkgname \ --docdir=/share/doc/$pkgname \ --system-libs \ --no-system-jsoncpp \ $(_parallel_opt) make } check() { cd "$builddir" CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=TRUE bin/ctest } package() { cd "$builddir" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install } sha512sums="2b5b006bd0fa09431eb525a7f419c64b811afbe1cc81d34e6167e04112966d9f48f28652b21b5a04c889de6227315db57dd2099a17ea6329e27f3e97eac9051c cmake-3.12.3.tar.gz"