# -*- conf -*-
# flake8 settings for Spack core files.
# These exceptions are for Spack core files. We're slightly more lenient
# with packages.  See .flake8_packages for that.
# E1: Indentation
# - E129: visually indented line with same indent as next logical line
# E2: Whitespace
# - E221: multiple spaces before operator
# - E241: multiple spaces after ','
# - E272: multiple spaces before keyword
# E7: Statement
# - E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
# W5: Line break warning
# - W503: line break before binary operator
# - W504: line break after binary operator
# These are required to get the package.py files to test clean:
# - F999: syntax error in doctest
# N8: PEP8-naming
# - N801: class names should use CapWords convention
# - N813: camelcase imported as lowercase
# - N814: camelcase imported as constant
# F4: pyflakes import checks, these are now checked by mypy more precisely
# - F403: from module import *
# - F405: undefined name or from *
# Black ignores, these are incompatible with black style and do not follow PEP-8
# - E203: white space around slice operators can be required, ignore : warn
# - W503: see above, already ignored for line-breaks
ignore = E129,E221,E241,E272,E731,W503,W504,F999,N801,N813,N814,F403,F405
max-line-length = 88

# F4: Import
# - F405: `name` may be undefined, or undefined from star imports: `module`
# F8: Name
# - F821: undefined name `name`
per-file-ignores =

# exclude things we usually do not want linting for.
# These still get linted when passed explicitly, as when spack flake8 passes
# them on the command line.
exclude =

format = spack

report =
  spack = flake8_formatter:SpackFormatter
paths =