# -*- conf -*- # flake8 settings for Spack. # # These exceptions are for Spack core files. We're slightly more lenient # with packages. See .flake8_packages for that. # # This is the only flake8 rule Spack violates somewhat flagrantly # - E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def # # This is the only flake8 exception needed when using Black. # - E203: white space around slice operators can be required, ignore : warn # # We still allow these in packages (Would like to get rid of them or rely on mypy # in the future) # - F403: from/import * used; unable to detect undefined names # - F405: undefined name or from * # - F821: undefined name (needed with from/import *) # [flake8] #ignore = E129,,W503,W504,F999,N801,N813,N814,F403,F405,E203 extend-ignore = E731,E203 max-line-length = 99 # F4: Import # - F405: `name` may be undefined, or undefined from star imports: `module` # # F8: Name # - F821: undefined name `name` # per-file-ignores = var/spack/repos/*/package.py:F403,F405,F821 # exclude things we usually do not want linting for. # These still get linted when passed explicitly, as when spack flake8 passes # them on the command line. exclude = .git etc/ opt/ share/ var/spack/cache/ var/spack/gpg*/ var/spack/junit-report/ var/spack/mock-configs/ lib/spack/external __pycache__ var format = spack [flake8:local-plugins] report = spack = flake8_formatter:SpackFormatter paths = ./share/spack/qa/