#!/bin/sh ## # This script downloads RC2 'openjdk8' .apk files, # extracts some JVM bits, and produces tarballs for # bootstrapping this package, suitable for upload to # https://distfiles.adelielinux.org/source/openjdk/. # # Note: checksums may vary between 'tar' versions or # implementations; please do not rely on this. The # output has been verified by 'diff -qr', may differ # in packing order, compression, or headers only. # # Based on https://git.adelielinux.org/-/snippets/172. # HERE="$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0}))"; host=https://distfiles.adelielinux.org; repo=1.0-rc2; vers=8.252.09-r0; keep=usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk; arch="aarch64 armv7 ppc64 ppc x86_64 pmmx"; apks=" openjdk8-jre-lib openjdk8-jre-base openjdk8-jre openjdk8 "; for cpu in $arch; do printf "\n%s\n" "$cpu"; rm -fr "${HERE}"/$cpu; # sanity mkdir -p "${HERE}"/$cpu/boot-home; for apk in $apks; do printf " * %s\n" "$apk-$vers.apk"; curl -s $host/adelie/$repo/user/$cpu/$apk-$vers.apk \ | tar -C "${HERE}"/$cpu -xzf - 2>/dev/null; done cp -a "${HERE}"/$cpu/$keep "${HERE}"/$cpu/boot-home/$cpu; ( cd "${HERE}"/$cpu; chown -R 1000:1000 boot-home; tar -cJf "${HERE}"/openjdk8-bootstrap-$cpu.txz boot-home; ) rm -fr "${HERE}"/$cpu; done