#!/sbin/openrc-run extra_started_commands="reload" description_reload="Reload configuration" extra_stopped_commands="setup" description_setup="Initialize a new PostgreSQL cluster" # Note: Uppercase variables are here for backward compatibility. : ${user:=${PGUSER:-"postgres"}} : ${group:=${PGGROUP:-"postgres"}} : ${auto_setup:=${AUTO_SETUP:-"yes"}} : ${start_timeout:=${START_TIMEOUT:-10}} : ${nice_timeout:=${NICE_TIMEOUT:-60}} : ${rude_quit:=${RUDE_QUIT:-"yes"}} : ${rude_timeout:=${RUDE_TIMEOUT:-30}} : ${force_quit:=${FORCE_QUIT:-"no"}} : ${force_timeout:=${FORCE_TIMEOUT:-2}} : ${data_dir:=${PGDATA:-"/var/lib/postgresql/@VERSION@/data"}} : ${conf_dir:=$data_dir} : ${env_vars:=${PG_EXTRA_ENV:-}} : ${initdb_opts:=${PG_INITDB_OPTS:-}} : ${logfile:="$data_dir/postmaster.log"} : ${pg_opts:=${PGOPTS:-}} : ${port:=${PGPORT:-5432}} command="/usr/bin/postgres" conffile="$conf_dir/postgresql.conf" pidfile="$data_dir/postmaster.pid" start_stop_daemon_args=" --user $user --group $group --pidfile $pidfile --wait 100" depend() { use net after firewall if [ "$(get_config log_destination)" = "syslog" ]; then use logger fi } start_pre() { check_deprecated_var WAIT_FOR_START start_timeout check_deprecated_var WAIT_FOR_DISCONNECT nice_timeout check_deprecated_var WAIT_FOR_CLEANUP rude_timeout check_deprecated_var WAIT_FOR_QUIT force_timeout if [ ! -d "$data_dir/base" ]; then if yesno "$auto_setup"; then setup || return 1 else eerror "Database not found at: $data_dir" eerror "Please make sure that 'data_dir' points to the right path." eerror "You can run '/etc/init.d/postgresql setup' to setup a new database cluster." return 1 fi fi local socket_dirs="$(get_config "unix_socket_directories" "/run/postgresql")" local port="$(get_config "port" "$port")" start_stop_daemon_args="$start_stop_daemon_args --env PGPORT=$port" ( # Set the proper permission for the socket paths and create them if # then don't exist. set -f; IFS="," for dir in $socket_dirs; do if [ -e "${dir%/}/.s.PGSQL.$port" ]; then eerror "Socket conflict. A server is already listening on:" eerror " ${dir%/}/.s.PGSQL.$port" eerror "Hint: Change 'port' to listen on a different socket." return 1 elif [ "${dir%/}" != "/tmp" ]; then checkpath -d -m 1775 -o $user:$group "$dir" fi done ) } start() { local retval ebegin "Starting PostgreSQL" local var; for var in $env_vars; do start_stop_daemon_args="$start_stop_daemon_args --env $var" done rm -f "$pidfile" start-stop-daemon --start \ $start_stop_daemon_args \ --exec /usr/bin/pg_ctl \ -- start \ --silent \ -w --timeout="$start_timeout" \ --log="$logfile" \ --pgdata="$conf_dir" \ -o "--data-directory=$data_dir $pg_opts" retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then eerror "Check the log for a possible explanation of the above error:" eerror " $logfile" fi eend $retval } stop() { local retry="SIGTERM/$nice_timeout" yesno "$rude_quit" \ && retry="$retry/SIGINT/$rude_timeout" \ || rude_timeout=0 yesno "$force_quit" \ && retry="$retry/SIGQUIT/$force_timeout" \ || force_timeout=0 local seconds="$(( $nice_timeout + $rude_timeout + $force_timeout ))" ebegin "Stopping PostgreSQL (this can take up to $seconds seconds)" start-stop-daemon --stop \ --exec "$command" \ --retry "$retry" \ --progress \ --pidfile "$pidfile" eend $? } reload() { ebegin "Reloading PostgreSQL configuration" start-stop-daemon --signal HUP --pidfile "$pidfile" eend $? } setup() { local bkpdir ebegin "Creating a new PostgreSQL database cluster" if [ -d "$data_dir/base" ]; then eend 1 "$data_dir/base already exists!"; return 1 fi # If data_dir exists, backup configs. if [ -d "$data_dir" ]; then bkpdir="$(mktemp -d)" find "$data_dir" -type f -name "*.conf" -maxdepth 1 \ -exec mv -v {} "$bkpdir"/ \; rm -rf "$data_dir"/* fi install -d -m 0700 -o $user -g $group "$data_dir" install -d -m 0750 -o $user -g $group "$conf_dir" cd "$data_dir" # to avoid the: could not change directory to "/root" su $user -c "/usr/bin/initdb $initdb_opts --pgdata $data_dir" local retval=$? if [ -d "$bkpdir" ]; then # Move backuped configs back. mv -v "$bkpdir"/* "$data_dir"/ rm -rf "$bkpdir" fi if [ "${data_dir%/}" != "${conf_dir%/}" ]; then # Move configs from data_dir to conf_dir and symlink them to data_dir. local name newname for name in postgresql.conf pg_hba.conf pg_ident.conf; do newname="$name" [ ! -e "$conf_dir"/$name ] || newname="$name.new" mv "$data_dir"/$name "$conf_dir"/$newname ln -s "$conf_dir"/$name "$data_dir"/$name done fi eend $retval } get_config() { local name="$1" local default="${2:-}" if [ ! -f "$conffile" ]; then printf '%s\n' "$default" return 1 fi sed -En "/^\s*${name}\b/{ # find line starting with the name s/^\s*${name}\s*=?\s*([^#]+).*/\1/; # capture the value s/\s*$//; # trim trailing whitespaces s/^['\"](.*)['\"]$/\1/; # remove delimiting quotes p }" "$conffile" \ | grep . || printf '%s\n' "$default" } check_deprecated_var() { local old_name="$1" local new_name="$2" if [ -n "$(getval "$old_name")" ]; then ewarn "Variable '$old_name' has been removed, please use '$new_name' instead." fi } getval() { eval "printf '%s\n' \"\$$1\"" }