# Contributor: Brandon Bergren <git@bdragon.rtk0.net> # Maintainer: Zach van Rijn <me@zv.io> pkgname=distcc pkgver=3.4 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Distributed builds for C, C++ and Objective C" url="https://distcc.github.io/" arch="all" # BadLogFile_Case depends on non-root, because distcc will NOT drop privs # and this test checks to ensure that distcc will abort if it can't access # its log file. Also, distccd WILL privdrop to 'distcc' and will abort if the # user does not exist. But if we don't run tests as root, we don't need the # user on the build box. options="!checkroot" license="GPL-2.0+" depends="python3" makedepends="binutils-dev cmd:which popt-dev python3-dev" subpackages="$pkgname-doc" # These are needed if attempting to use checkroot. #pkgusers="distcc" # distccd privdrop, see src/setuid.c #pkggroups="distcc" install="$pkgname.pre-install" source="https://github.com/distcc/$pkgname/releases/download/v$pkgver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz heap.patch " build() { ./configure \ --build=$CBUILD \ --host=$CHOST \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --without-avahi \ --disable-Werror make } check() { # Tests rely on invoking compiler, etc, with a normal path. # The default "make check" target gets confused, so we manually # invoke the test framework. make check_programs make PATH="$builddir:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin" \ TESTDISTCC_OPTS="" \ maintainer-check-no-set-path } package() { make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" } sha512sums="de09329fdfa25e08a9b9529190ddaa9ceccb34c8655692edb86f367a8db4a71b750c6e928cb8e5a670f51fbbc02fd1c8524f72e01b3ebaacc1106dc676d18eef distcc-3.4.tar.gz 897429ec358ee36faf7dd19329978d9ba3ac83008158a1df9df8e7c6bc55843b5a681884b67006c526875b26993b64de6fb33e2f7dfac8a2066eabde1f13c348 heap.patch"