# Contributor: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org> # Maintainer: Max Rees <maxcrees@me.com> pkgname=fuse3 _pkgname=fuse pkgver=3.16.2 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="The reference implementation of the Linux FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) interface" url="https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse" arch="all" options="suid !check" # Requires fuse kernel module to be loaded license="GPL-2.0-only AND LGPL-2.1-only AND BSD-2-Clause" depends="fuse-common" #checkdepends="py3-pytest cmd:which" makedepends="linux-headers meson eudev-dev python3 py3-six py3-pluggy py3-attrs py3-py" subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $_pkgname-common:common:noarch $_pkgname-openrc:openrc:noarch" source="https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/releases/download/fuse-$pkgver/fuse-$pkgver.tar.gz fix-realpath.patch fuse.initd " builddir="$srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver" # secfixes: # 3.2.5-r0: # - CVE-2018-10906 build() { # The examples are required for the tests to work, and aren't # otherwise installed meson \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --localstatedir=/var \ --buildtype=release \ -Dexamples=true \ . output ninja -C output } check() { # Recommended procedure: # 1. modprobe fuse # 2. chown root and chmod u+s $builddir/output/util/fusermount3 # 3. abuild check cd "$builddir"/output python3 -m pytest test/ } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C output install rm -r "$pkgdir"/dev "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d install -Dm755 "$srcdir"/fuse.initd "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/fuse install -d "$pkgdir"/etc cat >"$pkgdir"/etc/fuse.conf << EOF # Set the maximum number of FUSE mounts allowed to non-root users. # The default is 1000. # #mount_max = 1000 # Allow non-root users to specify the 'allow_other' or 'allow_root' # mount options. # #user_allow_other EOF } common() { pkgdesc="Common files for fuse2 and fuse3" mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/etc mv "$pkgdir"/etc/fuse.conf "$subpkgdir"/etc } openrc() { default_openrc install_if="openrc fuse-common=$pkgver-r$pkgrel" } sha512sums="3e8889863cd67dada67271f095f694dc9e5aaf2561fd1e2285aee95b5a54e692bb195ab8fce57fc2bdf08d0ea17b6d56ca4967b4e4371d639d6133907b2370d3 fuse-3.16.2.tar.gz 1a9e1d1e8a7b0778ffde328e4322c73b5d57ec98d52767c846d755cce861ab27989823a75b6c5f994432ddb77fa351dfa4a8f948c9467c5f7d5f471e4608358b fix-realpath.patch 7f6a503ef23cfa8b809c544375c2d83ad56525269b48ad1a7dff0ce36f4bf2f2a3fafed9dc70a71ff6281b261db5f01829e16c06f041921a5d8c8d715a04a8c1 fuse.initd"