kernel-mc README -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This patchset is Horst Burkhardt's "mc" patchset. It is also the upstream for Adelie Linux' "easy-kernel". This patchset is designed for compatibility with all distributions, and is tuned for performance and memory consumption on all architectures. It integrates some of the patches from Gentoo Linux' "gentoo-sources" to leverage the bug-finding power of the Gentoo community. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the resulting kernel should be considered to be suitable under all loads and in all environments. Patchset Sequence -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0100 cumulative linux patch 0120-0199 security patches 0200-0249 arch-specific fixes 0250-0299 performance patches 0300-0399 device driver patches 0400-0499 kernel subsystem patches 0500-0549 feature additions 0550-0599 experimental patches 0600-0999 not yet allocated 1000 version update patch Individual Patch Descriptions (0120-1000): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: 0120-XATTR_USER_PREFIX.patch From: Desc: Support for namespace user.pax.* on tmpfs. File: 0122-link-security-restrictions.patch From: Desc: Enable link security restrictions by default. File: 0124-bluetooth-keysize-check.patch From: Desc: Check key sizes when Bluetooth "Secure Simple Pairing" is enabled. File: 0126-sign-file-libressl.patch From: Desc: Allow recent versions of LibreSSL to provide full functionality for sign-file. File: 0200-x86-compile.patch From: Laurent Bercot ( Desc: Fixes builds on x86 that terminate due to overenthusiastic -Werror File: 0255-ultraksm.patch From: Desc: Ultra Same-Page Merging provides an aggressive KSM implementation to further enhance memory usage over RedHat KSM in mainline File: 0260-reduce-swappiness.patch From: Horst Burkhardt <> - originally from -ck patchset by Con Kolivas Desc: Reduces the proclivity of the kernel to page out memory contents to disk File: 0300-tmp513-regression-fix.patch From: Desc: Fix to regression in Kconfig from kernel 5.5.6 to enable tmp513 hardware monitoring module to build. File: 0500-print-fw-info.patch From: Desc: Makes kernel print exact firmware file that kernel attempts to load. File: 0502-gcc9-kcflags.patch From: Desc: Enables gcc >=9.1 optimizations for the very latest x86_64 CPUs. File: 1000-version.patch From: Horst Burkhardt ( Desc: Adjust Makefile to represent patchset version, adds cool logo to boot logo options