#============================================================================= # Project settings #============================================================================= # Only build master and develop on push; do not build every branch. branches: only: - master - develop - /^releases\/.*$/ #============================================================================= # Build matrix #============================================================================= dist: xenial jobs: fast_finish: true include: - stage: 'style checks' python: '2.7' sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=flake8 - stage: 'unit tests + documentation' python: '2.6' dist: trusty sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=unit - python: '2.7' sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=unit - python: '3.4' sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=unit - python: '3.5' sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=unit - python: '3.6' sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=unit - python: '3.7' sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=unit - python: '3.6' sudo: required os: linux language: python env: TEST_SUITE=doc - os: osx language: generic env: [ TEST_SUITE=unit, PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 ] # mpich (AutotoolsPackage) - stage: 'build tests' python: '2.7' os: linux language: python env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=mpich' ] # astyle (MakefilePackage) - python: '2.7' os: linux language: python env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=astyle' ] # tut (WafPackage) - python: '2.7' os: linux language: python env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=tut' ] # py-setuptools (PythonPackage) - python: '2.7' os: linux language: python env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=py-setuptools' ] # perl-dbi (PerlPackage) # - python: '2.7' # os: linux # language: python # env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=perl-dbi' ] # openjpeg (CMakePackage + external cmake) - python: '2.7' os: linux language: python env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=openjpeg' ] # r-rcpp (RPackage + external R) - python: '2.7' os: linux language: python env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=r-rcpp' ] # mpich (AutotoolsPackage) - python: '3.6' os: linux language: python env: [ TEST_SUITE=build, 'SPEC=mpich' ] - stage: 'docker build' sudo: required os: linux language: generic env: TEST_SUITE=docker allow_failures: - env: TEST_SUITE=docker stages: - 'style checks' - 'unit tests + documentation' - 'build tests' - name: 'docker build' if: type = push AND branch IN (develop, master) #============================================================================= # Environment #============================================================================= # Use new Travis infrastructure (Docker can't sudo yet) sudo: false # Docs need graphviz to build addons: apt: packages: - ccache - gfortran - mercurial - graphviz - gnupg2 - cmake - ninja-build - r-base - r-base-core - r-base-dev - perl - perl-base cache: pip: true ccache: true directories: - ~/.mirror # Work around Travis's lack of support for Python on OSX before_install: - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew update; export HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1; rm /usr/local/include/c++ ; brew ls --versions python@2 > /dev/null || brew install python@2; brew ls --versions gcc > /dev/null || brew install gcc; brew ls --versions gnupg2 > /dev/null || brew install gnupg2; brew ls --versions ccache > /dev/null || brew install ccache; pip2 install --upgrade pip; pip2 install virtualenv; virtualenv venv; source venv/bin/activate; fi - ccache -M 2G && ccache -z # Install various dependencies install: - pip install --upgrade pip - pip install --upgrade six - pip install --upgrade setuptools - pip install --upgrade codecov - pip install --upgrade flake8 - pip install --upgrade pep8-naming - if [[ "$TEST_SUITE" == "doc" ]]; then pip install --upgrade -r lib/spack/docs/requirements.txt; fi before_script: # Need this for the git tests to succeed. - git config --global user.email "spack@example.com" - git config --global user.name "Test User" # Need this to be able to compute the list of changed files - git fetch origin develop:develop # Set up external deps for build tests, b/c they take too long to compile - if [[ "$TEST_SUITE" == "build" ]]; then cp share/spack/qa/configuration/*.yaml etc/spack/; fi #============================================================================= # Building #============================================================================= services: - docker script: - share/spack/qa/run-$TEST_SUITE-tests - if [[ "$TEST_SUITE" == "docker build" ]]; then login_attempted=0; login_success=0; for config in share/spack/docker/config/* ; do source "$config" ; ./share/spack/docker/build-image.sh; if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" != "pull_request" ]; then if [ "$login_attempted" '=' '0' ]; then if echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin; then login_success=1; fi; login_attempted=1; fi; if [ "$login_success" '=' '1' ]; then ./share/spack/docker/push-image.sh; fi fi done; fi - if [[ "$TEST_SUITE" == "unit" || "$TEST_SUITE" == "build" ]]; then codecov --env PYTHON_VERSION --required --flags "${TEST_SUITE}${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}"; fi after_success: - ccache -s #============================================================================= # Notifications #============================================================================= notifications: email: recipients: tgamblin@llnl.gov on_success: change on_failure: always