From d87a6525823e0d75b9f6b71fb265ebffb9c060a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Todd Gamblin <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:00:19 -0700
Subject: Add spack cd and spack location commands.

- Better shell support for cd'ing into directories
- Fix some csh weirdness with nested aliases.
 share/spack/csh/pathadd.csh       | 23 ++++++++++++++++++
 share/spack/csh/spack.csh         | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 share/spack/csh/spack_pathadd.csh | 23 ------------------
 share/spack/setup-env.csh         |  2 +-
 share/spack/          | 38 ++++++++++++++---------------
 5 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 share/spack/csh/pathadd.csh
 delete mode 100644 share/spack/csh/spack_pathadd.csh

(limited to 'share')

diff --git a/share/spack/csh/pathadd.csh b/share/spack/csh/pathadd.csh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e0800c5f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/spack/csh/pathadd.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Prepends directories to path, if they exist.
+#      pathadd /path/to/dir            # add to PATH
+# or   pathadd OTHERPATH /path/to/dir  # add to OTHERPATH
+# If no variable name is supplied, just append to PATH
+# otherwise append to that variable.
+set _pa_varname = PATH;
+set _pa_new_path = $_pa_args[1];
+[ $#_pa_args -gt 1 ] && set _pa_varname = $_pa_args[1] && set _pa_new_path = $_pa_args[2];
+# Check whether the variable is set yet.
+set _pa_old_value = ""
+eval set _pa_set = '$?'$_pa_varname
+[ $_pa_set -eq 1 ] && eval set _pa_old_value='$'$_pa_varname;
+# Do the actual prepending here, if it is a dir and not already in the path
+if ( -d $_pa_new_path && \:$_pa_old_value\: !~ *\:$_pa_new_path\:* ) then
+    [ -n "$_pa_old_value" ] && setenv $_pa_varname $_pa_new_path\:$_pa_old_value
+    [ -z "$_pa_old_value" ] && setenv $_pa_varname $_pa_new_path
+unset _pa_args _pa_new_path _pa_old_value _pa_set _pa_varname
diff --git a/share/spack/csh/spack.csh b/share/spack/csh/spack.csh
index 6073673333..30c4ec1361 100644
--- a/share/spack/csh/spack.csh
+++ b/share/spack/csh/spack.csh
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ set _sp_spec=""
 # Figure out what type of module we're running here.
 set _sp_modtype = ""
 switch ($_sp_subcommand)
-case "cd":
+case cd:
     shift _sp_args
-    cd `spack stage --print-build-dir $_sp_args`
+    cd `spack location $_sp_args`
 case use:
 case unuse:
@@ -59,30 +59,36 @@ case unload:
         shift _sp_spec
         set _sp_spec = ($_sp_spec)
-    # Translate the parameter into pieces of a command.
-    # _sp_modtype is an arg to spack module find, and
-    # _sp_sh_cmd is the equivalent shell command.
-    switch ($_sp_subcommand)
-        case use:
-        case unuse:
-            set _sp_modtype = dotkit
-            set _sp_sh_cmd = ( "`alias $_sp_subcommand'" )
-            breaksw
-        case load:
-        case unload:
-            set _sp_modtype = tcl
-            set _sp_sh_cmd = ( "`alias module`" $_sp_subcommand )
-            breaksw
-    endsw
     # Here the user has run use or unuse with a spec.  Find a matching
     # spec using 'spack module find', then use the appropriate module
     # tool's commands to add/remove the result from the environment.
-    # If spack module command comes back with an error, do nothing.
-    set _sp_full_spec = ""
-    if { set _sp_full_spec = `\spack module find $_sp_modtype $_sp_spec` } then
-         $_sp_sh_cmd $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
-    endif
+    switch ($_sp_subcommand)
+        case "use":
+            set _sp_full_spec = ( "`\spack $_sp_flags module find dotkit $_sp_spec`" )
+            if ( $? == 0 ) then
+                use $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+            endif
+            breaksw
+        case "unuse":
+            set _sp_full_spec = ( "`\spack $_sp_flags module find dotkit $_sp_spec`" )
+            if ( $? == 0 ) then
+                unuse $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+            endif
+            breaksw
+        case "load":
+            set _sp_full_spec = ( "`\spack $_sp_flags module find tcl $_sp_spec`" )
+            if ( $? == 0 ) then
+                module load $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+            endif
+            breaksw
+        case "unload":
+            set _sp_full_spec = ( "`\spack $_sp_flags module find tcl $_sp_spec`" )
+            if ( $? == 0 ) then
+                module unload $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+            endif
+            breaksw
+    endsw
diff --git a/share/spack/csh/spack_pathadd.csh b/share/spack/csh/spack_pathadd.csh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e0800c5f3..0000000000
--- a/share/spack/csh/spack_pathadd.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Prepends directories to path, if they exist.
-#      pathadd /path/to/dir            # add to PATH
-# or   pathadd OTHERPATH /path/to/dir  # add to OTHERPATH
-# If no variable name is supplied, just append to PATH
-# otherwise append to that variable.
-set _pa_varname = PATH;
-set _pa_new_path = $_pa_args[1];
-[ $#_pa_args -gt 1 ] && set _pa_varname = $_pa_args[1] && set _pa_new_path = $_pa_args[2];
-# Check whether the variable is set yet.
-set _pa_old_value = ""
-eval set _pa_set = '$?'$_pa_varname
-[ $_pa_set -eq 1 ] && eval set _pa_old_value='$'$_pa_varname;
-# Do the actual prepending here, if it is a dir and not already in the path
-if ( -d $_pa_new_path && \:$_pa_old_value\: !~ *\:$_pa_new_path\:* ) then
-    [ -n "$_pa_old_value" ] && setenv $_pa_varname $_pa_new_path\:$_pa_old_value
-    [ -z "$_pa_old_value" ] && setenv $_pa_varname $_pa_new_path
-unset _pa_args _pa_new_path _pa_old_value _pa_set _pa_varname
diff --git a/share/spack/setup-env.csh b/share/spack/setup-env.csh
index cc12eae82f..5f91670a60 100755
--- a/share/spack/setup-env.csh
+++ b/share/spack/setup-env.csh
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ if ($?SPACK_ROOT) then
     # Command aliases point at separate source files
     alias spack          'set _sp_args = (\!*); source $_spack_share_dir/csh/spack.csh'
-    alias _spack_pathadd 'set _pa_args = (\!*) && source $_spack_share_dir/csh/spack_pathadd.csh'
+    alias _spack_pathadd 'set _pa_args = (\!*) && source $_spack_share_dir/csh/pathadd.csh'
     # Set up modules and dotkit search paths in the user environment
     # TODO: fix SYS_TYPE to something non-LLNL-specific
diff --git a/share/spack/ b/share/spack/
index 9a6090a93b..6f56d4739b 100755
--- a/share/spack/
+++ b/share/spack/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ function spack {
     # command.
     case $_sp_subcommand in
-            cd $(spack stage --print-build-dir "$@")
+            cd $(spack location "$@")
@@ -87,28 +87,28 @@ function spack {
-            # Translate the parameter into pieces of a command.
-            # _sp_modtype is an arg to spack module find, and
-            # _sp_sh_cmd is the equivalent shell command.
-            case $_sp_subcommand in
-                "use"|"unuse")
-                    _sp_modtype=dotkit
-                    _sp_sh_cmd=$_sp_subcommand
-                    ;;
-                "load"|"unload")
-                    _sp_modtype=tcl
-                    _sp_sh_cmd="module $_sp_subcommand"
-                    ;;
-            esac
             # Here the user has run use or unuse with a spec.  Find a matching
             # spec using 'spack module find', then use the appropriate module
             # tool's commands to add/remove the result from the environment.
             # If spack module command comes back with an error, do nothing.
-            if _sp_full_spec=$(command spack $_sp_flags module find $_sp_modtype $_sp_spec); then
-                $_sp_sh_cmd $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
-            fi
-            return
+            case $_sp_subcommand in
+                "use")
+                    if _sp_full_spec=$(command spack $_sp_flags module find dotkit $_sp_spec); then
+                        use $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+                    fi ;;
+                "unuse")
+                    if _sp_full_spec=$(command spack $_sp_flags module find dotkit $_sp_spec); then
+                        unuse $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+                    fi ;;
+                "load")
+                    if _sp_full_spec=$(command spack $_sp_flags module find dotkit $_sp_spec); then
+                        module load $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+                    fi ;;
+                "unload")
+                    if _sp_full_spec=$(command spack $_sp_flags module find dotkit $_sp_spec); then
+                        module unload $_sp_module_args $_sp_full_spec
+                    fi ;;
+            esac
             command spack $_sp_flags $_sp_subcommand $_sp_spec
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2