# Configuration for the tipidee web server. # The IPs you want the tipidee server to listen on. # Comment to disable. TIPIDEED_IPv4= TIPIDEED_IPv6=:: # Serve plaintext HTTP? true or false HTTP=true # Serve HTTPS? true or false HTTPS=false # If HTTPS is true, KEYFILE should point to # your private key, and CERTFILE should point to your certificate. # KEYFILE= # CERTFILE= # Total authorized concurrent connections. Don't go above 5000 or so. TIPIDEED_CONCURRENCY=1000 # Authorized concurrent connections *per IP*. TIPIDEED_LOCAL_CONCURRENCY=10 # The server root. Make sure this directory exists, is readable by # the tipideed user, and does *not* belong to the tipideed user. # The documents need to be stored under subdirectories of TIPIDEED_ROOT, # one subdirectory per virtual domain you're serving. TIPIDEED_ROOT=/var/lib/tipidee/docroot # Also check the /etc/tipidee.conf file for detailed configuration of # logging, document attributes, etc. # Run tipidee-config after editing /etc/tipidee.conf.