# Contributor: Natanael Copa # Maintainer: Max Rees pkgname=sshfs pkgver=3.7.0 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="FUSE client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol" url="https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs" arch="all" options="!check" # Requires fuse kernel module to be loaded and local ssh server license="GPL-2.0-only AND GPL-2.0+ AND LGPL-2.1-only" depends="openssh-client" #checkdepends="cmd:which openssh-server openssh-sftp-server py3-pytest" makedepends="fuse3-dev glib-dev meson coreutils py3-docutils" subpackages="$pkgname-doc" source="https://github.com/libfuse/$pkgname/releases/download/$pkgname-$pkgver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.xz" build() { # NOTE: --prefix=/ is intentional. If --prefix=/usr, mount(8) will not be # able to find mount.fuse.sshfs or mount.sshfs - it only looks in /sbin, not # /usr/sbin. The omission of the absolute slash in --mandir=usr/share/man is # also intentional - otherwise ninja tries to install the manpage to # "/sr/share/man/man1" (???) meson \ --prefix=/ \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=usr/share/man \ --localstatedir=/var \ --buildtype=release \ . output ninja -C output } check() { # This test requires a running SSH server on localhost, with the # current user being able to login without a password. Recommended # procedure: # # 1. Setup sshd - make sure sftp subsystem is enabled # 2. Ensure current user has a SSH key configured in ~/.ssh/config and # ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # 3. Test `ssh localhost` # 4. Run `abuild check` cd "$builddir"/output python3 -m pytest test/ } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C output install } sha512sums="bd8bcd45dd9a5e9686c6fb442e877ffdb592ba0d3424d5dab84a955bfafb17e8666abefba6857467833f5b285842bdadd5a9b6c9e8128ac2e564c36df79aa570 sshfs-3.7.0.tar.xz"