# Contributor: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org> # Maintainer: A. Wilcox <awilfox@adelielinux.org> pkgname=gsl pkgver=2.8 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Modern numerical library for C and C++" url="https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/gsl.html" arch="all" license="GPL-3.0+" depends="" makedepends="" subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc" source="https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-$pkgver.tar.gz gsl-2.4-portable.patch static-inline.patch " prepare() { default_prepare case "$CTARGET_ARCH" in pmmx) #763 (applies to this entire block) override="multifit_nlinear multilarge_nlinear specfunc"; for k in $override; do sed -i $k/Makefile.in \ -e '/^CFLAGS = /s/$/ -O0/g' \ ; done skipthis="spmatrix"; for k in $skipthis; do sed -i $k/Makefile.in \ -e '/^TESTS = /d' \ ; done ;; ppc) #764 (applies to this entire block) skipthis="complex"; for k in $skipthis; do sed -i $k/Makefile.in \ -e '/^TESTS = /d' \ ; done ;; esac } build() { case "$CTARGET_ARCH" in ppc) export ac_cv_c_ieee_interface=unknown; ;; esac ./configure \ --build=$CBUILD \ --host=$CHOST \ --prefix=/usr make } check() { make check } package() { make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install } sha512sums="4427f6ce59dc14eabd6d31ef1fcac1849b4d7357faf48873aef642464ddf21cc9b500d516f08b410f02a2daa9a6ff30220f3995584b0a6ae2f73c522d1abb66b gsl-2.8.tar.gz f6a22e82c8f4a1d5ea7b647cbd015cdb9d2e4e9d39728e8f2dba3fdefac64d3f7c8fbc5ec597e6ab315ec1bd49e0e3af4aba091b358a68d9d789884331f4be24 gsl-2.4-portable.patch 7aa882af7136b6948124885eec6b9bdb2703f581d1656488a6aab8c48f601690fa87f2d6d2566c3a8fa200a5c09310ee076aec847779490ff02e03a5bcd0a2a0 static-inline.patch"